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6 - First Breakfast Together

"What's the problem with your car?" Rush asked upon nearing him.
Lake just wished that he doesn't look so bad. He felt so small beside Rush because he literally is smaller than the man.
No word came out of his mouth. He thought that this was better than stuttering in front of him.
"Let me see your car." Rush held the hood of his car.
Lake just stood there watching Rush while the latter was checking the engine of his car.
"The problem was the radiator. You also need to tune this up." Rush said after a few minutes.
"I-Is that so? Thank you. I can handle it from here. You should go." He said wanting to get away from Rush.
"Where will you go? Why does your car seem so full?" Rush asked not commenting on Lake's words.
"I just had to go somewhere important."
"I think it's better if I just drive you to where you're going," Rush said.
"Huh? Uhm.. I don't want to trouble you. I'll just take a cab."
"Of course you aren't trouble. It's okay. Let's just transfer your things to my car." Rush wasted no time as he opened Lake's car.
Rush was about to get his things when he spoke again. "A-Are you sure it's okay? Those things are kind of.. a lot."
"No problem. As long as it's for you. " Rush even winked at him.
Lake doesn't understand why Rush was acting like they were old close friends.
He's about to lift one of his covered canvasses when Rush stopped him.
"Lake, put that down. Let me do it. Just stay put. I can handle this."
And Lake obeyed him. He let Rush do the transferring of his things.
When Rush was done, he called someone on his cellphone, which seems like a car repair shop, then he turned towards Lake." So, shall we?" Rush opened the front passenger seat and even bowed like a gentleman. "Hop in."
He hesitantly stepped towards him and the car. "How about my car.."
"Don't worry. I already called the car shop near here. I told them about your car's situation. They'll handle it."
Lake still can't leave his car.
"Lake, the owner is a friend of ours. It's where we entrust our cars. Your car is safe." Rush assured him.
"All right." He slowly stepped into Rush's car. The latter closed the door and went around the driver's side.
While they're on the road, Lake just kept his eyes outside the car window, thinking of things that they could talk about.
"Wh-When did you arrive?" Lake slightly glances at Rush.
"Yesterday morning."
Lake just nodded.
"How are-" They both asked at the same time. Silenced enveloped them, then Rush laughed.
"All right, you first," Rush said.
"No. You go first." He said. Honestly, he doesn't really know what to say or ask Rush.
Rush stared at him intently. Lake blushed as he looked out the window again. He's really bad at this conversation thing, especially when it comes to Rush.
"I was just going to ask you how you are."
Lake returned his gaze to Rush. He looks so sincere with the question. "I'm okay." He answered shortly.
He's not used to someone asking what he feels or what he thinks. He's not used to being the center of someone's attention.
"Last night, I was not able to give my condolences for your Dad's death. So, I want to do it now. My deepest condolences, Lake. I know how hard it was for you." Rush said full of sincerity and sympathy.
Do you know, really? Lake asked in his mind.
"T-Thank you." He still feels emotional when talking about his father.
To his utter surprise, Rush held his hand and squeezed it. He can't even move his head to look at Rush. He just sat there, stone-like, feeling the warmth coming from Rush's hand that covers his small one. The difference in size was so fascinating.
"So, what are you busy with?" Rush's voice was alive again. Lake let Rush intertwine their hands and if Lake's mind was reeling then no one has to know.
But then, what will he answer with Rush's question?
He sighed. "This and that."
"I see. Seems a lot." Rush laughed and Lake's heart fluttered at the sound. "What are these covered things? To whom are these for?"
"They're my friend's. I'll just bring it to her studio." He did not say the truth because he knows that Rush will not be interested in what he does.
"I think, we better go to a restaurant first and have breakfast. I bet we both haven't eaten yet." Rush said upon glancing at his wristwatch.
"Huh? Eh, ahm.."
"We won't take long." Rush almost pleaded.
Rush smiled. He stopped the car in the parking lot of the first restaurant that they saw. Rush kissed the back of Lake's hand that's still intertwined with his before letting it go and getting out of the car. Lake doesn't know what to do, or why Rush was doing what he's doing. He was pulled out of his thinking when Rush opened his door and helped him get out of the car.
His mind was telling him that he should not have agreed in having breakfast with Rush because it will just prolong their being together, seeing how awkward he is towards the man.
But his stubborn heart was telling him that what he did was right because this might be the first and last time that he'll have breakfast with Rush.
"What do you like?" Rush asked when they're already seated. The man called a waiter who quickly took their orders.
"Yorkshire tea and pancake," Lake said.
"Okay. Coffee and pancake for me." Rush told the waiter.
After the waiter walked away to get their food, they both got quiet. He doesn't know what topic to open, especially when Rush was staring intently at his face.
"W-Why are you doing that?" Lake awkwardly asked when he finally got the courage to speak, even though he can't look straight at Rush.
"What?" Rush asked with fake innocence. He was grinning.
"Why are you staring at me?" Lake felt like they came back to that time where Rush was teasing and annoying him.
"Simple. I love staring at you."

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  • avatar

    very good story


  • avatar

    gay story


  • avatar
    Mariafe Gracio



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