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Chapter six

Chapter six
I remember the process so well. Uncle had found me later on and had taken me home quite easily. It was me in my best behavior so that my plan that day could be a success.
Maybe, Montana came with its own bad luck.
If I could leave it, maybe my life could be different.
Uncle had tucked me up in bed and did nothing but give me a gentle pat on my shoulder that was suppose to give me strength.
I could have felt bad and changed the plan there and then. But my mind suddenly stopped working ever since.
After I was sure he was fast asleep, I took nothing but the two necklaces and began scurrying through the house in the dim light of the dying lantern.
I'd reached the door shortly afterwards and was quietly working on the latch when on second thought, I decided to check up on Uncle one last time. So I headed for his room and pushed the door open.
Uncle Tim hung from the rusty old ceiling fan with a fallen stool just under him. I gawked…unsure of the emotion I should be feeling right now
Had he patted me as a goodbye? Was he suddenly feeling guilty of all he'd done and has chosen to end his life?
With all these questions ravaging my mind, I stood and put in everything that had happened to me in such an early stage of my life.
But now I had nothing to turn back to, determination set in again and I went for the door.
It was the worst run I'd ever made. Through the dark and humid hours of dawn, I surged on. Even when I had no idea of where I was going.
But instincts led. I hadn't exactly stepped foot out of Montana before and I knew no one at all. But I would survive; and that for sure was going to happen.
"So," I grinned for the first time since my story began. Straightening from my slumped position, I braced my elbows upon my thighs and took a whole new pound of air.
"You were just seven," said the old lady at my side with something between sadness and wonder on her face. "Los Angeles is nowhere for you to wander alone at that age. How did you grow?"
"That's too fast lady," my smile turned warmer and I summarized. "You know I didn't even know a city called LA existed. I just followed the voice in my head; and before I knew, I was sneaking into a pickup truck at 4am in the morning. Hungry…little, alone. God only knows how long I'd cried on that trip. But the pain strengthens us, doesn't it? "
" And how did you manage to feed? " Came the second question from a young brunette.
I shrugged as though it was nothing. But deep down, I couldn't help but be grateful whatever led me.
"When the truck arrived at its destination, I suppose I was still fast asleep. Actually I'd awoken parked before a gym. Seemed my ride was a delivery truck for dumbbells."
"I stepped off and looked up to the sky. Wasn't exactly sure who I was praying to because I kind off…hated God back then. "
I chuckled at the thought.
Undoubtedly, I'd learned a lot the hard way at that young age, but I had still thought like a child that I was.
" To me…He was the reason my life was useless. I mean if mom taught us to pray and all he did was shut his ears, it's termed heartless isn't it."
A pause came from my side which I used to study the floor.
" Never really realised it was all part of the shaping up I needed for that one big plan of my life."
My feet led me through the double doors of the gym very slowly.
Although shy, I looked through the enormous space inside bubbling with activity.
From scary large men lifting dumbbells taller than I was…to ladies stretching like cobras just by my left side.
I went deeper, not minding my dirty clothes and body…or my grumbling stomach. As far as a new smile was lining my mouth, it was heaven. Several more gymnastics and exciting looking people of Los Angeles thrilled me in such a short while.
Who would have thought there could be much more life and color than the darkness of Montana?
And finally, when my gaze rested upon a pair of shirtless men on what I recognized to be a boxing ring, it was a new paradise for me. They wore boxing gloves; and shorts; and head shield just like I used to see on TV.
After having convinced myself to go closer for a better look, a strong hand came upon my shoulder just before a voice thundered from above. "And where do you think you're going?"
Very slowly, I raised my eyes to the gigantic man glaring down at me. I should have searched for an answer, but the look of anger and disapproval on his face quickened my heartbeat.
"I…" I began to stutter the pronoun several times. His face squeezed even more in impatience; but ironically, my confidence came back to me. And I rattled the first words that came to my head. "I wish to see the boss."

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    Ericson Indico

    I love you so much


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    Haikal Karl



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