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Chapter 4: Razian Empire

I came across the information I needed and now I'm sure that this world is different from where I came from. This is like another world perhaps.
The founding empire is called the 'Razian Empire' it means the blooming of a new tomorrow, the prosperity that comes within bloodshed. This empire existed for more than half a thousand years, it was founded by the 1st emperor who started the conquest and unification of the western continent. He was a good king, he had put peace first more than anything else in this continent, he loves peace thus he loves his country.
So what persuaded him to sacrifice hundreds and thousands of men for the conquest and unification of the western continent? It was not of intention but the reason is quite simple, to avenge those who fell victim to the war and conquerors created by the greed of men. He put his men in line as a sacrifice for a hundred years of peace. Yes, he was a good man who turned vengeance over pride to give up the word 'prosperity' from his era.
His wife (the late queen) died from the conquer of a neighboring kingdom, as you know, this king was quite welcoming to everyone, he accepts people without a doubt, regardless of status neither their origins, though he was a wise man, he was also a naive idealistic who happens to have a dream of ending (war and violence) and seek only for peace. He accepted the other kingdoms without any other hesitation for he had never thought his decision would backstab him later.
With his nativity, more of his people died from the merciless and ruthless slaughter of another kingdom. His naivety that most of the other kings took advantage of became a massive tyranny. His button was triggered, so I'm not actually surprised that he'd rather take everything to fulfill his ideal dream.
Throughout a year of peace, he had prepared thousands of men, trained them day and night, and searched for skilled swordsmen who become generals, colonels, lieutenants, and captains to divide his men into various divisions. Then the 1st prince created the 'Silver Knights Order Of The Great Mystical Golden Leon' or in short term, the 1st division which the prince has the privilege to search for a fine young man who has both talent, intelligence, and ability to join the army.
Most of the king's possession had been put on the military budget, while half had been given to improvise the agriculture of his kingdom, the tax had been severed but he had not forced those who has nothing, and his people started to see the changes of their king for the last years since that incident.
In terms of agreeing to his method, he should have first prioritized his people's needs before engaging in upgrading his military militia, I'm sure if that to put it out, he won't be having a problem with budget shortage, and if he had first upgrade the economy of his kingdom as well as the agriculture, then the problem of the military will be solved.
Although my opinion doesn't matter, his method is rather risky if you put it in a simple column, and, with his wealth, he should have thought of finding a business first or asking his people for opinion. With a lack of trust, I suppose he even doubts his people now that his nativity has fallen off the grip.
With the least time he can give his people and the army, they have to rush everything even though it will only lead to a shortage of their budget. They lack time and time is their enemy, this has proven to them that they cannot accomplish everything in a mere time. So I supposed the idea of extending the time was the only solution they could get.
The prince thought of an idea of improvising their military militia, the teaching of the western continent will not be enough, so they had to bargain with foreigners from other continents and learn their tactical teaching for strategy both tactics and formations, that also include teachings for swordsmanship and a way to boost the rate of their victory.
This is also the origin of the western technology that the army had been using. Ballista was introduced to the prince while observing the function of its technology, the weapon Ballista is short for a big bow for archery, a Ballista is a weapon that launches either bolt or stones while of course this had been used long ago, this weapon is truly manifesting to watch.
I've seen one before, this had mainly been used by an enemy archer who has the strength to wield such an enormous weapon. The Ballista is a dangerous piece of work but to carry this in every battle is ridiculous, it has a weighted projectile of about (26 kg [57 lb]). So adopting to use this can be troublesome, however, it was useful years back.
I wasn't aware that Ballista can boost the rate of victory, long-range weapons are very important but they can also be varied if the enemy decided to attack the artillery instead of the vanguard. Because artillery can't protect themselves while protecting those that attack in battle, it was very convincing but they appear vulnerable to the enemy's eye.
After the development of their new technology and many months of training their army, the king had finally regained his urge for unification.
Finally, the unification had begun and the Razian Empire was founded, although it wasn't an easy and challenging path to be aware of. The empire had been shaken off countless of times during many eras that passed by, henceforth that was the cause why Razian became stronger than any of the regions.
So Crambell Family was one of the remaining households who had to survive for over 400 years, they had made a name for themselves even though they are not but just a status of marquees. Although that's true, Marquis Crambell is already considered higher than a Duke's status for many reasons.
The Crambell Family was founded by a hero who once fought at a war between the Razian Empire and its rebelled kingdom, mocked by its name 'Lehardo' he brought countless victories alongside the emperor who had rewarded him the title 'Marquees' and territory of his own.
The hero of the Razian Empire, our great ancestor, is a man who came from a family of a poor commoner who had nothing on a dining table but a piece of bread. When his family died from puberty, he arose at his hiding place and took the exam for knights that will change his life forever.
So basically he was a knight and according to the book, he is not just an ordinary swordsman, he was also blessed with the ability to predict any outcomes that may come to the empire, may danger or attack. A strategist who was both maniacs on the battlefield and a lord of prediction, so he is just like me, a swordsman who is good with predictions and tactics.
I once knew a few of those people, they give me the least inspiration when I'm stuck with an outcome that I can't understand or a prediction with both sides is a wrong choice.
So Lehardo climbs from the top of the ranking showing his ability and joining tournaments. The hero is a title that was given to him when he won a tournament that the emperor had prepared, the preparation of the hero is to only ascend him in the more dangerous path that leads to the unknown.
After the countless victories he offered at the peak of the empire, he had finally thought of retiring from his position as well as his name, however, his actions were rewarded with the territory and a new title as marquees.
Crambell is a loyal dog of the empire, they had been the loyal howl of the empire who had devoted their dignity for the empire. Whoever sits at the throne, they will gladly accept them and whoever owns the throne, they shall bow down to them and lead them to glory, and thus they will gladly help them. The honor and pride of the Crambell do not let them kneel to someone other than the emperor, or the empire's future emperor ━ not even the dukes.
Their pride is equivalent to the empire's honor, regardless of their boldness, the empire accepts them as their dignity. The Crambell is known to be the wise and wealthy family of knights who are also both good with business such as commerce and trading.
How come? The reason is simple, there is a rule amongst the Crambell (and the empire) that a man is meant for the battlefield and other stuff like alchemist while women are meant for court like salon and business and stuff. That rule had kept the Crambell wealth and solidified the pride of a knight to remain strong in the social circle.
The empire had always been strict, I heard that the empire had forbidden any female swordsman to take over a weapon and wield them because they cannot in any circumstances wield weapons and fight men and monsters. Such a rule made my stomach twist from disgust, if not for my family I would have thought this empire is a pile of nonsense but I understand the circumstances that females are forbidden to fight and act like a man.
I just can't remove the feeling that my talents are far useless now for I can't use them. What am I supposed to do? As I said, I was born in steel and my life is devoted to fighting. I don't belong to the court, I belong to the battlefield.
"You look tired milady, are you okay?" Anna asked but I can't look at her even though she was so worried about me.

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    Aisha Abi Mangulamas



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    your doing good keep up! this story 💖 making me feel mix emotions 💖


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    Shalstyne L. Siga

    you've done great 💖


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