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Chapter 4- The vows

“What’s going on?” Stan asked Jay, who was pulling over aside the road.
“We are probably out of gas”, Jay replied with a look of regret.
“You’re joking”, Stan replied and broke into hysterical laughter.
He returned his gaze to Jay, who stayed still and glared at him with a face that indicated that he was dead serious.
“Where’s the nearest gas station?” Stan hurriedly asked as his heartbeat accelerated.
“It’s quite far from here. I’m deeply sorry”, Jay apologized and got off the car.
Stan stayed perplexed and dazed. He couldn’t ascertain the next thing to do because all his heart told him was how he was at the verge of losing Carissa forever.
He jerked up and came off the car, rummaging his hand on his head and pacing around in utmost dilemma.
Not only that, but he was unable to pinpoint why out of every other days, the gas chose to get exhausted on this day.
“I would quickly send a message to one of your workers. Another car would be brought here”, Jay suggested, while Stan stared at him unbelievably.
They just had a ride of over thirty minutes and Jay was proposing that another car be brought? That was definitely ridiculous!
“Place an order for a ride, immediately”, Stan yelled impatiently, still pacing around in uncertainty.
“An Uber?” Jay asked dumbly but kept mute the moment Stan shot him a dead glare.
About three minutes later, their ride arrived and without making any utterance to Jay, Stan hopped into the car and gestured on the driver to hurry.
He glanced at his wristwatch and his heart missed a beat. He had never been this worried all his life. He could swear that he would never forgive himself if Carissa ties the knot with someone else.
His phone beeped at that point, causing him to shift his gaze to the phone he held in his hand.
“Check your phone”, the message said as he hurriedly scrolled through his phone.
What he saw caused him to let out a loud scream, startling the driver, who looked back to confirm if he’s okay.
“Don’t look back, just drive, please”, he said to the driver who nodded and stepped on the accelerator.
Slowly, he returned his eyes back to his phone and almost immediately, he turned cold.
He saw a video of Carissa, cladded in a beautiful dress that glittered and shone so bright. She was smiling widely, with a bouquet of flowers in her hands, as she slowly walked down the aisle.
“How many more minutes to the location?” Stan asked in a voice that sounded like a whisper.
“A minute”, the driver replied, clearly confused as to what was probably wrong with his passenger.
“Can you cut it to thirty seconds? I would increase your pay”, Stan said pleadingly.
In a split of a second, the car was swiftly moving past a series of cars, ignoring traffic rules and receiving various yells and honks from other cars.
“We are here”, the driver announced, while Stan dropped a note in his hands and rushed away as though his life were on the line.
She was a few steps away from her groom. Her groom, Ethan, stood at the far end of the aisle, opposite the priest, who was patiently waiting to join them in holy matrimony.
She smiled widely beneath her veil, taking slow and calculative ambles that seemed to rhyme with the sweet, melodious song that was playing to usher her in.
At each side of the aisle, she heard giggles from guests who admired how beautiful she looked.
“Her dress is so pretty”, she heard someone say from the crowd. She couldn’t help but wish that they knew how sorrowful she was at heart.
“Such a beautiful bride”, another guest, gushed out from the right side of the aisle.
Lifting her head slowly, she caught a glimpse of Ethan, who was clad in an elegant dark navy suit. He looked handsome as he smiled widely at his bride, who was approaching him.
It was a beautiful outdoor wedding scene and such that Carissa always wanted in her dreams and imaginations.
The music faded as everyone listened with rapt attention. Carissa had reached her groom and immediately, they faced each other, awaiting the priest to take them through their vows.
“Cherished family members and honored guests. It is indeed a great thing to have you all here, waiting to witness the joining of these two individuals in holy matrimony”, the priest started as the speakers carried his sound to every point of the location.
“In silence, let us thank the lord for this great event”, he continued as everywhere went into total silence.
Carissa stayed still, trying so hard to keep up until the end of the ceremony. Ethan was in elation and at intervals, his eyes met with that of Carissa.
He craved to spew out how beautiful and adorable she looked, but he knew that it wasn’t the right time for that.
Stan hurriedly walked into the wedding premises, with his head turning around searching for Carissa.
He found her at the far end of the aisle, which was decorated with flowers that complimented how beautiful she looked.
The attention of everyone present was focused on the couple, who were at the verge of exchanging their vows.
“Are you ready for your vows?” The priest asked Ethan, who nodded in affirmation.
From the crowd, Stan studied Ethan, who seemed to be some years older than he was.
He was handsome, no doubt. Deep down, Stan felt a wave of jealousy flush through him as he glared at the young and handsome billionaire who was about to claim the love of his life.
“With you in my life, everything is bright and perfect. Like the sun, you brighten my day and make me feel like the luckiest man on earth. I love you so much and can’t wait to explore what life has; together with you, as my wife and partner. I promise to love you, to cherish you, to build with you, to scream with you, to cry with you, and to celebrate with you; in every situation and circumstances”, Ethan said calmly as some guests wiped the tears off their eyes.

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    Nur Ainaa Zulaikha



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