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Drunk Proposal

Drunk Proposal



I don't know how much longer I can take in life if I stayed with her. But no matter what I could not leave her, "Do you understand her?" Why do I have to understand such a selfish person? "I know you do. No mistakes can ever make you hate your sister."
Do I really have to listen to every word? "How about me, Mom? Who will be there for me?" She hugged me as she cried. I hate seeing her cry because of that woman who only thinks highly of herself.
"Serenity, I am here." That's all it takes to take away the loneliness I've been feeling. That's all it takes to endure one more time.
I immediately grab my school bag.
Imagine, getting all worked up early in the morning just for her sake? Why do I have to take the consequences she makes?
I rolled my eyes as I looked at myself in the mirror. This is the same face of the woman, I and will loathe for the rest of my life.
She does not take her life seriously even milli seconds of her life. Honestly, the only mistake my parents did was they gave her the confidence to be the woman she is now.
My hungry stomach wants me to eat a single bread, but my mind says otherwise. I still have to find her and force her to come with me to school.
How the heaven's sake could I locate someone different from me?
I went to the nearest club in our home where our neighbors usually see her, but it's not open yet, none of any clubs are open at this hour of the day.
I gave up on the thought of if she shows up, she will. I still have a lot of things I need to finish and I need to prioritize. If she shows, then good for her. If she didn't show up, that wouldn't be my problem at all.
The library is usually packed every Wednesday so I have to be there as early as I can, a lot of cramming students are camping there. I mean, they have four days before the submission, and to think it's always the same day.
"Aren't you going to thank me?" the moment I saw Kristian waving his hand at me, I went straight to him. "Come on, Serenity. Your forehead is wrinkled again," I don't have to explain anything to him. I just want to sit down and get my work started.
The fact that he is the only friend I have means a lot, of course, people hate me for being her third rate. "Why do I have to wake up and go to school with this face?"
Kristian laughs as I groaned in annoyance, "Even with that thick glasses, I can still Serene from you." He does not know when to give me a break, right?
I was about to answer him when someone from the crowd started pouring water on me, but I wouldn't let her. I took Kris' bottled water and did the same, she's growing mad every time I smirked at her. "You are brave for a copycat."
"And you? You are just one of her minions I doubt she knows your name," I smirked again the moment I saw how she raised her brow at me.
Does she really think that I will let her bully me as she wished? No way! "It does not matter. I hate it that you always try to good look."
"I don't know what you are doing in school but I hope you know what the meaning of identical twins is," is she trying to outsmart me? Someone like her would never. "The next time you call me copycat you have to make sure that you know what you are talking about so that you wouldn't look stupid."
Kris is definitely enjoying it, I mean why? It's the same scenario every single day and none of them wins an argument with me.
They can't even throw a proper insult. "So, is she the 26th?"
"27th," he began laughing as I corrected him.
"They really never learn," they can always try me. But I will never let them win; over my thick glasses, I will swear that none of them can take the last laugh. "I hope your sister stops them though."
I picked the nearest book and smack it in his head, "She doesn't even know them." That's one hundred percent true. "They are wannabes who would want to be just like her." She rolled her eyes when Kris laugh at her remarks.
Why do I feel like that woman is training a lot just like her? This school will be the end of it if that happens and I just hope, I already graduated from here.
I feel sorry for them, though. But that's the consequence they have to take.
I am thankful that in the sea of hypocrites and trying hard teenagers, I still found Kris. It's really hard to have friends with people who only think of fame.
Well, I can't blame them for being kids at this age. Who wouldn't want to enjoy and have fun except for me?
The only thing I wanted is to graduate from this school and never want to see their faces again.
It's my last year in senior high and I have to be fully prepared for college.
I have dreams and goals I wanted to achieve, and I know that it will be harder than seeing those wannabes. I can just ignore and pretend to be alone in this world.
But as you can see, I am a scholar. My parents can't afford two enrollees at the same time, and as an ambitious woman I am I have to work my ass off.
Why do I need to burn my eyebrows now? Because, unlike that woman, I wanted to be cloth in a white lab coat and treat sick people.
Unlike that woman who likes making people feel sick about themselves. She's crazy like that.
My head automatically turn when I heard a group of people, it was that carefree rich guy again. I mean, he's nice because he does not care about me at all, and his friends are always smiling at me.
But they are making too much noise. Do people really have to remind them that this is the library? "Hi, Adel." My initial reaction when I heard her voice is walking out. I hate being around her. "Don't you miss your one and only sister?"
"I don't have to miss you, Serene." It was too late to leave now, though. So, instead of walking out on her again I will tease and annoy her instead. "I can see your face everywhere." I even pointed out those wannabes who are watching us. "You are just everywhere, Serene."
She twists her long brown curly hair as she touches my long black curly hair with her left hand, "Why are you so salty?" she started laughing to get some attention, she does that every time.
She even gets the rich guy's attention, everyone's attention I mean. "I had too much salt in my egg earlier. I guess it can affect my mood as well." Does she think I will answer her the same way? Nope, I am smarter than her.
She leans her head closer to me as she pulled my hair, "I see you are braver than yesterday." I can see how her jaws clenched. I'm winning, sissy.
I smiled at her as I pull my hair back at her hand, "Can we take your conversation outside?" It's the rich guy that even his eyes smiles! I nodded my head as an answer and pulled Kris with me. "Can we, Miss?"
Serene couldn't take her eyes off of him, "Ah, yes. I'm sorry." Did she just stutter? Did I hear it right? Anyway, who cares? If she likes him, then go for it. Maybe the wind will change, who knows?
I didn't want to make things as complicated as Serene want. All I want is to have my alone time so I could study quietly.
I went out with Kris and was followed by the rich guy who was smiling at us while waiting for Serene.
"You can use this," he must have noticed that my hair is still wet. "You'll catch a cold," His eyes are smiling and I can't help but smile along with him. "So, you have two dimples while your sister has none." I can't help but feel shy.
Kris, the tease, showed him my ID. "I know you are Zybe Gaberiel Lim, right?" The guy in front of us nodded his head and smiled. He really loves smiling, ha.
Serene catch up with her bag on her shoulder. She's not talking nor am I. "I don't know how to do this. But as the student council president, I don't want you guys to cause a scene there."
"Then, I'll go ahead." I know that he is the school body president but I don't know his name and I am not interested. "If you please excuse me, Sir?"
Kris was as astounded as me when he laugh, "Now, I can first-handedly experience the difference between you two," I adjusted my eyeglasses. What's funny about that? I mean, we're twins but of course, we are different in all aspects. "Sorry, I've heard a lot about you guys and they say that you guys are definitely a cat and a dog. Didn't know that the analogy was really true."
I raised my eyebrow at him, and that stop him from laughing. "Yes, Mister President, and I am the dog. I don't play good girl, I just bite."
I turned around not minding his laugh. Kris runs towards me laughing, "I don't find your remarks laughable, but he's enjoying everything you say." There he goes again trying to link everyone to me.
The first time he did that was when a random guy bumped into me and poured his very hot coffee into my blouse. That's not destiny, that's what we call unlucky.
Then, Kris have to meet his buddies, and while I was walking I met them because I am also meeting him. That's not fate, that's simply a meet-up.
Now, he wants to set me up with that rich guy whose eyes smile along with him? I can't even remember his name even though he speaks a lot in front of everyone.
I just don't simply believe in fate and destiny, because I know that our lives are already written as it is.
So, what's going to happen is really bound to happen.
I don't want to complicate things by overthinking. Life is like a math equation, whatever we decided to do with it, there will always be the result we always wanted. 

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    Rg Magalong

    Sana matupad


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    Flory Besinga

    i need money income


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    Joseph Alberos

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