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บทที่ 16 We still have a deal

CHAPTER 16 - We still have a deal
Author's POV
After all, what they feared was going to happen. But the situation was now looking complicated.
Where on the other hand, both wanted to refuse marriage. Something else seemed written in the fate. Was there a spark between the two hearts? Or was there something that kept them together?
Hearing the news of their marriage, both their faces turned pale.
Both were fighting in the battle of mind and heart.
Concerned, Xingyue said. "Mom, isn't it too fast? I mean, we don't know each other till now."
Passing her glares, her mom stood up, arguing with her. "You know each other enough. I'm doing it for your sake, Xingyue. You're already 24 years old. How long do you want to wait for him? Huh?"
As her mom started shouting at her, it made the situation more embarrassing for her. "MOM, STOP IT," she yelled.
Her mom's anger was on top of the next level as she was about to shout back when Xi Song pulled Xingyue to her side. "Aunt, don't worry. She is just feeling shy." Gripping her hand, he dragged her out as she silently followed him.
Dragging her to the garden area, he freed her hand. "What's with that attitude, Xingyue? She is your mom, after all. I understand you don't want to get married to me. But don't shout at your mom, at least."
She gazed down while her eyes started forming tears as she felt frustrated.
"I don't know... I'm just lost." Her voice cracked in between her sobs as Xi Song stared at her, worried. "X-Xingyue? Are you alright?"
While elevating her chin, her moist eyes met his concerned face as he moved back, seeing her crying. "Why are you crying?"
She pouted while her tears rolled down, making her look like a baby.
"I-I don't want to shout at her. I'm feeling miserable."
His brows creased while pulling together as he lifted his hand, patting her head. "Everything is alright, Xingyue. We still have a deal, remember."
Upon hearing this, she recalled their deal of refusing each other.
While wiping her tears with the back of her hand, she looked at the sky. "How can I forget? I can still stop the wedding." Her loud sobs turned into a mocked grin as her hands clasped together excitedly.
"Why I'm acting stupid? It's not like we're married already." Giggling, she walked back while dancing, whopping, making him dumbfounded.
Flickering his eyes, he sighed. "Thank God. I'm not actually marrying her."
Xia Na's POV
Working overtime on my desk, I yawned when Mr. Han passed through my desk. Seeing me yawning, he came to me as I stammered and stood up.
With a tired look on my face, I bowed to him. "Good morning, Mr. Han."
Worried, he checked on me. "Miss Xia, weren't you asleep last night?"
Nodding my head, I tried to smile but failed. "I was working on Mr. Ling's cooperation record. I didn't notice when the morning came."
His lips partially opened as he passed me a cup of coffee. "You worked hard last night. Go, take a rest now, Miss Xia. Also, can you go to Mr. Ling's residence and bring his signature on this file?"
Handing me a file, he massaged his shoulder when I noticed dark circles near his eyes. "Mr. Han, were you working last night too? I think you need a rest."
Smiling at me, he replied. "Xingyue is on holiday. So, I'm thinking about leaving less work for her. She has suffered a lot in the past weeks."
Still massaging his shoulder, he walked away as I chuckled at the fact.
"Wow! It seems like Mr. Han cares a lot about his assistant."
Placing a hand on my mouth, I giggled while taking the files and leaving the office.
After resting for a while, I went to Mr. Ling's residence for the signature.
My mouth was wide open as soon as I stepped inside the residence.
His house seemed surrounded by huge gardens. From the outside, it looked no less than a film shooting set.
There were flowers of various varieties. While on the other side, the attractive fountains of water were flowing.
My eyes started glittering at the sight of his luxurious house.
With my jaw dropped, I looked around. "Am I dreaming? Is this even real?" As I was busy in my world, a man wearing a black suit came to me.
"Good day, Miss Xia. We heard that you came to meet Mr. Ling."
Coming out of my thoughts, I instantly nodded as he signaled me. "This way, Miss Xia."
Stupidly nodding my head, I walked after him as he took me inside the residence. Their floor was shining like a mirror. I could see myself clearly, which made me amazed. The light yellowish light coming from the chandelier shined brighter than the sun. "W-wow!" escaped from my mouth like a thousand times. It made me speechless, knowing how rich our client was. Taking me to the hall, he bowed. "Miss Xia, Sir is coming in five minutes. Please, wait until I bring some drink for you."
With this, he left me alone as I stood there dumbfoundedly when my gaze followed the photographs plastered on the wall.
Narrowing my eyes, I moved further close to them as my eyes fell on a picture of a baby who was crying aloud.
A grimace of a laugh escaped from my mouth as it drove me crazy. "How stupid this baby is looking. OMG!"
His cute little eyes went completely mad when he cried. It somehow reminded me of my younger brother. "He looks exactly as Xiao Xiao. Is he my lost brother? Hahaha!"
As I was busy laughing, I didn't know that someone was glaring at me from behind.
While crossing his hands, a young man ground his teeth as he yelled at me, causing me to flinch back. "ARE YOU DONE COMMENTING ON ME?"
Suddenly, hearing the familiar voice, I turned back as my eyes met a person I didn't expect to see today. "L-ling Xiao?"

หนังสือแสดงความคิดเห็น (195)

  • avatar

    it was quite dusty, which seems like an old cherished picture.


  • avatar
    Keminha Keminha

    curti bastante


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