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Eryna had taken her seat beside the table where Micah sat. The waiters slowly brought in the food, The rich aroma of the steak on the table brought water to Eryna’s mouth as she looked at it with a romantic gaze.
“Are you satisfied with the dishes,” A familiar voice spoke from Eryna’s side which made her look in that direction. The man who had saved her from falling stood right beside the table with a welcoming gaze.
“You…?” Eryna was puzzled for why he was standing there like that,
“Oh, I forgot to introduce myself, I am the Managing Director here and I will be helping you out for as long as you stay here,” He spoke with a warm voice and stared at Eryna. He made it seem like Micah wasn’t even present here.
“Wow!! That’s so nice to hear, It was nice meeting you,” Eryna smiled back.
“Be sure to call me when you need something,” He stepped back and walked away.
“Such a sweet guy…” Eryna glanced back at her plate as she mumbled.
“Is he your second prey?” Micah who was cutting into his steak spoke with a sullen attitude.
“How did you know that?”Eryna replied with a teasing voice and poked into the steak with a fork.
‘Agh!! I can’t even pick up a knife,’
Eryna’s eyes watered as she realized that she was unable to cut off the steak.
The fork in Eryna’s hand slipped off and fell on the floor. Micah knitted his eyebrows at this.
A waiter who stood not very far away brought in a new set.
Eryna huffed and poked into the steak once again and this time she was able to lift it, in one big piece. Eryna decided to bite into it, but the steak slipped off the fork before she could bite into it and landed on the floor. She started at the streak with a sorry gaze.
“You are doing it on purpose Right?” Micah who was a clean freak stared at her with a burning gaze.
“Why are you scolding me? I have hurt my hand, how do you expect me to cut into it?”
Eryna protested as she swung her hand before Micah’s face.
The waiter from before ran back and cleaned up the mess.
“I am so sorry about this, I didn’t mean to cause any of this,” Eryna apologized to the waiter who picked up the fallen food.
“That-it’s okay!” The waiter stared at her speechlessly and then walked away.
Eryna turned her apologetic gaze towards Micah who was cutting into the perfectly cooked steak as the juice oozed out of it. Eryna’s stomach growled at the sight of him relishing his food.
“Ahm…” The guy from before walked in with a plate in his hand, he placed it before Eryna, and she was surprised to see, what was on it. There was a steak just like the one from before but this time it was sliced into bite-size pieces. Eryna was touched and she stared at him with watery eyes.
“I thought you would like it this way,” He spoke.
“I don’t like it. I JUST LOVE IT!!” Eryna picked up her fork and dug it into the bite-sized pieces. She then bit into the steak and let it slowly melt into her mouth.
‘This is heaven, And this guy here is my Angel,’ And dramatically the director guy now had white wings behind him.
Eryna’s imagination came to an end when the chair before her creaked and Micah got up, his plate was still not empty but he walked away without saying another word.
“I will be leaving to Miss, You can enjoy your food now,” He stepped away leaving Eryna alone with her food.
Back in her room Eryna threw herself back on the bed and picked up her phone and turned it on, and surprisingly there were 5 missed calls from Renya. Eryna felt a sudden rush of discomfort in her heart as she felt like something bad had happened.
She dialed back to her and walked into the terrace. The phone rang a few times and finally, Renya picked up.
“Is everything alright?!” The first thing that escaped Eryna’s lips was a worrying question.’
“Yes, everything is fine, But is everything okay with you?” Renya responded in an equal worried manner.
“Yeah, I am great. Guess where am I now?” Eryna spoke in excitement.
“Where?” Renya asked with a curious tone.
“Hmm...I can see the seashore through my window,” Eryna giggled.
‘You mean you are here?! For real?” Renya spoke in an excited tone.
“Yes, I will come home tomorrow, don’t tell Simba. It’s a surprise…”
“This so exciting, What time will you be here?”
“ I am not sure but I will try to be there the first thing in the morning,” Eryna spoke in an assuring tone.
“Renya I will talk to you tomorrow there is someone on the door, Bye”
Eryna switched off her phone again and opened the door, to see the same maid standing outside.
“Miss I am here to change your bandage,” He replied in a sweet tone.
“Okay, Come in,”

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  • avatar
    Kaixine Marei Moreno

    I love the story!! good job author


  • avatar
    Candy Fernandez

    It's a wonderful story ❤️💕 Is there a sequel of this? I really want to know what happens next after reading those last sentences.


  • avatar
    JesusLuiz fernades

    muito bom❤️❤️❤️


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