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chspter four

Roman is nice to have a conversation with. I always enjoy his company.
Austin walked inside the store. "Hi, Roman!" he greets. Roman just smiled at him.

"You're in a good mood?" Julia asked him.
"Is it too obvious? It shouldn't be. I need to be mysterious so that girls can find me interesting," He said, looking in a mirror.
"Since when have you been interested in girls?" I said, mocking him.

He looks at me in disbelief. "Since you rejected me," He scoffed.

"What are you talking about?!" I shouted at him.

"Hey! Don't shout. I was just messing around," Austin said as I glared at him.

"Let's go now, Austin!" Julia called him, smirking at me.

Gosh! What's with him? I don't like it when Austin does that even if it’s a joke. I don’t like it whenever someone says that it looks like Austin likes me. I will not believe anyone who says that unless he’s the one who confessed.

There are a lot of customers today, so I was busy the whole shift. Roman went to the restroom when two guys entered the store. At first, they were like a usual customer, but when they noticed that the guard was not around, the guy in a hoodie went to me and pointed a knife at me while the other one stood by the door.

I was so shocked that I could not move.

“Give me the money," He said sternly.

"We don't have any sales yet," I lied to him.

"You can't fool me, open that box," He threatened me, still pointing the knife at me.

I still didn't say a word and impatiently waited for Roman to arrive.
"Hurry, or else I'll stab you," he said, threatening me.

I tremble with fear. I slowly opened the counter, but suddenly I heard a loud gunshot. I look around to see Roman standing in front of the store with police around him.

The two robbers were immediately caught. I was unharmed, but the trauma is real.

"Cara! Are you okay?" Julia ran to me as soon as she saw that the officer had taken me out of the store.

"I'm okay," I said, still in shock because everything happened so quickly. Austin was still holding my hand. I looked at him and smiled. I didn't let go of his hand because I felt safe.
Roman and the owner handled the situation in the store and let me go home. Julia was afraid to send me home alone, so we used her car to drive me home.
"We can cancel our plans tomorrow," Julia said, looking at me.
"Why?" I asked, "We don't have to, Julia. It's okay. I'll be alright. We can still bake tomorrow." I added.
Are you sure?" Austin asked me.
"Yes. I'm excited, to be honest." I said, staring outside the window.
"Okay, then. I'll wait for you tomorrow,” she replied.

My parents were sleeping when I arrived home. I went to my room and immediately fell asleep.
Mom woke me since my phone was ringing non-stop. I grabbed my phone at the side table, half asleep. It was the owner of the shop, so I called him back.
“Hello? Cara?” he answered the phone.
“Hi! I was asleep. I’m sorry I couldn’t answer the call right away,” I said. Eyes still close.
“It’s alright I know you’re tired. I just want to tell you that I’ll be assigning you to a different store,” the owner said.
“Where is it?” I asked.
“It’ll be at Cornelia Street, down the road.” He said. My eyes went wide. “Is it beside the bookstore?” I asked excitedly as if nothing had happened last night at work.
“Yes, it is. I’m glad you know the place. I have to call Roman too. Rest for today. You can work tomorrow evening.” He hung up the phone. My favorite artist was seen at that bookstore last weekend. Who knows, maybe I’ll see her there. I went to my room and saw my dad fixing his tie.
“You’re late today, Dad,” I told him.
“I woke up late today. Your mom didn’t wake me up today,” he said, shaking his head.
Don’t blame me. You didn’t set your alarm,” mom said, hands in her hips.
Dad starts the motorcycle to leave, “Don’t drive too fast, Dad. Be careful.” I warned him, and he nodded.
“I’ll be at Julia’s place” she just looked at me and asked me about work.
“Are you going to work later?” she asked while watering the plants.
“No. I’ll work tomorrow night” I hope she didn’t know what happened last night.
“I read your manager’s message,” she said. I looked at her then she faced me.

“Don’t work anymore,” she said, sternly.
“No, mom. I need to work. I’m fine. The owner assigned me to a different location,” I said, convincing her to let me still go to work.
“I’m telling you, if anything happens to you, I might die.” She sighed.
“I’m okay, don’t worry. I will be more careful,” I smiled. Mom shakes her head and lets me leave the house.
Dad shouldn't know about this because if so, I'm sure he'll really stop me from working.
As I entered Julia’s house, the smell of cinnamon welcomed me. I think her mom baked cinnamon rolls. I went to the kitchen and found Julia preparing the baking utensils.
“You’re late,” she said, smirking at me.
“No, I’m not. Austin’s not even here.” I told her in my defense. She laughed at me. “He’s outside, having coffee with mom.” She smiled at me.
I went outside to greet her mom.
“I baked cinnamon rolls, have some bite before we bake,” she said, smiling at me. Julia’s mom is beautiful. I love her smiles.
I sat with them and ate cinnamon rolls.

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  • avatar
    Anna Masagca



  • avatar
    Mine Dimatulac

    so good 😊


  • avatar
    Nazer Fetalino

    ganda nah kwento


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