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บทที่ 9 Telekinesis

            Kylie's POV 
That was the annoying sound I have been hearing that did not want me to sleep.
I groaned and roll on the bed.
" Someone should off that annoying thing." I said with a weary tone using my hand to look for the alarm clock on the nightstand beside my bed.
Something fell, I was happy I thought it was the alarm clock but not until I heard the beeping sound.
" Let me use my telekinesis power, off you stupid thing, off. I command you to.... "
" I am no more hearing the beeping sound.. I have powers. " 
I felt something wet touching my face.
" Wait is rain falling here ? "
It was still dripping on my face, I twitched my nose.
" Mum.... Rain is falling or am I outside, no I am in my room."
" Seriously rain is...."
I could not finished the sentence because of the heavy downpour that fell on me.
My eyes opened widely only to meet the culprit responsible for me being wet. He was standing in front of me holding a bowl laughing.
I looked at everywhere my bed and me were already wet.
I glared at him, he kept on laughing.
" Ken, why can't you just wake me up as a normal person will do." I frowned squeezing my top.
" Good morning to you too, beautiful sis." He said grinning.
I glared at him.
" What ?! I tried to wake you up in a normal way but my sis is not normal so why should I ? " He chuckled. " Telekinesis, rain is falling in your room." He said laughing hysterically that his eyes became teary.
" Even a seven year old can think better that you do, sometimes....." He said moving towards the door.
" I do wonder between me and you who is the kid here." He said and ran off.
" Why you... You know no Oreos for you." I shouted.
" I love you sis." He shouted back.
I scoffed and rolled my eyes then dashed into the bathroom with water dripping out of my clothes on the floor.
Immediately I'm through with bathing, wore my uniform and applied my make up then packed my hair in pony tail. I went downstairs.
I met Ken and mom sitting on the dinning.
" Mom, good morning ." I pecked her cheeks.
" Morning dear." She smiled at me.
Ken was stuffing his mouth with his same old cereal, I wonder if he will ever get tired of eating it.
I rolled my eyes and knocked his head.
" Ouch, Mom Kye hit my head." He said letting out a fake cry .
" You deserved it." I stuck my tongue out to him and sat down.
" Why ? " He was rubbing the spot I hit.
" For not being normal, I'm trying to reset your brain and for making my bed wet."
" It is not my fault."
" So whose fault is it then ? " 
" Well it is because I have an abnormal sister that's why." He shrugged.
" Mom !! " 
" What ?!... Why are you calling me in your matter ? It is not my fault I have abnormal kids who I love so much." My mom said as she blew kisses to us.
I and Ken rolled our eyes.
" Well we got it from you." I said as I take a bite from the bacon.
" Well I'm crazy.." She said with a chuckle. " Anyways Ken your bus is almost here so hurry up and Kylie, Alex will drop you. I'm going out." She said sipping her milk.
" Okay Mom." Both I and Kye said in unison.
I lazily strolled down the hallway towards my locker stuffing all my books and take the one I will be needing then closed it.
I got startled immediately I saw Anna smiling weirdly at me.
" You scared me."
" Really ? I don't mean to." She pouted.
" It is okay." I let out a yawn.
" You are still feeling sleepy ? "
" No...I'm fine."
" If you say so, so how was your detention ? "
" It was okay." I shrugged. 
Did they figured I ditched ? I feel like a criminal now all thanks to those boys.
" Okay ? Detention is not always okay. It is either bad or bad not okay. I remember the time I was given detention it was like I was given hell. "
I shrugged. " It was pretty fine to me ."
" Who was with you ? "
" Ashton and I were given detention and his friends came to keep him company."
" Ashton Ashton like Ashton , Ashton." She said chanting his name in disbelief.
" Yeah. The dude you were talking about in the cafeteria yesterday." I said rubbing my neck.
" Like seriously ! You are damn lucky, any girl will kill to be in your place . Alone with them and you said it was okay, damn you are supposed to say it was great."
I rolled my eyes.
"I don't know what is special about them that makes you girls swoon over them."
" Girll.... Everything !!! " She exclaimed.
" They look like Greek gods. Have you seem those abs ? Oh my God anytime I see it I feel like licking it. Because of that I love P.E  and anytime they sing..." She trailed offthen went into her dreamy thought about the boys, I think.
" They sing ? "
" They are a musical band, they called themselves the Drake."
" The Drake what absurd name to call a band name. Drake is somebody's name."
" Yeah but this Drake is an acronym, d dot r dot a dot k dot e... D. R. A. K. E."
" Oh so it stands for Dexton, Ray, Ashton and Eric so what does the K stands for ? "
" Kelly."
" Who is Kelly ? "
" He is part of the band but he relocated or move to another school no one knows people just assumed things when they did not see him again."
" Oh okay."
" As I was saying ...."
" I don't want to hear any fangirling's comments we should get to class so stop talking about them." I said dragging her along with me.
" You can't blame, they are hot. A perfect boyfriend material..." She said swooning.
" Am I dreaming ? " She said out of nowhere tapping me.
" Huh ? " I turned to her.
She was fanning herself using the other hand I did not hold.
" Ashton is walking towards us." Her face is already red.
I rolled my eyes.
" Hey." I heard his voice behind me. His accent was rich and exotic.
" Hey." I smiled at him.
" Please can you excuse us ? " He said to Anna.
" Oh no problem." She smiled and walking away but not without winking at me.
I rolled my eyes.
" So how is your grandma ? "
Why is he asking for my grandma ? Oh the lie that is why it is not good to lie.
" She is dead." I said sadly.
" I'm sorry."
" Why are you sorry ? You are not the one that caused her death or are you ? " 
He chuckled. " Stop acting like you are okay, I know we are not friends but you could tell me how you are feeling, I will listen."
Tears welled up in my eyes.
" I'm not okay, why did she have to die ? Why can't she not wait a little bit ? Why ? ....." I sobbed with my lips quivering.
I wiped my tears but more was coming, it was not fake tears. It is the tears I could not shed on the day I received the call that grandma was dead.
I rested my head on his chest. " She was my music, my song. Why did she leave so soon ? I did not even hear her last words just because I was far away. I missed her, I wish she could come back. I wish there was a way but there is no way. She is gone Ashton I want her back...." I said as my voice cracked hitting my head on his chest.
He patted my back comforting me.
" It is okay." 
" It is not okay, I wished I'd stay... She won't have die."
" Even if you stay she will still die."
I hit him on his chest. " You are not good at comforting someone." I pouted.
" What I'm saying the truth... We can not avert what life is going to give you only what we can do is how to face and tackle it...so face the situation your grandma is dead and stop blaming yourself, you are not the cause of her death."
I smiled at him.
" I have wet your top with my tears." I said raising my head up using my hands to straighten his top.
" I'm sorry."
" It is mo problem ..... I have an extra t-shirt in my locker and besides it is not that stain."
" Thank you."
" For ? "
" For giving me your shoulder to cry on it felt so good." I said taking a deep breath.
He smiled. " Let's go."
" To ? "
" Somewhere ." That was his reply.
" We are skipping classes, class has started."
" I promise we will back in school before lunch break."
" We are even skipping school ?! "
" Trust me ." He said in a pleading tone.
" Trust you ? I just met you yesterday I don't know whether you want to sell my body parts."
He rolled his eyes " I know we are not friends yet but please just trust me on this one."
" I hope I do not regret this."
" So that is a yes."
" Yes."
" Let's go." He said and dragged me along with him.

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  • avatar

    i love your imagination, thank you for inspired me.. basic to tge teenager story🥰


  • avatar

    super ganda niya


  • avatar
    Maicajoy Quinonez

    it's good


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