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บทที่ 14 Smoke my problem

• Kylie's POV 
“ I wonder who owns these.” I heard someone say, well thankfully before she opened the door, an idea struck me to hide in one of the toilet and I did.
So she did not see me but I left my stuff were there, did not have time to pack it.
“ This eyeglass looks expensive...”
If she take my eyeglass what am I going to wear.
“ Don't sell my eyeglass, it won't be bring any profit.” I said, hoping she changed her mind about taking it.
She laughed, her laugh sounds melodiously.“ So you are in there, why did you leave your stuff on the floor ? ”
“ Well I'm releasing all the contents in my stomach feeding this poor toilet, it need food.” I said leaning on the door.
“ Really ? I hope those contents doesn't stink.” 
“ Trust me it doesn't, it smells like flowers” I said with a laugh.
“ Indeed.”
I started to cough when I inhaled a smoke.
“ Are you smoking ? ” I asked her, coughing profusely.
“ Yeah, you want some.” She said.
“ No, I don't smoke. Smokers are liable to die young.”
She laughed. “ I have been smoking this shit for months, nothing happened so that shit is bull shit.”
I giggled.
“ What amusing you ? ”
“ When you said that shit is bullshit, it sounds funny to me.” I said with a cough.
“ You are one weird girl. ” I heard her say with a chuckle.
“ Oh I know people do tell me that a lot.”
I wonder who has told me that I'm weird oh yeah my mom.
“ Well they aren't lying.”
I laughed and coughed at the same time. “ Please stop smoking.”
“ If it is about me dying young, that shit is fake.”
“ Well that is not why I said it, I said it because it was making me cough and also the shit is not fake.... You are making me swear, Jesus Christ have mercy.” I said as I did a cross sign on my chest.
She chuckled.
“To be sincere it is true, smokers die young. Those things you smoke is deceiving you, making you think it is not harmful because of the good feeling you enjoy when smoking or taking drugs but one thing you are ignorant of is that it kills you. It might takes time but it is affecting every organs. Your lungs will start to wane then it will disappear...”
She chuckled. 
“ I am serious.” I said sharply.
“ I did not say you aren't.”
I sigh. “ Well you are not taking it serious , it might not affect you now but that does not mean it is not affecting your health. It is a gradual process then you will have lung cancer then die.... I wonder why you smoke.”
“ Should there be a reason for someone to smoke ? ”
“ Yes, I think so. People smoke for a reason... people smoke for enjoyment but because they see other people doing it maybe one of their family members or friends, people also smoke to relieve depression, they want to forget everything so they smoke , they do smoke to relieve cold and to relieve stress and tension , just to relax but what they are ignorant of the dangers of smoking....
.... I wonder why you smoke, you are a teenager... Is school stuff troubling you ? Do you have family problems or You have a kid that is stressing you out. Many possibilities are just coming to my head on why you smoke, tell me why.”
I heard her sniffed.
“ Are you crying ? ”
“ I have a kid but he is not stressing me, he is the sweetest thing that  have ever happened to me. I love that little tramp... I don't smoke because of him, it is because I want to forget  how I got him, I want to smoke my problem away but it seem not to.” She said teary.
Tears rolled down my cheeks hearing her say that.
“ You have a kid ? ”
“ Yeah. ” 
“ Smoking does not blow away your problem, it might be a one time enjoyment but it is an everyday destruction... Think about your kid, what will happen to him when you leave the world... He will be very sad and lonely, you don't want that for your child right ? ”
She gasped then I realized that I came out, no wonder I could see a petite fair blonde girl sitting on the floor resting her back on the wall near the sink holding a cigarette, she was pretty.
“ I did not drink right ? Or does this cigarette has alcohol or weed ? ” She stood up.
“ Right now , I'm seeing the world greatest popstar.” She said, shaking her head in disbelief.
“ I won't actually call myself the world greatest, there are lot of people who are popstar who sing a lot better that me.”
“ You are Kye ? ”
“ Yeah .” I nodded.
Then she fainted.
“ What happened to her now ?  What should I do to her ? ”
I should have just gone with that I'm her imagination.
I splashed water on her face making her gain conciousness. Her eye lids were shaking then her eyes opened.
She sigh staring at me, “ It was all a dream. ” She mumbled, sitting herself up.
Well my make up is already on so she can't know that I'm the one.
“ What dream ? ”
“ A dream that I saw Kye, we were talking... Why am I telling you ? ” She snapped.
I rolled my eyes. “ Well it is not a dream.” I sat near her.
“ You saw her too.”
“ Well I'm her.”
“ You are her ? Aren't you the scholarship student ? How are you her ? ”
“ I don't know...” I shrugged. “... Her is just me.”
“ Hahaha... very funny.” She said with sarcasm dripping in her tone.
“ Serious.... I would have clean my makeup but it will be difficult to put it back.”
“ You are putting on makeup ? ”
“ Yeah to hide my identity... To convince you that I'm Kye I will sing any of my songs, so choose one.”
“ Sing drug.”
“Okay, I will sing the chorus part. Is that okay by you ?”
She nodded her head.
I used my hand to drum on the floor giving me the beat of the song.
And started singing melodiously.
🎶 I can not do without you.🎶
🎶 I feel like I'm addicted to you.🎶
🎶 You have become a drug.🎶
🎶 You are my drug.🎶
🎶 Ooooooooo. 🎶 I vocalized that part.
🎶 You heal me....
I wanted to sing it all but she cut me off with her scream.
I closed my ears with my hands.
“ Oh my god... You are Kye.” She shrieked.
“ Please stop screaming.”
“ Sorry, I'm sorry... Elle calm down.” She said breathing in and out.
“ Thank you.” 
“ What are you doing in our school ? ”
“ To learn, so to have a good environment for learning. I disguised myself as someone else to experience what high school is.... Please keep it as a secret.” I said with a pleading eyes.
“ I will, I promise.... I can't believe that you are here, can I get a hug ? ”
“ Sure.” I hugged her.
She hugged me back.
The door suddenly opened and a girl came inside.
Our heads turned to see the girl but we were still in each other's embrace.
The girl looked at us in disgust, I wonder what is going on in the girl's mind.
I disengaged from the hug, “Hi.” I waved at her.
“ I am just going to leave and you guys can continue with whatever you are doing.” She said and walked out.
“ She definitely thinks that we are lesbian.” Elle said.
“ Definitely.” I laughed staring at the girl's retreating figure.
“ So let's seal it with a kiss.” She said making kissy sounds.
“ Eew...” I said and take my stuff.
“ Babe come on don't be shy.”
“ You are already going crazy.” I said and ran out, she followed me.
I hit something, I mean someone. I looked up it was Eric.
“ What's with you guys and hard chest ?” I said, hitting his chest.
I expected him to laugh but his eyes were teary.
Did I hit him that much which made him cry ?
“ What's wrong Eric ?” I asked him, with my tone lacing with concern.
I traced his eyes and saw he was looking at Elle who was also in tears.
Something is definitely up.
Then she ran.
“ Elle...” I called her, I ran after her. She climbed up the stairs and the second stairs, she sat down not able to run further. Her body was vibrating as she was crying.
“ Elle what's wrong ? ”
She kept on crying and brought a cigarette.
I slapped it away.
“ Stop smoking and tell me what's wrong.” I shouted.
“ He is father of my child.” She shouted.
“ Father ? ”

หนังสือแสดงความคิดเห็น (118)

  • avatar

    i love your imagination, thank you for inspired me.. basic to tge teenager story🥰


  • avatar

    super ganda niya


  • avatar
    Maicajoy Quinonez

    it's good


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