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บทที่ 10 Good bye world

                 Kylie's POV 
" You said I will not regret this, I did." I said.
" I did not say so. I remembered vividly when you said I hope I do not regret this and I said so that is a yes then you said yes so I did not assure if you will regret it on not." He said sitting on the floor placing his hand on his chin.
" I hate you." I said glaring at him.
I know you are confused on what is going on, let me take to the beginning from where we left the school.
~~~~ Flashback begins ~~~~
" So where are we going ? " I asked him as we walked out of the hallways.
" Somewhere." That was his answer.
" Does it not have a name ? "
" Well I'm not telling you."
I rolled my eyes.
" Why ? "
" Please stop asking questions, it is frustrating. " He said frustrated.
" Well it is also frustrating when I don't know where I'm going." I said as we walked out of the building.
Immediately we reached the school compound the security guard saw us.
" Hey are you guys not supposed to be in class ? " He asked walking towards us.
Ashton held my hand and said " Run. "
He didn't even give me time to register what is happening he dragged my hand and ran.
" Oh God I'm going to get another detention on my second day and it will be because of you again. " I whined.
" Oh please, he is not going to catch us."
" I'm not worrying about him catching, I'm worrying about the detention I will get."
He rolled his eyes.
" So how are we going to escape ? "
" The gate is opened, so we are going to run out of it with full speed."
" I can't run."
He stopped running I also did making me come in contact with his back.
" Why did you stop ? "
" Hop on."
" Hop where ? " I looked at him raising my eyebrows at him.
He bend a little. " My back."
My face flushed red as I climbed on his back.
He did not even wait for me to balance well on his back, he picked up his pace immediately I climbed his back but he help positioned me well on his back.
It was enjoyable , so this is what I have been missing. I  love piggyback.
The breeze blew my hair up, I closed my eyes to enjoy the sensation the wind is giving me.
" Stop you two." I heard the panting voice of the security guard.
When I am already enjoying is that is when he knows he want to stop.
" Get down." He said breathing very hard.
I got down.
" It is not like I am heavy." I scoffed.   " I am light as a feather."
He laughed mocking me. " Light as a feather ?.... Girl you weigh like an elephant."
I rolled my eyes feeling offended with what he said, I have been on diet ever since I started music now this idiot is telling me I'm fat.
" So where are we going ? "
" Stop asking I'm not telling you." He said bringing out his car keys then inserted inside the key hole of the car beside us.
" I did not even notice that a car is beside us."
" That's because you are blind." He said searching for something inside his car.
" Hahahaha.....very funny." I said with fake laugh.
He rolled his eyes and brought out a bag.
" What is in there ? " I asked eyeing the bag, maybe that is where he want to keep my body.
" Clothes." He said bringing out a big hoodie and stretch it to me. " Take."
" What do I want use it for ? " I took it.
" What did they use cloth for ? Changed your school wear to it."
" Where ? "
He sigh. " You can dress in my car, I will dress outside."
" Is it only this hoodie I'm wearing ? " I said spreading out.
It was blue long sleeve hoodie and it was very big.
" I only brought one sweat pant, it is big enough to look like you wore gown."
" Okay." I said and entered the car.
I removed my school wears and folded it nicely then wore the hoodie.
" You ready ? " He said as he hopped into the car, he wore a grey sweatpant and black long sleeve shirt.
" Yeah." I said as I placed my cloth at the back seat.
He drove off.
" Can you tell me what we are doing in the cemetery ? Do you want to bury me alive ? "
" Stop being paranoid." He said with an eye roll.
" Just trust me and follow me." He said and walk away.
" I should trust you ? I hope am not making a big mistake doing so." I said as I followed him.
" Who is that ? " I asked as I was looking at the headstone. Shelia Lovbian was written on it.
"My sister." He said as a tear dropped from his right eye.
" Why did you bring me here ? "
" Huh ? I don't know, I just wanted to." He shrugged.
I scoffed. " You can't just bring me here for nothing anyways why or when did she die ? "
" She was shot when we were just five."
" So you were a twin. Why did you bring me here ? Or you thought I will feel better after realizing that I'm not the only who has loosed a loved one.... And that what's you think but that was not the main reason you brought me here." I said looking at the headstone.
" So what was the reason ? "
" Are you asking me ? Are you not the one who brought me here ? But I will tell you..... You are scared."
" Scared ? " He laughed. " What am I  scared of ? Scared of coming to my sister's grave..." He chuckled. " I'm not scared of anything." He said with his eyes bulging out.
" Really ? Then I can go while you stay."
" Why ? " He held my hand.
I looked at his hand.
" Because I feel like I'm intruding." I said as I looked up to him.
" You are not intruding on anything." He said laughing nervously. " I brought you here."
" We may not know each other but what I do know is that you are softhearted but you are pretending to be cold-hearted and you are afraid of breaking down , afraid of relieving the memories of her getting shot and you blame yourself for it when......"
" It is my fault ." He shouted cutting me off.
" How ? How is it your fault ? Tell me why you are blaming yourself for her death." I yelled.
" Because it is." His mouth was already quivering.
" Why ? "
" It is none of your business." He said with his eyebrows pulled together.
" I know but I'm curious to know so I'm going to use the same statement you said to me in school, we are not friends yet but you could tell me anything, I will listen. So talk to me."
His eyes were welled up in tears. " If only we did not go to that supermarket, if only she did not push me , if only....." He said as his lips were trembling with tears pouring out of his eyes.
" So if she did not push you , you would have been the one dead."
He nodded his head.
I gave him a sad look.
" Hey, come hug momma." I said spreading my arms for a hug.
He hugged me still crying.
I patted his back soothingly.
" I don't know what to say but all I will say that things happened for a reason, she being the one dead and you alive. There is a reason for that. So let her rest in peace and stop blaming yourself for her death. Okay ? "
He disengaged from the hug. " How did you know she is not resting in peace ? "
" Because you are not in peace with yourself. "
" So if my mind is at peace she will rest in peace."
I nodded my head.
" Oh okay." He turned to his sister's grave.
" Hey sis , I know it has been long I came here because I constantly blamed myself for your death anytime I see your grave. Wishing I was strong enough to protect you that I wish I died in your place, it would be a lot better. From now on I will not blame myself again so you will be at peace. I love you sis." He said and dropped a flower hair pin on her grave.
" It is for her." He said and wiped his tears with his handkerchief.
" Oh okay."
" I feel guilty."
" For what again ? "
" I took you away from school to comfort you and now you are the one comforting me ." He pouted.
I chuckled. " Did you really think a cemetery can comfort someone ? "
He rolled his eyes. " Let me take somewhere that will really help me to comfort myself."
" Where ? "
" You will see."
" I hope it is not stupid."
" Just let's go." He said.
" This is vandalism." I shouted in fear.
" Really ? I don't know." He said shaking the spray paint bottle.
" You don't know ? "
" Just relax besides this is not my first time of doing it..... Take." He said and threw one to me.
I caught it.
" There is no way I'm doing this....I wonder how this comfort you ,you are weird."
" It helps me pour out my feelings, so when I paint I expressed my feelings."
I looked at all the paintings on the wall, it was beautiful. " You painted all of this."
" Yeah."
" Wow it looks pretty, why can't you just paint on a drawing board ? "
He shrugged as he was about to spray on it then he stopped when he heard a voice behind us.
" Stop right there." The voice sounds hoarse.
I turned and it was a policeman.
" I'm going to jail. Good bye world."
~~~~~~.   Flash back ends~~~~~
" If only I have not followed you, I won't be in this mess." I said glaring at me. I was resting my back on the wall.
" I wonder why you indulge in such act when you know it will lead you to prison and you dragged me to it. Now I'm in prison. I only wanted to go to school not prison." I cried.
He rolled his eyes. " Calm down we are not yet 18 so they can not arrest us and besides they did not catch us painting only saw us there ."
" So they are going to release us soon." My eyes lit up.
" Only if someone come to bail us out."
" Really ? Then call your parents."
" My parents....'' He laughed. " I can't, call yours."
" I can't also."
" Why ? "
" Why do you not want to call your parent also ? " I asked with an eye roll.
" Well it is none of your business."
" It is also none of your business." I retorted.
He chuckled. " Well we are spending six months then." He said with a laugh.
" My career will be destroyed, mum is so going to kill me." I cried and sat on the floor.
I crawled to the metal bar.
" Sir ? " I said calling out to one of the policemen.
" What ? " One of them answered me , he was making a phone call.
" I want to call someone please."
He chuckled. " I thought you both want to stay here."
" It is only him not me."
He gave me a phone.
I took it. " Thank you sir."
He replied with a nod.
" Who do you want to call ? " The jerk asked.
" It is none of your business." I glared at him.
" I wish I never followed you." I muttered.
" I wish you never did because I won't be here. "
" Really ? How did I cause all of this ? "
" When I told you to run, you said we should face the law ."
" Yes why should I run away from the law ? "
" Well we are facing it, six months in jail is not that far. We will survive it."
I scoffed. " Only you not me."
I dialed the number immediately it picked.
" Hello ? "

หนังสือแสดงความคิดเห็น (118)

  • avatar

    i love your imagination, thank you for inspired me.. basic to tge teenager story🥰


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    super ganda niya


  • avatar
    Maicajoy Quinonez

    it's good


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