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บทที่ 6 King Velaine Rado

"Your Majesty, our spies in Bydreen sent a message." Arthur informed as he bowed and presented a scroll to Velaine.
"Uhumm." Velaine hummed and Arthur took it as his cue and opened the scroll and began to read the message out loud.
"Conflux." This was the only word in the scroll, but as Arthur pronounced it Velaine became rigid, his eyes widening slightly betraying his art of hiding his expressions.
"The conflux." The court began to murmur as Velaine tipped his chin with his index finger his gaze lost indicating he was deep in thought.
"Leo, the scrolls from the prime minister." he uttered quietly but loud enough to silence the court.
"In the capital city, there was a massive outburst of the fire wielders protesting against the law of equality. Their hostility is mostly towards the ungifted." Leo read then dropped the first scroll.
"There is an increase in food cost because the food producing city sylk was invaded by what was confirmed to be water wielders from the outside, though not much lives were lost, bags of food were stolen, the defense there have been tripled to avoid another attack."
"The tests for the new knights have been finalised,it is just awaiting your approval."
"The wells in the distant villages are becoming inadequate for the needs of the people as the population is increasing,there are reports of people selling water from their own private wells but nothing have been confirmed yet."
Leo rolled the last scroll and dropped it on the table in front of him, he then gave his Majesty a deep bow before going back to his position.
"Where is the town crier?" Velaine asked.
"Your majesty?" the town crier bellowed as he gave a very deep bow.
"Announce that in 3 days time everybody living in the capital city should be present at the city square, even children are not exempted." he said as he wvaed at him
"Prime minister, I left u in charge of so many bullying cases but u seem to be negligent, this kingdom might be for the rogues, the ungifted and the rejected but not for bullies. The act of bullying by the gifted should not be left unattended to as this is not the east or North or west, this is the south formerly for the earth wielders but now it is for all not for one. I promise you the next time you allow a bullying case come to me, I'll make sure they know you are an ungifted too."
The prime minister shook in his seat, he was both angry and terrified.
How much he hated Velaine but unfortunately that's exactly how much he is dependent on him. So ignoring his pride, he rose from his seat and after him were the Court members all. bowing saying words of apology at their negligence.
" As for the theft by the water wielders, they will pay for it, in ways they have never expected. Triple the security in sylk, lower the food cost, I can't have my people starve most especially now, start cultivating another food producing city, make sure it's not on the outskirt, submit the budget for it in three days." Velaine ordered as he handed the scroll to the minister of food resources.
"The new knights will be approved in 3days time."
" Minister of water resources, did I give you that position just for me to attend to your work?" Velaine asked a deep frown on his face.
"Your majesty, forgive my negligence, I have been trying to tackle the issue....
" Behead the head of the house hold of anybody who sells water again, this land is mine, the only payment I want for digging a well on my land is a Head, implement the law after the warning and give every household with a well Ten gold coins, the well is now for all."
"Ministers, I expect a very reasonable explanation for any negligence on your part, this is the last time I'll overlook such nonsense, the next time I promise you your families will be the ones to tell your tales." He warned, his face devoid of emotions then he stood up from his chair and told Neil to come with him, leaving the bewildered ministers on their feet.
Neil followed Velaine quietly, perplexed by the way Velaine handled the court members, he didn't even ask for their opinion, his words were final, no room for argument or contribution, something still baffled him though, what was going to happen in the city square in 3 days time, he surely didn't look like the kind of person to just address his people to stop bullying each other, so how is he going to tackle the case?
Sighing he shook his head, the Man is totally unpredictable which left him questioning his decision of taking refuge from him.
"Take a seat." he heard Velaine's voice, they were in a room with cushions arranged in a circular fashion, all the cushions grey, except one which stood tall and different due to it white colour, it must be for the king, as if confirming his thoughts, Velaine sat down gracefully on his seat, eyeing the man in front of him, when Neil realised Velaine was waiting for him, he quickly took his seat opposite him.
" Neil, we have to discuss our arrangement, I am sure you've been observing me so you know I lack patience, I took you in because I discovered you could be of use to me, so we are going to have an agreement. I'll protect you, feed you, give you a respectable shelter and all the respect as a royal, in exchange you will give me the only valuable belonging you own right now. " Velaine ended his statement, his face and voice blank, he sounded little like a human.
"King Velaine, I am dressed in expensive silk, wearing gold ornaments, but I am sure you don't regard those as valuables, so speak clearly, I can't accept a deal I don't fully understand." Neil replied, though he was trembling inside, it didn't make him loose his sense of judgement. Velaine was playing a game of words and if he didn't concentrate, he could lose.
"The necklace with the big pendant, it doesn't fit you, neither are you comfortable In it." Velaine simply replied, this time a small smile on his lips.
Neil touched the pendant carefully then nodded his head in a negative fashion.
"I am not stupid Velaine, this necklace may seem worthless but it was given by my father who was given by king Moorah Aarah of vedarah, even Kebarah wanted it, it is the map to the stone of the water wielders, I would never give that to you."
A small chuckle came from Velaine before he replied.
"The runaway prince acting all high and mighty, you left your kingdom in the hand of an enemy and here you are fighting for a map, you are willing to accept a comfortable abode when your soldiers are dying everyday in an unnecessary war, the least you could for your people is to be alive for them for even if I decide to let you go without getting the map, Kebarah will take it from your pathetic corpse and if you think using my name will infuriate me, then you are wrong, my name is royalty itself,more royal than King." Now a full blown smirk was on his lips and and a wicked gleam in his eyes.
Neil was shocked to hear that, it felt like he was watching a different person do what Velaine accused him of. It was hard to believe he was such a coward in people's eyes, his father will be so disappointed. He looked around the room they were seating in, they were two guards on each of the five doors leading to the room, though four were closed. Velaine led him here on purpose, he would take the necklace from his corpse if he needed to, ohh he was so stupid, he had fallen completely in his shackles and there was no escape for him.
"I am sorry father." He murmured before he forcibly pulled the necklace from his neck and handed it to Velaine. He was right, the least he could do is stay alive to right his wrongs which he promised himself he would, after all it is said that " One must pay a little price to attain salvation." But was what he was sacrificing little?
He glared at his nemesis who seemed unfazed by the glare he was given him, in fact he stood up and tapped him then said to him.
"This is the wisest decision, you've made in your 73 years of life, reminds me of your father when he bowed to King Moorah, the resemblance is blinding."
Neil lost all his composure as he stood up then raised his fist to strike Velaine, Velaine caught his hand mid-air, then smiled wickedly,
"One life lesson you should learn is to bottle your anger until you are sure you can defeat your opponent,a strike at the right time is deadly but at the wrong time is as useless as the feel of a falling leaf,wait for your time boy." And with that, Velaine strode majestically, the necklace in his hand leaving Neil buried in rage. Immediately he left the room, Leo came in and bowed to Neil.
" Your Highness, allow me to show you your chambers, you must need rest after all the day's activities."
He glared at Leo who didn't even move, when he noticed he was just wasting his efforts, he angrily stood up and Leo led the way.
Today is the day Velaine ordered for everyone living in the capital city to be present In the city square, everybody was there waiting for their King. They knew better than to disobey him, even the sight of his chair was terrifying enough, they knew he was not a man of many words but a lot of action and if he took his time to call them all to the Market square, then they were sure he wasn't going to address them. Something was going to happen, something that might even give some people nightmares but still make them behave.
Yes, he might handle the citizens with iron fist but he was a good king, he takes care of everybody regardless of their gifts or status, and if observed with a unbiased eye, one would see the wisdom and justice in his decision there are all his subjects and he is their king, a king they not only feared but loved.
Velaine walked in, at least a dozen guards behind him, Leo and Irina directly behind him.
He took his seat while Leo and Irina went to theirs below the podium with the court members, the people in the room were all bowing and the room was now so quiet that the guards outside could swear there was nobody inside.
" You may rise." He ordered calmly but everybody heard and they rose chanting.
"Long live the king."
He raised his hand and at once they quieted down.
"The people of Ridah, I greet you all.
It has come to my ears that the fire wielders of this kingdom are demanding for ranking, it has even lead to bullying of the ungifted which I remember I had vigorously condemned, today I am not here to convince you, I am not here to address you, I am not here to warn you, I am just here to let you tell me who should be ranked on the higher class." Immediately he said this, murmurs broke out as nobody expected that from him, he had clearly said they were all equal to in ridah, so what was he saying now?
Neil who was seating with the council members looked around as he assessed the confused faces of the people, he was also as confused as they were, was this the Velaine that spoke three days ago in the courtroom? " he asked himself.
" Guards,move the people up the stairs we need enough space in the middle, raise the shields, make sure everybody gets a view." Velaine ordered and immediately, the guards began to move the people and soon enough there was a large circular space in the middle of the people, the guards arranged the people in a manner in which the tall wouldn't interfere with the view of the short one.
Velaine signalled and two men were brought in, He pointed to one of them and asked him." Are you gifted?"
"Yes, your majesty" he replied bowing.
"What is your gift?" He asked
"I am a fire wielder, Your highness."
"Why do you think you are here?" Velaine asked again.
" I apologize your majesty but I do not know that, I am just a knight who was summoned to be present here today."
"How strong are you?" Velaine asked.
" Your Majesty, I am the strongest fire wielder in my set of knights, but only one of the strongest in the knights of the kingdom." He replied.
"Answer the same questions I asked your companion." Velaine gestured to the second man.
"Yes, your Highness."
"I am an ungifted, like my other companion here, I apologize earnestly but I do not know the reason why I am here, I am just a knight who was summoned to be here, I am also the strongest ungifted in my knight set but justone of the strongest in the knights of the nation." he concluded bowing down to Velaine.
" You all heard them." He addressed the crowd. Leon brought in 3 other people with almost the same physique as the other and the same qualities except that one was a water wielder, the other an earth wielder and the last one an air wielder.
" All of you are going to fight each other, until all have given up and we have a winner, that person's kind will be ranked first in the society, another round will take place without the first winner which will determine the second winner and this will take place until everybody is ranked. If you do not agree with this, please speak up." Velaine said his voice still as emotionless as ever, the only indicative that he was enjoying this was the wicked glint in eyes.
" Until one gives up, the only sign of defeat is death, and after the fight the winner will face me, who knows I might not be deserving of my position as King." When he said that, people began to murmur, they couldn't believe their King was putting his position out to the person who could beat him, He allowed the murmur to lessen before he pronounced the words.
"Begin the fight." And the judge hit the gong Indicating the beginning of the fight.

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    nice one. keep it up!


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    bom dms


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    Justin Villaceran



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