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บทที่ 2 The pawn and The master

"A heart filled with hay of kindness." Velaine repeated, a smirk on his handsome face.
Behind Velaine a fiery red head with green eyes ran up to him in an attempt to catch up with him, her legs obviously too short for the pace she was going, it was a surprise she hadn't tripped. Her freckled face held a smile showing her white perfectly arranged teeth.
"My....." She was cut off by Velaine who asked in a low dangerous voice.
" Why are you here Irina?"
"You know I shouldn't be away from you." She replied her voice as soft as wool.
"I don't need you, leave." he commanded as he continued walking.
"Then why did you bring me along?" She asked,her voice rising a bit, her frustrations threatening to spill.
Velaine stopped in his tracks, turned to look at the woman behind him and raised his not so hairy but perfectly arched eyebrows.
"I am sorry Velaine, I didn't mean to lose my temper, its just that I want to repay you for your kindness." she apologized, her eyes downcast.
"What does my heart look like?" he simply said extending his palm.
Her eyes lit with joy and a bit of confusion and with a trembling hand she took his hand and closed her eyes.
"Vee, this is not good,"beware" at the end of a prophecy,"beware" said by the gods themselves isn't something to take lightly."Keevah said, apprehension in his voice.
"The gods feast on the people's fear, it is just a ploy to make the hearts of man tremble." Queen Aveedah replied rolling her eyes, though her attention was on the inscriptions on the wall.
"You take the gods lightly, Vee" Keevah  remarked a small smile playing on his face.
"It is only right they get only what they deserve." she stated a content look on her face.
Keevah chuckled then replied "Okay,but pay heed to their prophecy, it's a shame they all come to pass."
"Mmmm" she grunted.
"Good, now let's decipher the meaning of this prophecy and you shall go,those old clowns patiently await your presence."
Keevah said dragging "patiently"  in a sarcastic fashion.
"It's high time, I have spent a night and a morning here." Queen Aveedah said, relief and anxiety on her face.
Keevah just smiled and proceeded with the notes he took .
"Warriors will fight.
A monarch will rule.
The monster's bride will bear him an undefeatable army, a bloody monarch will rule the world if three things occur.
  A kin murders a kin
Hearts will be blinded by the reflection of light from the dark mirror
The world's shield yields to the earnest plea of the heart.
Keevah recited, his face contorted in confusion, nothing made sense but it was evident that doom will soon befall the world. "Vee what do you think " he asked quietly, his face serious.
"I can't say Keevah, its too vague,though its obviously promising doom,it doesn't provide any solution to it"Queen Aveedah said her eyes still roaming the notes Keevah had presented to her
"Wait, why did you call this sign a bloody monarch? " she asked squinting her eyes .
"Well,this is a crown and in the crown you can see sketches of dead bodies, so the only possible explanation is a bloody monarch or a monarch brought through blood shed, so the same meaning can be implied " he concluded shrugging.
"Hmm,why does this feel like a continuation? Lets take a look at the previous prophecy, who knows, the gods might be benevolent enough to provide us some clues." She suggested as she rose from her seat
"if I stay there any longer, I might as well become crippled." she added jokingly wanting to reduce the apprehension in the room.
"Queen Aveedah Moorah Aarah of Vedarah, crippled !!" he laughed mischievously
"I am sure so many people will do unthinkable things to be blessed with such sight." he added laughing heartily.
" You impudent wizard." she hissed a small smile playing on her lips. Keevah winked then replied.
"Vee,rest your head for sometime while I search for the previous prophecy, heavens know which wall it was revealed on." he complained, pouting a bit.
"I'll assist you,I want to shorten my time here,my patience is growing thin." she stated as she proceeded to the wall and together they began the search.
  "Velaine Rado, you have a timid heart,though pure, it is just a rock of snow and with the heat of the sun, it will melt." Irina recited, her eyes still closed .
Velaine chuckled deeply and collected his hand, Irina opened her eyes slowly puzzled by his laugh she quietly asked.
"Why are you laughing?"
" Hay of kindness, rock of snow" he  lamented smiling and even shaking his head .
"Listen to the song those people are singing." he told her
"The pawn and the master,
No loyal servant like the pawn
No grateful  Ruler like the Master,
Together they rule,
Together they stand for they are each other's pillar .
Failing is not achievable, for the pawn has it's master and the master has it's pawn." the song echoed from the group of people chanting it.
"But if I may ask Velaine, what is so funny?I mean its nothing new,this song have been in existence for so long now." Irina asked still puzzled.
"My dear Irina, Humans succumb to anything pleasing to their hearts even if its just a fallacy created by the Masters."  Velaine replied, a frown on his face which later dissolved into a sad smile and a wicked glint in his eyes.

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    nice one. keep it up!


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    bom dms


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    Justin Villaceran



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