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บทที่ 7 The Meeting

“This place is really awesome!” shouted Allen and jumped on his bed. He jumped on the bed and rolled around a few times.
“Weee. . . I feel like a princess! Wait! I’m a man. I’m a prince! Hihi!” giggled Allen alone in his room. “I should go check on everyone. No! No! They must be tired and want to rest. I should leave them alone,” mumbled Allen and started to unpacked his belongings.
“Why does Nathan and Benji’s room have to be in the South Wing while mine is in the North Wing? Not fair!” pouted Allen, still mumbling alone. “I feel so lonely.”
Suddenly he stayed still for a moment and looked around him. Nothing happened or could be heard. He thought he heard something. But no one was there other than himself. He gathered his courage, pretended he did not hear anything and continued unpacked his belongings.
‘Creakkkkkkkkkkk. . .’
A loud sound of a creaking door opened could be heard which sent shivers down Allen’s spine. He felt so cold and his heartbeat became so fast that it felt like his heart would come out any moment. He stopped unpacking his bag and turned around slowly.
Again, nothing. Even the door to his room was still tightly closed. No one opened the door.
He told himself that he just misheard something. The mansion was old and classic. The sound could be from another room, but he still could feel shivery. His hand started to shake as he folded his cloth.
“Creakkkkkkkkkkk. . .”
The sound of the door creaked back could be heard.
Allen could take it anymore. He was so afraid that he closed his eyes and covered his ears. Not wanting to hear or see anything. He started to tremble hard as he felt something moving behind him.
Suddenly he shouted, “I don’t hear anything! I don’t hear anything! I don’t hear anything!”
The more he shouted, the closer and faster the movement came behind him. Then suddenly he felt a hand hit his shoulder.
“Wahhh!” Allen screamed. He became more panicked when he felt something hold his arms hard.
He started struggling to free himself, rolling on the floor and kicking around with eyes still shut tight. “No! No! Don’t eat me! Don’t eat me!”
“Calm down. Calm down,” a voice whispered softly. “Relax. . . Who’s going to eat you?”
Allen immediately calmed down like he had been spelled. He slowly opened his eyes and looked up. His heartbeat increased at what he saw.
In front of him stood a half-naked tanned man that only wore a towel around his waist. Allen looked at the man up and down. He could not help but stare at the man’s abs.
“Are you ok?” asked the man and stretched his hand to Allen.
Allen blushed but he still took the hand and stood up. “I. . . I. . . I’m ok. Hihihi. . .”
“Oh that’s good. I thought there’s something wrong,” chuckled the man. “Who are you? What are you doing here?”
“M-My name is Allen Aontgomery. T-this is my room,” answered Allen, stuttering. “I just unpacked my stuff.”
“Oh, but this is my room. Wait. . .” the man mumbled and looked around. “Something’s wrong. The bed was at a different angle. What’s this room’s name?”
Seconds ticked by as Allen stared at the man in shocked silence. “S-Styx. Styx Room,” answered Allen.
“Oh! Styx? Mine was the Phlegethon Room. Phlegethon and Styx. . . Wait. . .” said the man, thinking.
He walked away to another part of the room and left Allen standing there. He looked dumbfounded but made no move to stop the man. A few seconds later, the man came back to Allen and said, “My bedroom’s right next door to yours. I think we shared the same bathroom.”
“Oh, I see,”
“Yeah, I guess I went to the wrong door,” the man chuckled. “I’m sorry for disturbing you.” He bowed down and just realized that he was just wearing a towel. He started to panic and felt embarrassed. “I’m sorry! I’m sorry! I just finished my shower,” apologized the man and hurriedly went back to his room.
Before the man was completely gone, Allen snapped out of his daydreaming and asked, “Wait! What’s your name?”
“Oh. I forgot to tell you. My bad. Hahaha. . .” laughed the man as he walked back toward Allen and offered him a handshake. “My name is Kaien Kaughan. Just call me Kaien.”
“Kai. . .en. . .” whispered Allen with a big grin on his face.
“Well, I got to go. Need to get dressed,” snapped Kaien as he remembered again that he was still in a towel. “I’ll see you later ok, Allen?”
“Ok. See you later. Hihi!” Allen giggled and Kaien glanced over his shoulder, flashing a smile at him. Warmth invaded his cheeks and he kept smiling from ear to ear as he watched Kaien walk out of his room. After Kaien shut the door, Allen immediately jumped on his bed and squealed with excitement.

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  • avatar
    Kenrich Resullar

    ame ze book


  • avatar

    no problem


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    Mark O. Arcilla



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