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Chapter 5

I woke up in the morning and realized it's Collin's game. I quickly take a shower and dressed up into white t-shirt. Aviery has class, she can't accompany me, I had to asked Ashton. He agreed with a condition.
He drive into the Sport Complex and I pulled Ashton into the VIP seats. I saw him talking to his teammates, his face was serious and cold. He is asian, his dad is a Filipino and his mom is a Korean. That's what I heard from his cousin.
He take a seat and stared the floor, I saw Niko tapped his shoulder and stood up to start the game. The game was smooth and his teammates got a goal. When his turn to shot, he messed up. The enemy use his elbow to hit him in his chest. He touched his chest and Niko helped him to get up.
I bit my lips from controlling myself not to do some terrible things. He doesn't know that im here! The game started again his teammates got goal again. He always messing up in shooting. I saw the enemy stepped on his foot, he painfully sat in the floor.
That enemy was on my nerves now!
"That guy is cheating"Ashton said and grin
"Dirty tricks"I said and continue watching
He was about to shoot when the guy bumped him with his back. The time is running out for the 3rd quarter. I can't help myself, I stood up
"What are you doing?"Ashton asked me
"Im doing this to win the team"I said and looked at him in the ground with no emotions
"Collin, Stand up!"Niko shouted and his team
I saw a megaphone from the child beside, I smiled at her
"Can I borrow?"She sweetly smile and handed it to me
"Cooolliiiinnnn!!"He turned to me and his eyes widened "You're so lazy! Win this game or else I won't talk to you. I challenged you!"I even pointed him
"You heard her Alcantara"Niko added and smirked
He smiled at me and stood up and continue the game. I smiled when he shoot the ball continuously. They won the 2nd and 3rd quarter. In Second quarter his teammates  win it. I hugged Ashton as they won the game
"Thank you little girl"I said and give it back to her
"They won!"I told Ashton, I went downstairs and hugged him even he is sweaty
"You won!!"I smile widely
"We won because of you"Niko laughed and take a photo of us hugging
"So are we okay?"He asked me while looking at me
"Yes, we are okay"I said and look at his teammates
"Congratulation!"I smiled
Collin went to shower area to have a shower and changed into his clothes. Ashton already left because he has photoshoot. I waited him outside the shower area.
"You're the girlfriend of the other team right?"The guy said while smiling
I remember him, he hit Collin and stepped his foot.
"And you're the guy who played dirty tricks on him"I playfully smiled and grab his shirt "I make you pay for it"
"Seriously? Im frightened"he laughed
I hit his chest with my foot and slap him hard. His fist is ready to punched me when Collin stop his fist with his hand.
"I let you hit me there in the court but now I dont let you"He looked at him with cold eyes and pushed him
"Let's go Allison"he hold my hand and pulled me along with him
"I thought you would never came"he said while we are walking
"I realize that, why would i believe on those rumors if I knew the person already"I said while looking at our hands
I blushed and turn my attention to somewhere else until we stop infront of his car. I opened his front seat and get in.
"Thank you for talking to me already, I don't know what to do if you keep avoiding me"he said while driving
"Answer me Why did Sophia kissed you?"
"It was evening and he said she has something to tell me about you. I was shocked when she kissed me, I pushed her hard that time and throw her hurtful words"
"Don't get a girlfriend, Im not ready to be alone again"I said while playing my fingers
He stop the car and hugged tightly. He touched my head, I hugged him back. I felt so save from his embrace, like I was protected from the outside world.  I never felt this way when I was in a relationship with Arkin.
"You're not alone Allison, I would protect you and if you need someone Im here" I smiled and let go already
"Where are we going?"I asked him
"Let's celebrate"He start the engine again and we went to beach again. Where his sister celebrate her birthday.
He take a 2 room and we decided to swim in the pool because he doesn't want to be tan. He cares for his skin, he wanted to be pale. I wear my two piece and cover it with a see through bath robe.
I saw him in the edge playing the water with his feet. I tiptoed to him and pushed him in the water, he glared at me and went out of the water. I ran away from him
"Im sorry"I told him his hair is wet and that makes him more attractive in my eyes. Geezz!! He is just my friend.
Do I like this man? I stared at him and his adams apple move up and down.
He makes my heart race so fast, He smiled at me and carry me and throw me in the water. I can swim anyway, he jump in the water and swim towards me.
"Al-lison"he cornered me in the edge and stared at me
"Yeah?"I was looking at his Adams apple, his body and skin is so perfect. How can this man so perfect?
"Im controlling myself for not kissing you because I respected you and your past"He said
I suddenly feel the heat in my body, I look at him. He is controlling his body to distance himself from my body.
"Do you like me Collin?"I suddenly asked him without hesitation
He stared at me and nodded. I don't know what to say to him, I remain silent and played my fingers
"But you know I have a relationship with your bestfriend in the past right?"I told him while playing my fingers
"Yes, Im willing to wait and save you from that pain. I will be your saviour, I realize I don't like you but I do fallen for you Allison. Im the one who like you first than him but he steal you from me"I was speechless
"Remember the guy a years ago in Italy, who promised you he will court you?"he added
I was confused, I thought it was Arkin who made that promise to me. That's why I let him court me and become my boyfriend
"I thought it was Arkin"I lower my voice and saw him clenched his jaw for what I said
"He read my diary"He said
"What did you said to me in Italy?"I wanted to clear the things right now
"I told her I'll court her when I see her and never hurt her"I looked at him and covered my mouth
"Collin"I hugged him tightly and he hugged me back
"I found you, im sorry im late"he kissed me on my forehead and wiped my tears
"I'll court you, starting today and forever"he intertwined our fingers and kissed my hand
Arkin did lie to me when we were still together, what is his aim that time then?
"If he didn't love me, why did he act like?""I asked him
"He was aiming to hurt me, he hates me because of my dad. He lost his mom because of dad's choice"
"Are you both half brothers?"I asked him
"Nope I was the son of my mom from different men but I carried his surname. Cassidy is their biological daughter"
"I don't get it"i told him, he just smiled and kissed my hand
"I'll explain it to you soon"He said and fixing my robe that got wet
"Okay, I'll wait"I smiled and kissed him on his cheek, his eyes widened for what i just did
"Did you just kissed me?"
"Yes, i did"I smiled at him and he caressed my face suddenly
Our lips met and I felt some electric volts coming from him. He is the only one who can make me feel like this. I encircled my arms around his neck as the kiss went deeper and deeper.
We both panting as we let go of each other and stared into each other. He gave me the hope to believe in love again and I hope he wouldn't hurt me.
"I'll make you happy everyday when you feel sad I'll be there to cheer you up" He hugged me tightly
I dont wanna end this moment, Collin Teo Alcantara is my only hope for believing in love again

หนังสือแสดงความคิดเห็น (773)

  • avatar
    Nahmie Palomo

    Very nice and cool history


  • avatar
    Andrei Sanson

    salamatss lodss salamat novelah


  • avatar

    It is indeed a good story, I hope the writer will still add more plots. Nevertheless, it is ongoing so I will look forward for it hehe. Anyway, the writer is sooo good and talented:))))


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