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When Arjay dropped Hanney off in front of the mall, he went on his way since his business there is done. He got his father’s package and that’s all that matters. He still needs to prepare for his travel to Manila for the Civil Service Exams.
He also need to fix whatever he left off on the seminary, and when he’s done with that, too, maybe he could start whatever he needs to do in his life: to find out the reason of his quitting and to learn how to manage the school that his grandparents had founded.
As he was heading back to his hometown, he went pass Diana’s hometown. He was silently praying to see her along the way and like an answered prayer, he did see her, but this time, she is with someone. It was a guy. That’s not the same person she was with this morning.
He slowed his car down when he went pass them. They were talking seriously and she seemed shy talking to him, for Pete’s sake! He looked at them at the rearview mirror. They are still talking. Diana brushed her hair with her fingers and smiled. They went separate ways. His grip on the wheel tightened. He drove off faster than his usual.
Why is he mad? They’re just probably talking! And what’s the matter if she smiled to the guy? It’s an act of courtesy, anyway! There’s nothing wrong in that.
So what if they’re close? A man and a woman can be friends, he knows that very well. So what if the guy is good-looking and has a jack-built body? Why would he even care if they know each other or not.
First of all, they are not personally close. He and Diana are not even friends! They are just acquaintances. Second and the worst of all, they are not really acquaintances because they didn’t meet personally. Jc just introduced her to him. They just chatted and that’s that. Nothing more and nothing less.
He was feeling uncomfortable. It’s as if he swallowed an acid burning his throat. He groaned. He grabbed a bottled water and he drink some water off of it. He hate this feeling! He never felt something like this in his entire life.
He didn’t notice that he passed by their house’s street already. He only noticed it when he was about to pass by the town’s market. He groaned again and turned back. This time, he turned on their street and went straight to their house. He got off the car and unloaded the boxes on the trunk.
“Don’t unload the boxes anymore, son! I’m going to bring that to school tomorrow.” His dad told him.
He looked at his father and looked at the boxes on his arms. He sighed and went back to the car. He returned the boxes on the trunk and closed it. He went inside the house.
“Did you get it all, son?” his father asked.
“Yes dad. 4 boxes. 3 boxes of bond papers and a box of pen markers.” He said.
“Are you okay?” his father asked worriedly. He nodded.
“Yes dad, I’m fine. I’ll just be at my room if you need me.” He said and went straight to his room.
When he entered his room, he closed the door behind him and slacked his body on the bed. The image of Diana smiling is running through his mind. He shut his eyes closed and groaned. He really hate this feeling. He feels stupid.
‘Goodness, Arjay! You’re not even close! Are you jealous? Because that is so stupid on your part. She doesn’t even know you’re here and mostly, she doesn’t care even if she knows!’ he said to himself. His phone rang. He reached for it on his pocket. It’s Marcus. He answered the call.
“Hey bro, good thing you called.”
“Yeah. I just wanted to ask if you’re really coming tomorrow. By the way, are you on your way?” Marcus asked on the other line.
“My ticket’s for tomorrow. I’ll probably arrived there by 9 or 10 pm tomorrow night. Is it your off?”
“No, but I will be home by that time. So, you really made up your mind, huh?”
He sighed.
“Yes. There’s no turning back.”
“Good for you. I’m actually on duty. Just call me tomorrow then. I just called to ask.”
“Yeah, I’ll call you. See you tomorrow, bro.” he said and ended the call.
He checked his baggage just to make sure he didn’t forgot anything. He was about to zip his backpack when there was a knock on his door. He zipped the bag and opened the door. It’s his mom. he smiled.
“Yes, mom, you need anything?” he asked.
“What would you like for dinner, son?” she smiled back.
“Whatever you cook is fine, mom.” He smiled.
“Sure you don’t like any special dinners?”
He shook his head.
“No, mom. I love your cooking anyway.”
She smiled at him.
“Then would you like to help me prepare for dinner?” she asked.
“Sure. I’ll just fix something and then I’ll be down there with you mom.” he said.
“Okay, son.” She said and went downstairs.
He put his bag pack beside his bed and went down to help his mom. He went straight to the kitchen. His mom is peeling the potatoes.
“So what’s our menu, mom?” he asked.
“Kaldereta son. You like it?”
“Sure! Let me help you peel those.” he said and went to the sink.
His mom checked the meat being tenderized. When he was done peeling the potatoes and carrots, he sliced it in quarters.
“What else can I help you with, mom?” he asked when he’s done with the vegetables.
“That’s just it. I’m okay here now son. If you need to do something, you can go now.” His mom smiled.
“I don’t have anything else to do actually. I could stay here with you if you like, mom.” he said and pulled a chair.
“Don’t be silly, of course I would love that.” His mom said. He seated on the chair he just pulled. “So, where are you going to stay in Manila? Did you book a hotel already?” she asked.
“No mom. I’ll be staying with Marcus. Anyway it’s just for tomorrow night. After the exams, I will go to the seminary and then travel back here.”
“Okay then. But wouldn’t you be tired? Will you be okay?”
“I’ll just rest here when I get back, mom. I will be fine.” He smiled.
“I’ll just check the meat. Kindly get the tomato sauce on the shelf, son.” She asked and she put the potato and carrots on the casserole with the meat.
He looked for the tomato sauce on the shelf and brought it on the table. He went back on his seat. His mom went back to her own seat as well. His dad came in from the back door.
“Wow, you’re having a mother-son bonding here, huh!” his father smiled.
“Well, it’s been a while since we did this anyway.” His mom answered.
“Yeah that’s right. I’ll just take a shower then. I’ll leave you two here again.” His father said and left them.
His mother stood again and checked the vegetables.
“Son, kindly pass the tomato sauce.” She said and grabbed the scissors.
He went to his mother and gave the tomato sauce pack. She cut the top of the pack and poured the sauce on the casserole.
“That should be it. Kindly look after it son. When it boils, you taste it. I’ll just go get something.” His mom said and left.
He was left alone in the kitchen. The image of Diana with the guy crossed his mind again. He sighed. He reached for his phone and browse his sms. Upon opening, he came across a post where Diana was tagged. It’s a group picture inside a fast food chain. He checked the time: 6 hours ago. So Diana was at the city when he went there? How unfortunate for him not to see her there. So that’s where they went this morning with the woman on the jeep a while ago. He browse the pictures. He knew these woman. These are her friends from college. And the one who posted it… it’s the girl who hugged him and confessed that she likes him. Yes, he remembered it clearly!
They were sitting under the umbrella tree when Diana and her friends passed by. Jc called Diana and Justine. The three of them were close because they went to a youth camp together. Diana and Justine went to them.
“What do you want?” Diana asked Jc.
“Why are you so moody today?” Jc asked.
“She’s not feeling well. Why did you call us here, anyway?” Justine asked.
“I just want to introduce you to brother Arjay here.”
They looked at him and smiled. He and Jc stood up.
“Hi, brother.” They both greeted.
He smiled back at them.
"Hi." he greeted back.
“That’s all? We’ll be going then.” Diana said irritated and they both turned their backs at them.
“Hey weren’t you two happy to meet him? Actually Arjay, during the youth camp, they asked me about you non-stop. Maybe one of them likes—“
Justine turned around and they were all startled when she hugged him, even Diana. She pulled away from him. He froze and stared at Justine.
“I kind of like you that’s why we asked brother Jc about you. But don’t get me wrong brother, it’s just infatuation.” She smiled at him and looked at Jc.
“Now you know it’s me. Happy?” she asked and rolled her eyes at Jc. “Let’s go, Diana.” She said and they went on.
“Oh my gosh!” his mom exclaimed. He was taken back to his senses. The sauce poured out of the casserole. His mom went to turn the stove off. She looked at him.
“I’m sorry mom. I forgot.” He gulped. She laughed a bit.
“You forgot or you zoned out?” she asked, smiling mischievously. He scratched his head and put his phone in his pocket.
“I zoned out.” He stated and crinkled his nose.
“It’s fine son. Kindly fix the table now.” She asked while she put some Kaldereta on the serving platter.
He went to get some plates and spoon and fork. When he’s done fixing the table, he went to call his father to dinner. They were already eating when his mom called his attention.
“How’s your errand, son? I forgot to ask a while ago. ”
“It was fine mom.” he simply said.
“Since you came home a while ago, you’ve been quiet. You even zoned out a while ago. Is something bothering you?” she asked again. He shook his head and smiled.
“I’m just thinking mom.”
“By the way, son, did you find the place? I forgot to tell you where the location is.” His father remarked.
“Yes dad. I actually saw Hanney Ley a while ago. We had lunch.”
“Hanney Ley? Oh… Yes. How is she now? I heard she opened her own business.”
“She opened five branches around the province actually dad.”
“Oh really? She’s quite a businesswoman. Anyway if you really put your mind into it.”
He nodded. After dinner, he and his dad went to the terrace. A sort of father-son bonding.
“So, care to share what you were thinking why you’re zoning out?” his father asked.
He looked at him and he smiled.
“Can I ask something dad?” he asked.
“Sure son, what is it?”
“How should I put this… a while ago, I felt as if I swallowed an acid. It burned my throat. And I felt very uncomfortable…”
His father chuckled. He frowned. Why is he chuckling?
“Why, did you see something that made you jealous?”
“Jealous? Is that how you feel when you are jealous?” he asked.
“Well, I felt that too when I was younger, when I and your mom were still boyfriend and girlfriend.”
“Were there instances that you got jealous because a man was close to her?”
“A lot of times, actually. Well, who could blame me? Your mom is so nice and so beautiful, I can’t avoid to get jealous sometimes. But when I realized that she chose me over the other guys, I felt good.”
He nodded. So he really felt jealous a while ago. And that is how jealousy feels like. Now he understands. But why would he get jealous? For what reason? Is it because Diana is close to the guy? Or is it because they were talking? Or the fact that she smiled to him?
“I guess I already know the reason why you quitted, son.” His father remarked. He was taken back to his senses. He looked at his father confused. The old man shrugged his shoulder. “I mean, you suddenly asked about me being jealous and then you felt that burning sensation… whoever that lucky girl is, I want to meet her someday. And I hope whoever she is, she deserves someone like you son.” And his father tapped his shoulder. “I’ll go ahead. You should head to your room also son. You need to wake up early tomorrow for your travel. Goodnight, son.” His father said and went ahead.
He sighed and went inside. He closed the door behind him and went to his room. He really needs to go to sleep now.

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  • avatar
    Norlyn Aguaron

    I love the story love is not just to feel inlove with someone but it just to happen like in my situation I never imagine that I'm fall inlove in a guy that I first time I meet ...no impression happen ..it just to happen ..texting and calling are the key for us ..to felt inlove each other and so on so on up to present...♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️


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  • avatar
    Hziq Haqimi

    dah bacaaaa


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