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Diana was awaken by a call on her cell. Half-awake, she reached for her phone on the bedside table. She checked the caller ID: it’s Shane, one of her college friends. She rubbed her eyes and stretched on the bed. She’s still lying down. She answered the call. It’s been a while since Shane called her.
“Hey…” she said and yawned.
“Hey, Diana! Could you please accompany me? I just need to buy something. Pretty please? Please, please, please?” Shane pleaded on the other line. Diana scratched her head, irritated. ‘She could have called last night so I won’t be rushed.’ She said to herself.
“Where to? And what time? I just woke up…” she said, a little bit annoyed, and seated on the bed.
“In the city. Come on! It’s been a while since we last saw each other. Wouldn’t hurt to accompany me for a bit, right? I know you missed the annoying me. Besides, Justine is there, too! She’ll be thrilled to see us. Come on, get up! Get up! It’s already 9 in the morning. I’ll meet you at the Junction. See you later! Bye!” And Shane hang up.
Diana stared at her phone. She groaned. She slept at 3 am, for Pete’s sake! And now she can’t even say no. ‘Urgh…‘ she groaned in her mind. She stood up from the bed and went outside her room.
“Hey sis! Would you mind if I take Pooch with me?” Janwill asked her as soon as he saw her went out of her room.
“Where are you going? Never mind. Just don’t let her eat anything.” She told her brother.
“Yes, I know. Bye, sis!” he rushed outside and the dog ran after him.
She prepared a cup of coffee. She reached for her phone and dialed Justine’s cell.
“Hey it’s Just! I can’t talk to the phone right now. Why? Oh, because I’m dead! Just kidding!!! Say whatever you want to say after the beep.” It’s her voicemail.
‘Freaking psycho.’ She said in her mind and laughed. “Hi, Just! Shane told me you’re in the city. So, you finally graced us with your presence, your highness? I thought you were busy? Oh, on second thought, don’t answer that. Missed you! See you later.” She ended the voicemail. She smiled at her message. She knows Justine would kill her if she hears the voicemail she sent her.
She slurped the now cold coffee and went to the sink to wash the cup. She needs to be at the Junction before 10 or else Shane would torture her. After washing the cup, she went to the bathroom and took a bath. When she was done, she prepared a black floral mini dress for her outfit and a pair of black sandals to match the dress. She fixed her hair and went out of the room.
“Where are you going? I thought you’re going to sleep your eyes out.” Mel asked her.
“That was my original plan until Shane called and she wanted me to come with her. You know how persistent she is.” She said and rolled her eyes.
Mel laughed. All her siblings know her friends anyway. And when she meant know, not only by name but also how they are. She stared at her reflection at the full-body mirror on the living room one last time. She looks fine. She shrugged her shoulders and wore her sling bag.
“So, where are you going then?” Grace asked.
“In the city. I’ll be back later, probably late in the afternoon, tell papa.” She said and prepared to leave.
“Hey sissy! Kindly by me a new book at the Booksale? I’ve read every books here.” Grace said.
“Well, let’s see if I can go there. I can’t promise.” she said and went out of the house.
“Okay. But try!” Grace yelled so she could hear. She showed a thumbs up and she went straight to the waiting shed to wait for a jeep to arrive.
As soon as there’s one approaching, she hailed it and get on. It’s only a 20-minute ride from her home to their meeting point. As soon as the jeep arrived at the Junction point, she get off and went to the waiting shed. As usual, there’s no Shane to be found. She sighed. She got scammed… again. She rolled her eyes and reached for her phone inside her bag. She dialed Shane’s cell. It rang 3 times before she answered the call.
“Yes, where are you? Don’t tell me you’re going to let me wait again for eternity. ” Diana asked, irritated.
“I’m on my way. Besides, weren’t you waiting for Arjay in all eternity? At least I’m better than him because I always show up.” Shane laughed at the other line.
“Yeah… that’s mean. You want me to accompany you still or not?” She asked, already pissed.
“Hey! I’m just kidding! Don’t get mad. I’m already on a jeep. Be there in 30. See you!” Shane said and cut the call.
She tried to call Justine again. Still a voicemail. She didn’t leave any messages. ‘What is she doing at the city, by the way?’ she asked herself. She texted Justine.
Just as she sent the text, she received a text message coming from Justine. She opened it.
‘So, that explains it.’ She said to herself. She was about to put her phone inside her bag when Nez called. She answered the call.
“Hey, Diana! Where are you?” it’s Nez on the other line.
“I’m at the Junction right now. Shane asked me to accompany her in the city.”
“Awww… I thought you’re going to sleep your eyes out? That’s why I didn’t bother to come at your house.” Nez sound disappointed. She sighed.
“I know, but she called me an hour ago asking me if I could accompany her. I can’t say no.” She said apologetically. Nez sighed.
“Fine. Call me when you get back.”
“I will. See you later, then.” She said.
“Do I have a choice? Anyways, be safe. Love ya. Bye.” Nez ended the call.
She put her phone inside her bag. She looked at her watch, she still have 15 minutes to wait for Shane. If she knew she’s going to wait for her, she should have eaten breakfast. She heard her stomach growled. ‘Ughh… I’m hungry…’ she said and turned around and saw a convenient store nearby. She went to buy some snacks.
She was on her way back to the waiting shed when unintentionally, her eyes caught a car which pulled over near the waiting shed. She was just staring at the car while walking back to the shed, when the door flew open and a guy went out of it. She and the guy had an unexpected eye contact when she realizes who it was! She cut the eye contact and reached for her phone on her bag. She needs someone to save her from embarrassment right now. She caught in her peripheral view that the guy was walking towards her! It IS him! It is Arjay Altamira in the flesh. It IS true! He’s out of the seminary!
‘What should I do? What should I do??? I’m not prepared for this encounter… gosh! Shane, it’s your fault!’ she said, walking fast, back to the shed. If she will see a jeep approaching, with or without Shane, she’s getting on that jeep.
Just a few steps away from her and Arjay will reach her when suddenly a jeep stopped in front of the shed. She let out a sigh of relief. Shane looked out from inside the jeep.
“Let’s go!” Shane called out.
She get on the jeep real fast and the jeep went on. The timing is perfect! Arjay was left on the shed, alone.
“I just found out that Rhian and Ailee is at the city, too. Great timing right?” Shane asked.
Diana looked out and saw Arjay still standing on the shed, gazing at their direction. Was he looking inside this jeep? Was he really trying to come to her a while ago? Why? Did he recognize her or was he just trying to ask for some direction? Whatever his reason for his action a while ago, Diana had zero clue because she tried to avoid him and succeeded in doing so. She sighed. At least she was spared in the embarrassment that is bound to happen.
“Hey, are you listening to me?” Shane asked. She came back to her senses when Shane bumped her elbow.
“What?” she asked.
“That’s what I thought. You’re zoning out, girl! I was asking who that guy was. Back in the shed. He was trying to get to you a while ago so I asked the driver to drive faster to get to you. Could be some maniac… anyway, do you know him?” Shane asked. Diana shook her head.
“Not a clue…” she said but she lied because she knows him well, and Shane knows him too.

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  • avatar
    Norlyn Aguaron

    I love the story love is not just to feel inlove with someone but it just to happen like in my situation I never imagine that I'm fall inlove in a guy that I first time I meet ...no impression happen ..it just to happen ..texting and calling are the key for us ..to felt inlove each other and so on so on up to present...♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️


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  • avatar
    Hziq Haqimi

    dah bacaaaa


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