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Arjay booked an early bus trip to Manila. He needs to take the Civil Service Examinations before it’s too late. He still needs to do a lot of fixing and he will not be able to start whatever it is he needs fixing if the exams wasn’t done yet.
He turned off his phone during the first half of his trip. He needs to sleep and he can’t do that if his mom kept on calling him. It was already lunch time, and the bus went to a bus stop. He was already on the half of his trip. He went off the bus to buy and eat lunch. While eating, he remembered to turn on his cell. His phone beeped. He has one new message. He opened it and it was from an unregistered number. He read the text.
He smiled. He replied back and saved Hanney’s phone number. He continued eating and went back to the bus as soon as he was done. He was sitting inside the bus when he felt bored. He browse through his phone’s gallery and went straight to the screenshot folder. He re-read all the screenshots of him and Diana’s private messages. He can’t help but smile. He wondered why she stopped chatting him. She probably thought he deactivated his SNS account since he entered the seminary. When he was done reading it, he put his phone back to his pocket. The bus driver started the bus and they went on their trip. He was about to fall asleep when his phone vibrated. Someone’s calling him. He reached for his phone and he was surprised to see the caller ID: Jc. He answered the phone.
“Hey, brother! How are you?” he began.
“I’m fine. But you, how are you? What did your mom say? Is she mad?” Jc asked on the other line.
“I’m okay, I guess. I don’t know, I guess I am okay for now. My mom…. well, you know how easily she changes her mood. One second she’d be yelling and the next thing you know, she’d be hugging you like nothing happened. When I arrived without notice, she was really surprised and upset. But the next morning, she said she’s fine with whatever decision I make. And just like that. Maybe dad helped her realized that I am really serious about quitting… how about our rectors? Did they asked you about me?”
“They did. But I do not know what to say so I just kept my mouth shut. They told me you weren’t able to suppress the TEMPTATION. They even teased me that after a week, I would follow you. And I told them yes.”
“What??? You really said that?” he was dumbfounded.
“Yes, as a joke. Come on, brother. I don’t want to waste the time spent here! I would definitely going to continue this even though you left me behind. I worked and stayed so hard in this, what’s a few years more?”
“I’m so sorry, bro. Don't worry, I’m going to visit you every now and then. And, the rectors, too, of course. Just promise that you will continue your vocation, because I know you really are called and chosen.”
“Of course, bro. I got to go, my break is almost over. Just say hi to your mom for me.”
“I will, bro. take care.” He ended the call. He put his phone back to his pocket and tried to go back to sleep.
He was awaken by the vibration coming from his cellphone. He reached in his pocket and looked at the caller ID: it’s his dad. He answered the phone.
“Where are you son? You’re not replying on my text messages!” it was his mom on the other line.
He looked out the window to see where he was. They were travelling through NLEX already.
“We’re at NLEX already mom. I’m sorry I slept.”
“When you arrive there, don’t forget to eat, okay? Don’t starve yourself. I love you son.” And his mom cut the call.
He didn’t go back to sleep anymore. It’s still a little long way before the bus reach its destination but he just stared at the window, admiring the tall buildings they came across. He checked the time, its 30 minutes past 6. He’s still 2 to 3 hours away from Marcus’ apartment.
They finally arrived at the bus station. He called Marcus. After three rings, he answered.
“Hey, brother! Where you at?” Marcus begun on the other line.
“I just got off the bus. I am still here at the bus station. Where should I aboard?” he asked.
“Just wait for me there. I’ll pick you up. Let’s just eat out. I don’t have food stock at the apartment.”
“Sure! I’ll just wait you here then.”
“Yeah. I’m on my way.” And Marcus ended the call.
He went to the passenger lounges and took his seat. He called his mom.
“Have you arrived already son?” his mom asked as soon as she picked up on the other line.
“Yes mom. I’m at the bus station now, waiting for Marcus. I will stay at his apartment.”
“Marcus…? Oh yeah, I remembered. He was your batch in Philosophy, right?”
“Yes mom. Did I wake you up, mom? I’m sorry. Just go back to sleep then. I’ll just text you later.”
“Okay son. Be safe. I love you and good night.”
“I love you mom. Good night.’ He said and cut the call.
He heard a car horn. He looked up and a grey car rolled down its window. Marcus peeped and smiled inside. He walked towards the car and leaned on the window.
“Need a car ride, sir?” Marcus asked.
“Sure, officer. I was a bit lost.” He said laughing and opened the car door.
“So, where should we eat? I’m hungry. How about you?” Marcus asked and started the car.
“I’m hungry, too. I didn’t bring a snack on my way.”
“Wow, you survived?”
“I was sleeping the whole trip.”
“That explains it. There’s a fast food chain around this corner. Let’s just eat there.”
Marcus stopped the car and they both get off the car. They entered the fast food chain.
“I’ll order for us, bro. I know you’re tired. Just find us a comfortable seat.”
He agreed. He found a couch in the corner. Marcus arrived with their order. He ordered a bucket.
“Wow, are you sure we can finish that?” he asked him in amazement.
“Don’t tell me you can’t? We’re both hungry. Anyway, we can just take out those we cannot eat.”
He nodded in agreement. They said their graces and started eating.
“So, what is in your itinerary?” Marcus asked while they were busy eating.
“Well, first thing tomorrow, take the exam and then go back to the seminary to fix whatever I left there, then go back to the province tomorrow night.”
“So you’re just staying for the night? I thought you’re going to stay a little bit longer.”
“I can’t I need to assist in the school. I will just visit longer some other time. “
“Well, you’re always welcome in my apartment whenever you need a place.”
“Thanks bro.”
“What would our brotherhood here for, right?”
“Yeah, right.” He agreed.
“I hope you don’t mind me asking… what made you change your mind?”
He looked at Marcus, his eyes were focused in his food. He shrugged his shoulder.
“I don’t know. I just woke up one day and realized that being priest is not really my calling.” He stated. Marcus raised his gaze to him.
“Really?” he asked suspiciously.
“I actually don’t know. The urge of me leaving the seminary was very strong. I had to leave.”
Marcus nodded.
“Well, priesthood is not really your calling then. It’s just a little bit regretful that you realized that later rather than sooner. But at least, it’s not yet too late.”
“Yes, I guess. But enough me, how about you?”
“Well, being a policeman in the Metro is not easy. You can literally see it on the news. It’s a cheese in the trap. You’re always waiting for criminals to take the bait, and sometimes they do. But most of the time, no. It’s going to tucked you out.” He sighed.
“Are you regretting being a policeman then?”
Marcus laughed with no humor.
“No. This is my dream, and it finally came true so, no regrets.”
“So, how’s Jace?” he changed the topic.
“She’s fine. We seldom see each other now because of the conflicting schedule. She’s working graveyard shift.”
“That sucks. Are you even talking?”
“Yeah, during breaks. But not always.”
“How are you working things out then?” he asked curiously. Marcus smiled mischievously at him.
“Why am I hearing CURIOSITY in your voice, brother? I smell something fishy.” Marcus examined him. He laughed.
“I was just curious because you’re still staying strong with your conflicting schedules. You seldom talked to each other, and to top that, you don’t see each other much. I mean, you’re just incredible!”
“Just be loyal, faithful, and trustworthy. And of course, if you love each other, you keep your fidelity to your partner. No matter how seldom you see and talk to each other. Plus, you fear for your life.” He said and laughed.
“Wow, a policeman fearing his life… from what exactly?”
“Not ‘what’, ‘who’. Her younger sister. You remember her sister right, the one who hugged you way back in college?”
He frowned.
“Justine? Jc’s friend, right?” he asked.
“Yeah, that one. When you get involved in her affairs, fear for your life.” Marcus said laughing.
He was left thinking. ‘Her affairs…’
“When you say ‘affairs’, what do you mean exactly?” he asked.
“Literal affairs, her family, her friends, her life.” Marcus explained.
‘That includes Diana, then…’ he said to himself.

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  • avatar
    Norlyn Aguaron

    I love the story love is not just to feel inlove with someone but it just to happen like in my situation I never imagine that I'm fall inlove in a guy that I first time I meet ...no impression happen ..it just to happen ..texting and calling are the key for us ..to felt inlove each other and so on so on up to present...♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️


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  • avatar
    Hziq Haqimi

    dah bacaaaa


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