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Chapter 2

Blair Lopez Point Of View
A few days passed and here we are back at the hospital, For my MRI.
"Love?" Adam is already here. I am really glad to say that he didn't leave me now that he already knows about my illness.
He came into my room, and sat down next to me.
" Are you okay?" I just nodded "Maybe you're feeling something there, You're keeping it" He added saying that he was sulking.
I smiled and held his hand.
"I'm okay, I'm fine because my love is taking good care of me" I sweetly uttered.
A smile replaced her worried look. "Tell me if you any feel uncomfortable" Another reminder, He always did that. I smiled sparingly and just hugged him.
While we were waiting for the result of my MRI, The door of the room suddenly opened. It spat on Doc.
"Hi doc!" I called him.
"Hello Blair, How are you feeling? Did you fainted after your MRI?" He asked me.
"I am fine doc and good thing that I didn't fainted" I replied to him.
"Good to hear that, I already have the result of your MRI. According to this result your brain aneurysm sizes are 6 mm, It means you can't go through a surgery yet. So I recommend you just take medicine first" He explained.
"What size aneurysm can be operated on doc?" Adam asked.
"Well, Brain aneurysm sizes should be 7 mm before taking the surgery, Not less than that size." I just nodded.
"You have to buy this medicine, Nimodipine. You take it twice at the same time every four hours for twenty one consecutive days and you should buy one hundred twenty six pieces for exactly that in twenty one days" He gave the prescription, Adam took it.
"You drink it every 4 am, 8 am, 12 noon and 4 pm, 8 pm, 12 midnight." he said "Taking nimodipine can't be overdue" he reminded.
"Yes doc, Thank you po" adam thanked here.
"After 21 days you will come back here again blair huh? For another test." doc added.
"And when you start drinking it you will experience dizziness, Headache, Nausea, Excessive sweating, Abnormal heartbeat, And hypotension. But it's normal for people who's taking nimodiphine"
I just nodded here. He also left after saying what I needed.
"Hey, Are you okay?" And held it to my cheek.
"Y-yes!" I stammered in response.
"Are you feeling bad? How are you feeling?" He successively asked.
"I'm okay, What are you? Haha" I faked a laughed.
"Are you sure?" He kissed my head at the same time. I just nodded.
We were leaving my hospital room when I spoke.
"Love?" I tenderly call him.
Adam Maniego Point Of View
Ever since I asked her if she was okay she didn't say anything.
God, Please heal Blair ... I whisperred to my mind.
We were about to leave her hospital room when she spoke.
"Love?" She calls me.
"Can I just pay all my expenses here at the hospital?"
'I want to pay now, I am her boyfriend!' I strike in my mind.
"Why?" I seriously asked.
"I just want to hehe" At the same time she did a peace sign. Hey, I know that's not the reason.
"Blair, I know you think you're becoming a burden so you'll just have to pay your bills and medicines here" She bowed to what I have said "And I want you to know, You're not a burden to me. So I'll pay the bills and I'll buy your medicines" I added.
"I already think of that" At once she looks at the sky. "I want to be the one to take care of my bills because what about our future? I might run out of your money. Right?" I would still object if he put his hand in my mouth "Let me handle this, Please love" I sighed.
"Fine, We'll use your money for your treatment" I am really annoyed, I dressed her to get into the car, Then I turned around in the driver's seat. When I entered I saw her just bent over and there was falling water in her hands. Sht! She's crying again. It's your fault Adam. It's my d*mn fault.
"Hey" I turned her face to me but she tried to avoid her gaze.
"Love why are you crying? Did I say something bad?" I asked her.
"A-are you mad at me?" She stammered at her question and burst into tears.
"No, It's not like that" My answer is straight forward.
"Then you are really mad! I just don't want you to pay my bills. Because" She said curtly.
"It's because?" I continued what she said.
"Because last time you said you had plans to marry me, You want me to be your wife. So I want all the money you work for to go to your family and your savings. I don't want you to spend a lot on me" She shyly said. I smiled at what she have said.
"Okay okay, You win you'll pay don't cry there" I chuckled. 
"Then why are you laughing huh?" Maybe it's annoying hahaha!
"Because you're willing to marry me!" My sweet explanation, It averted her gaze. "I love you Blair" Then she turned her face to me and kissed her on the lips.
"I love you too Adam My love" I kissed her again.
Blair Lopez Point Of View
I woke up with my stomach upset. I quickly got out of my bed and vomited in the sink of my comfort room. I fell asleep.
"Blair?" Adam's call...
"I'm here!" I shouted, He didn't answer and just entered my comfort room.
"You okay?" I just nodded.
"Did you vomit again?" He asked with mixed concern.
"Yes, I am okay, Don't worry" And I leaned my head on his chest. He put his one hand on my head and gently stroked my hair, While his other hand hugged my back which it also gently caressed.
"Your back is wet! Change your clothes! You'll get sick!" He commands that I leads me to chuckled.
"Did you have amnesia love? Remember I'm sick hahaha!" I laugh, I still close my eyes to my laughter. When I opened my eyes I saw his serious face staring at me "Hey what's wrong?" I ask him. He didn't answer me and just averted his eyes but you could still see the annoyance on his face and the clenching of his jaw.
I touched his face and forced him to face me. "Love? Did I say something wrong?" May be there is Blair.
"Nothing" It was a cold response.
"There is! If there isn't, Why are you suddenly cold and you're still serious!" I pouted.
"Fc-k" He whispered
"Then you also cursing to me" I added.
"Let's go, I prepare your break fast." Then he grabbed me by the elbow and dressed me outside.
"Later! Tell me first" I scolded him.
"Do not be stubborn Blair" He said coldly again. I stopped talking and just pulled him away. He sat me on the chair and spooned food.
Bacon. Eggs. Rice and coffee.
I ate quietly as well as he was quiet as well. While I was eating I caught him looking at me but I just ignored him. He'll take care of it. He doesn't want to say huh!
When we finished eating I offered to do the washing myself. He let me go and just sat in his place. When I was about to finish washing I felt dizzy, I also felt the acceleration of the pulse of my chest. I was caught in the sink and in my chest. My sweat was also forming. I took a deep breath first before I finished the last wash. When I finished washing I first stayed in the sink holding on.
Adam Maniego Point Of View
She had finished washing but she was still in the sink. I approached her and hugged her from behind.
"Sorry love" I said softly.
She didn't say a word so I looked at her face. She had sweat condensing on her forehead and she was holding onto her chest. I turned her to me when I noticed it.
"What do you feel?" I asked her, But she never spoke again. I grabbed her back and inserted my hand into the back of her dress to wipe away her accumulated sweat.
"Love, How do you feel?" When I repeat. She leaned her head on my shoulder.
"I just felt dizzy all of a sudden like the speed of my heartbeat before." Sh*t!
"Why didn't you tell me right away?" I was annoyed and walked her to the chair. I went back to the kitchen and got bottled water from the refrigerator for her to drink. I handed it to him and she drank it too.
"Now tell me, How do you feel now?" I have a serious query here.
"No more" She uttered weakly.
"Gone?" I asked again as she just nodded. I knelt down and held her hands.
"Why were you quiet earlier?" Asking her. I noticed that she was suddenly quiet.
"Then why were you angry earlier?" Back to this question.
"Not really ah?" I defense.
"You're mad" She stressed and averted her gaze.
"Fine! I'm just pissed off with what you said earlier!" I confessed.
"Oh! Alright! Why are you so annoyed. I'm right at the first place. We already know I'm sick but you don't seem to know" She sighed at the same time.
"I know you're sick and you even have a brain aneurysm, Don't you? You hid it from me, Didn't you? But it's just me, I want you to fight but in your tone before, You seem to accept your fate" She bowed to what I have ejaculate.
"It's not like I accept that easy" Is that how she makes me feel? Hayts!
"I don't want you to think that you won't get better so we're doing everything, Right? To get you better? You don't want to spend my money on your treatment and your reasons is I'll just save my money for the family we're going to build and my savings for we are married we have money" My long litany.
"I'm sorry, I won't do it again. I'll fight my promise" She looked up and smiled wryly.
"Just make sure and I'll marry you. Go ahead and get dressed and I'll take you to the office, Boss wants to see you he wants to know your condition and after that we'll go home. Mom and dad want to see you too"
"Okay!" And smiled sweetly sweetness. That! That's my Blair.
"Go! Wear a comfortable clothes okay? I love you"
"I love you too" And entered her room

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    it's me and my jowa wahh


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    Jocel Caloquim

    nice story


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