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บทที่ 5 The corpse

Tired after the hunting trip, the group temporarily parted, and everyone went home, resting after a dangerous night. Returning to the familiar room, the young leader fell on his beloved bed and slept until the afternoon before he could change into his bloody and sweaty clothes.
Awakened by the smell of delicious food, his stomach rumbling continuously, as soon as he walked down to the dining room, he was chased into the bathroom by that "difficult" woman; he smelled himself, the smell of the after-effects of yesterday's battle rushed over. up his nose making him feel nauseous, limping to the bathroom.
Soaking in the warm water, the comfort spread throughout the body; the drowsiness came, and he fell asleep in the tub from time to time.
“Did I fall asleep again? Has the power gone out at home?" – Open your eyes and sit up, not the bathroom in the house, nor the bedroom full of miscellaneous pictures, still wearing the clothes from this morning; the strange thing is that it shows no sign of wetness or blood. Bewildered, not knowing what was going on, but immediately brushed it off, calmed, decided to get up to see where I was.
The surroundings were pitch-black, and a box of matches he always carried with him on hunts was in his pocket. Although the game is small, it gives light for a short time, but it is better than nothing. After walking for a while, he felt that this place was very familiar as if he had been there before.
“This place…is it like a cave? Is this a tiger beast man's cave? Why don't you have any children like this?" – Going deep inside, the bats flew over his head from nowhere, startling him; the match was extinguished, returning to the quiet darkness.
Cinderella re-lighted the new match and glanced around to find a white shadow floating in front of her eyes. Although he is a name that is not afraid of danger, a hero who kills monsters in the area, after all, he is an 18-year-old boy who likes to listen to spiritual stories but is very afraid of ghosts.
His limbs were weak; he couldn't stand. Still, he unconsciously stepped back to prepare to run, but the path he had been walking just now disappeared. The white shadow slowly glides over, afraid to cry, covering his face with his hand; the scene has changed.
There is no longer a white shadow, nor is it a dark place anymore, but permafrost around me, emitting bone-chilling air, thick and thick permafrost forming a cave, the light outside shines through. The ice layer creates a dim light. Not knowing what happened to me, I had to explore further. A rectangular iceberg is placed in the center further into the step.
“Why is there a strange iceberg here? Wait, there's-" Curious, he wiped the steam from the ice with his hand; inside was a pale corpse.
Startled screaming and fell back, this was an ice coffin, the person lying inside revealed the young face of a baby, the skin of the corpse's right arm and legs wrinkled, like the echo of Burn marks, on the chest also left many marks like claws of animals scratching through. Calm down and look closely at the corpse; this is not the corpse of an ordinary person, with two horns on its head and a tail; realizing that this is the corpse of a dragon boy, the young leader wondered why how could a dragon's corpse be in this remote mountain area?
The corpse suddenly opened its eyes; the eyes were white and lifeless, threatening to startle the young leader. Sitting up, it turned out that he was dreaming, himself still lying in the tub. Outside the room was the complaint of the "difficult" woman, who had overslept the whole dinner. Looking out the window, another day passed; while listening to the woman's scolding, eating didn't feel good anymore; I quickly swallowed and went up to the room.
Thinking about the dream is too real, who is that corpse, but why is it lying here and not in the dragon world? Dragon people are inherently noble, are human-like beasts; why are they buried there? Of the human race and witnessed the corpse opening its eyes. Maybe because he slept a lot all day, he didn't feel sleepy, sat up at the table to draw miscellaneous things; the black spear obtained when he killed the tiger king and brought it back to stay in the warehouse now appeared again. in your room.
Forget about this booty; now have the opportunity to take a closer look at this weapon, all black, just an ordinary spear, nothing special.
“When I fought with the tiger king, he didn't have any special powers, just ordinary low-level beast, but his power exploded when he wielded this spear. It was the same when I held it; what secret does this spear have?”
The appearance of the lance, the strange dream, and the many mysteries that come together in the day decide to go back to the mountains to fight the tiger king and investigate the incident. Holding a lamp in his left hand, two swords in his back, spear in his right hand, he entered the forest alone at night. Unlike yesterday, tonight the moon was obscured by clouds, the forest was eerily quiet.
He was surprised that no beastmen appeared; perhaps they were all eaten by the tiger king, smoothly reaching where he clashed with the tiger beastman yesterday.
"Yesterday, I saw him come out of this cave; there must be some secret inside; I have to go in and see."
After all, it was a beastman's residence, a dangerous place, so he tried to walk lightly, not making any noise, and dim the lights. There was still no trace of the beast inside; this was a cave without life.
“This cave…like a dream? No way, I…What's going on here.” Fear rose in my heart, but I couldn't escape it. He accelerated into the cave’s depths; as expected, at the end of the cave was a cold place, the same ice cave with a corpse as he had seen.
"No, we'll see each other again..."

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    Aquilino Aragon



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