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Chapter Seven

"Greetings, I am Kash, chosen guardian of our beloved heiress." He said and bowed with his sword down.
King Harven and the rest gazed upon this fine young man. Is the ocean trying to seduce their daughter, or guard her? Look at him! He is the complete definition of PERFECT.
"Rise!" The couple ordered.
Kash rose to his feet and smiled charmingly. Roxy couldn't help but drool. The heiress was so lucky to have such a handsome man be her guardian. He had blueberry coloured eyes, and pointed nose. His facial features were perfect like that of a god. He had broad shoulders and perfect biceps.
"The ocean chose you?" Medusa asked with a huge smile on her face.
"Yes, great one. I am Kash, last son of Tairus, King of the water kingdom." He said and they gasped.
"Wow! You're King Tairus son? The best guardians come from his lineage," Roxy gasped. "That means, you can transform into a merman."
"You're partly right but not entirely. We don't transform into mermen but we can breathe under water." He said and Roxy smiled.
"You know what you're supposed to do, right?" King Harven asked.
"Yes, your majesty. My mission is to guide, protect, train, nurture and make sure our heiress, Princess Cassandra Harven isn't exposed to any form of danger." Kash said.
"And if she is in danger by any chance?" Queen Roanna asked.
"I'll lay down my life to save her." He answered firmly.
King Harven and Queen Roanna nodded their heads, pleased with his determination.
"You're going to the human world, Kash. You have to at least dress and act a bit like them." Medusa said.
"Why?" He asked.
"Because everything around there is different from here. Food, clothes, character and so on. I know you assimilate things in seconds, so getting to learn about the humans shouldn't be that hard for you, right?" Medusa asked and he nodded. "Good! You're going to get enrolled in Lakefield High School, that is where our heiress is. You must stick by her at all times. Do not let her out of your sight." Medusa warned.
"You can trust me." He answered.
"Go well and train her well. When the time comes, she will come to where she truly belongs." Medusa said.
"I won't let you down, your Majesties." He bowed to them before disappearing.
"Are you sure he can handle this?" Queen Roanna asked.
"If he can't, he wouldn't have been chosen by the ocean." Medusa answered.
"I think it would be a good idea to tell Maggie about this. By now, Cassandra must have been made to believe that trusting people easily is dangerous. People can go to any length to deceive her, so it's best if Maggie knows so that she can inform Cassandra about her guardian." Roxy suggested.
Royal advisers were believed to be very wise so their advise aren't always neglected. And Roxy, being their leader is considered the wisest, so her suggestions are always put into consideration.
"Alright. We will do as you've said." King Harven said.
"Is it okay to at least visit our daughter... even if it's once?" Queen Roanna asked.
"You can't visit her for now. When the time comes, I will tell you." Medusa said, bowed then disappeared.
The remaining three stared at the ocean as it sparkled in its glory.
"Roxy, I need you to summon Maggie." King Harven said and Roxy nodded.
"And if by any chance you meet Cassandra, please tell her we love her so much, and will come see her soon." Queen Roanna said.
"I'll deliver your message well, your Majesties." She bowed and disappeared.
Aunt Maggie was at her backyard, watering her flowers. Apart from her job as an assistant manager in an oil company, she has a very special hobby whenever it was her day off office, and that was to water her flowers.
She was done and was about to go in when she stopped. She turned and saw something forming into a person. She dropped her watering can and activated battle mode immediately.
"Calm down, your Majesty. I am not here to hurt anyone." Roxy chuckled as she appeared.
"Roxy!" Aunt Maggie exclaimed and smiled. "I didn't know that was you." She said.
"Of course you didn't. That's why you stood at alert immediately." Roxy chuckled as she walked to where Aunt Maggie stood.
"Yeah," Aunt Maggie chuckled too. "What are you doing here?" She asked, leading the way to the living room and Roxy followed.
"I brought message from the King and Queen." Roxy said. She sat down on the blue leather couch and looked around.
"Why didn't the King and Queen send the royal messenger?" Aunt Maggie asked as she brought wine for Roxy. She settled it on the table and poured it into a glass cup.
Roxy took the wine and sipped. "It's a secret. It has something to do with our Princess."
"Cassie?" Aunt Maggie asked.
"Yes. The ocean changed colours yesterday." Roxy said and told Aunt Maggie everything, not sparing any detail.
"Kash is her guardian?"
"Yes. He is in this world already. He should be settling down by now." Roxy said, sipping her wine casually.
"Zaire told me same thing but he couldn't explain in details before Cassie came in that day." Aunt Maggie said.
Just then, Cassie got down from the stairs. She looked up from her phone and the first person she saw was Roxy.
"Wow! Our heiress looks more beautiful than I thought," Roxy said and stood up. "Your Highness!" She bowed, which confused Cassie.
Cassie looked at Aunt Maggie with a look that asks, 'What's going on here?'
Aunt Maggie smiled and said, "Cassie, this is Roxy. She is the leader of the royal advisers to your parents."
"Really? You're welcome, ma." Cassie smiled.
"Oh please! Don't call me ma, your highness. I am your servant anyway." Roxy said.
"Ummm... Okay?" Cassie said and sat down.
"I brought news from your parents, Princess Cassandra." Roxy said and Cassie felt weird. She wasn't used to being called Princess Cassandra.
"Okay." She said.
"Your parents, King Harven and Queen Roanna told me to tell you that, they love you so much." Roxy said.
"Oh really?" Cassie said in a sarcastic tone.
"You don't believe me?" Roxy asked.
"Show me proof." Cassie said.
Aunt Maggie was about to talk but Roxy stopped her and smiled. She stood up and muttered something. King Harven and Queen Roanna appeared in form of a hologram and Cassie gasped.
"Are those my parents?" She asked and stood up to take a closer look.
"Yes." Roxy answered.
Cassie looked at Aunt Maggie and she nodded. "They're beautiful!"
"They really are." Roxy smiled.
"And if by any chance you meet Cassandra, please tell her we love her so much, and will come see her soon."
Cassie heard her mother's voice and tears dropped from her eyes. "I love you too. I pray you come soon, I really missed you." Cassie said.
"Such a darling!" Roxy said.
She stayed with them for a while before leaving.
It was almost time for assembly at the halls and Cassie was getting ready. Asher had thought her how to conceal her hair colour for the meantime but she hasn't learnt how to conceal her eyes yet.
She stood up from her desk and searched for Crystal but couldn't find her. She noticed that since that incident with Lily, Crystal has been avoiding her. She sighed.
"It isn't her fault anyways." She muttered and started heading towards the halls.
She came across Lily and her minions in the way.
"Hi, Cassie." Lily waved, smiling at her in a friendly way.
Cassie was shocked. She turned to see it there was another Cassie behind her because it was definitely not her Lily was smiling at like that.
"Oh stop it! It's you I'm referring to." Lily said.
"Me? I am surprised." Cassie said. She couldn't get why Lily was suddenly being nice to her. After what happened between them, a normal person should hate and stay away from her, right? But here she was, being all nice.
"Don't be surprised. I just wanted to apologise for what happened between us the other day. I am totally the one at fault. Please, forgive me." Lily said, holding her ears.
Cassie was dumbstruck. "Why are you suddenly apologizing to me? Do you perhaps want something from me?" Cassie asked.
Lily chuckled. "Not at all! I just sat down and reasoned everything, then I realized that I was totally at fault. That's why I've come to ask for your forgiveness." She said.
"Okay. I have forgiven you." Cassie said and wanted to go but Lily stopped her.
"Don't go yet. Can we be friends?" Lily asked.
Cassie looked at the two girls beside Lily. "No." She answered and walked away.
Lily stomped her feet angrily. "Who is her acting all sassy for? Hmph!" She snapped and walked away too.
Cassie was almost at the assembly hall when she saw Asher coming to her. She looked inside and saw that students were already gathered, waiting for the Principal but she wanted to say hi to Asher first.
She smiled as Asher approached her.
"Hi," She waved and was about to shake his hand when another hand came out of nowhere and took hers. She looked up to behold the guy in front of her and almost passed out. "Oh my gosh!" She gushed and Asher frowned.

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    magnifique 🩷🌝


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    I really like this story 😁


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