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Chapter Five

"Cassie, there is big trouble." He muttered, and went to meet her.
"Where did you go to?" She asked.
"What did Mia tell you?" He asked, ignoring her question.
"She said that she was a supernatural and has been sent to protect and train me." Cassie said.
"So, because she said that, you believed her right away?" Asher asked.
"Yes, why not?" She shrugged.
"Damnit! You're so naive." Asher said.
"What's wrong with that?" She asked as the rain stopped.
"Everything, Cassie! Everything is wrong with that. You can't trust people easily like that. It's very dangerous!" He scolded and she pressed her lips together.
"How can trust be dangerous?" She asked and Asher sighed. What was wrong with her now? Why the sudden weird questions? He stared at her for some seconds before looking away.
"I'm not saying that trust is dangerous. What I meant was that, trusting easily is dangerous. Putting your trust in someone you know absolutely nothing about is crazy." He said.
"What about you? Do you want me to trust you?" She asked and he cleared his throat.
"Don't trust me yet, Cassie. Get to know me better first." He said.
"If I eventually get to know you better, how am I sure that I should trust you?" She asked.
"Your heart will tell you." He said and held her hand, leading her to the school hangout spot. He made her sit down then sat beside her, though maintaining a good distance. Who knows when she might get angry and roast him to bits?
Cassie sat down and dabbed her index fingers together. "Are you mad at me?" She asked.
Asher turned to look at her. She was so innocent, naive, inexperienced and weird. Well, he is weird too. He was the kind of guy that hates getting stressed. He likes when things are perfect and are being done with immediate effect. He doesn't waste time and doesn't fail to lash out at anyone who behaves in a gullible way.
"I'm not mad at you, Cassie. I am only worried about your well-being now that most of the dark forces are aware of your existence." He answered.
"Dark forces? Like... Villains?" She asked.
"Yeah. You don't need to get scared," He said. "I'm going to train you on how to control your powers. You're the heiress to the throne of pure magic which means that there is a demon side within you that needs to be caged. So, you must work on your temper. Do you remember what you did today?" He asked.
"Of course I remember! I can not forget that in a hurry." She answered.
"Good. That was an introduction of your demonic side. It comes into being whenever you get angry." He said.
"I don't want any demonic side. Demons are mostly villains and I hate them. I can't be one of them, please help me." She pleaded.
"I'll help you but you have to do something for me." He said.
"What is that?" She asked.
"Don't reveal your identity to anyone, don't accept their gifts, don't allow them trick you by saying they want to train you and don't make friends with other supernatural beings, especially here in Lakefield." Asher answered.
"Why shouldn't I make friends with them?" She asked.
"You'll understand as time goes on. Consider me as your only friend for now." He said and she smiled.
"Let me escort you to class." He said and held her hand again.
She stood up and he took her back to the class. Her hair color returned to black and her eyes to brown. Asher bade her farewell and left for his father's office. Cassie sighed and entered the classroom then went straight to her seat.
She tapped Crystal who rested her head on the desk. "Are you okay?" She asked as she remembered when Lily was choking her.
Crystal raised her head and stared at Cassie. She shuddered when she remembered how scary Cassie looked few minutes ago. Who would believe that this gentle and innocent soul in front of her would be so fierce.
"Are you alright?" Cassie asked when she saw how Crystal was staring at her too much.
Crystal cleared her throat. "Yes, I am fine. Nothing is wrong with me." She said.
Cassie bent and looked at her neck but there was nothing there. She sighed and brought her books out of her bag in preparation for the next class. She knew why Crystal stared at her like that. She just hoped all these would be over soon.
Mr. Rayner, Asher's father sat down on his office chair, swaying from left to right with his index finger curved around his jaw. On his table laid a piece of paper where he sketched the an image of Cassie. He chuckled as the paper started floating in the air.
"Little girl, you're my ticket to a world of immense and unfathomable power! It isn't going to be very hard to get you. Your innocence and naivety will make this mission a piece of cake for Asher. It wouldn't be long before he make you fall uncontrollably for him, then you'll become our puppet." He chuckled and the door to the office opened.
Asher walked in and sat down, the look on his face, unreadable.
"How did it go?" Mr. Rayner asked.
"It went bizarre! That girl is deadly when she's angry." Asher said.
"That's why we need her." His father said.
"But Dad, what do we need her for?" Asher asked.
Mr Rayner looked at Asher and smiled. "You'll know very soon, son."
"But I want to know now. I can't be helping you to achieve something without knowing what that thing is." Asher said.

"Son, I'll tell you at the right time. I'm not going to hurt her if that is your fear." He said.
"Yeah. That is my fear, and the fact that I am not sure of what might come out of this makes it harder for me." He said.
"So, you're worried about her?" Mr. Rayner asked. He didn't wait for Asher's answer before asking another question, "Do you like her?"
Asher gasped. "Dad! How can you say that?" He asked.
"Because, I know my son like the back of my hand. You only worry about people you like and care about. And if you don't like her, then you're perhaps planning to." Mr. Rayner said.
"Dad, I don't like her, and ain't planning to. I'm only concerned because she is too naive and gullible." Asher defended.
"You shouldn't be worried about that, son. That's what we are supposed to use against her." He said and chuckles.
Asher sighed and ruffled his hair. "I'm having a bad feeling about all these." He muttered only to his own hearing.
History has it that this beautiful paradise was home of the most beautiful and handsome creations of all times. It consisted of diverse supernatural beings from different worlds, all gathered in one place. It's rulers (King & Queen) were sometimes perceived as immortals because of the powers they possessed.
It was like a floating city because whenever you look down, there wasn't any ground. It just looked like a bottomless pit with a magnificent Kingdom high above it.
The people went about their daily activities but with little help from magic, of course.
It was magnificent building, made entirely out of gold. The gates were gold, doors were gold, pillars, fountains, you name it! There were touches of gold on anything you came across. The thrones weren't excluded.
There were three special thrones in the palace. One for the King, another for the Queen, and the last for the heir or heiress. Each throne was made of pure gold with eagle wings behind them.
Seated on the thrones were King Harven and Queen Roanna. Unfortunately, the third seat was vacant. King Harven held his Trident tightly while Queen Roanna held her Sceptre firmly. It seemed like they were meditating when a guard rushed in unannounced.
"Your majesties, there is trouble!" He bowed with his head on the floor.
The couples snapped their eyes open, and stared at him. They nodded their heads and he stood up with his head bent.
"You are one of the guards, securing the ocean of balance and magic. Is there any problem?" King Harven asked.
"Your Majesties, the water!" He said, horror written all over his face.
The couples stood up at once.
"I order you to speak!" Queen Roanna snapped, and the guard went on his knees.
"Your Majesties, the... the water has turned blue on one side, yellow on the other, red at the extreme and black at the middle," He said and they gasped. "That is not all, the black seems to be taking over the other colours."
"Take us there immediately." King Harven said as he stepped down from the throne with his Queen behind him.
The guard bowed. "Julian! Summon Medusa, and tell her to meet us at the ocean." Queen Roanna ordered before they vanished.
This ocean was what maintained the balance between all the supernatural realms. If anything should trigger it, it would put all the realms in danger especially that of Pure Magic.
They appeared and everything was just as the guard have said.
"What is going on? Why is the black colour trying to cover the rest? Why are those colors there in the first place? The river was naturally pure and blue before." Queen Roanna said, putting her right hand on her forehead.
"That's because, a stronger power has been unleashed." Medusa answered immediately she appeared. Medusa was the realm's wise one, more like a seer. She gives advice, solves puzzling problems, and well, you know the rest.
"Meaning?" King Harven asked.
"Those bright colours represents the power of light while the dark one represents that of the demons. The black colour is trying to cover the rest because of what happened hours ago." Medusa said.
"What happened?" Queen Roanna asked.
"The heiress!"

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    magnifique 🩷🌝


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    I really like this story 😁


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    رامي بدين



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