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Chapter 2 Sixth Sense

Rebecca was then confused by the person in front of her. Apparently Julian had not followed him at all and instead went to the opposite place . That's when he realized and then left by running. Julian seeing Rebecca like that made him feel surprised and then Julian looked around and there was nothing. Rebecca, who ran downstairs not long after , apparently slipped when she was going down the stairs. His leg was sore and slightly bruised. Again when alone, Rebecca saw a shadowy figure in front of her. Closing her eyes, Rebecca then tried to stand up and leave as quickly as possible. Rebecca who was running out of breath made her give up and then sat down for a while. One of her friends who saw Rebecca like that then greeted her and Rebecca was surprised to see her friend.
"What are you doing here?" ask his friend
"Hey, why are you looking at me like that?"
"Ah, no, this is just my guess. What are you doing here?"
"Oh my gosh I just asked you that."
"Oh yeah, where are you now?"
"Go to the laboratory."
"I am coming along."
"Come on. I said I was coming with you."
"Okay. You're so weird. What is going on?"
"There isn't anything. serious."
"Well that's that then."
The two of them then went to the laboratory together. Right in front of the laboratory, the two of them then entered it and immediately joined those who were inside. 3 hours passed, finally Rebecca could go home. On the way home, Rebecca then boarded the bus. Once the bus had arrived and quickly boarded it. This time the bus was very crowded so it felt safe. A few moments later, Rebecca arrived in front of her house. This time Rebecaa had to walk to her house through the apartment hallway and through the elevator. When she was about to take the elevator, she was suddenly surprised by the figure of someone in the elevator, causing Rebecca to faint. One of the residents of the apartment who was about to go upstairs and then found Rebecca lying on the floor made him immediately call for help. A few moments later, Rebecca regained consciousness and this time was in a hospital. Confused , then got out of bed and then go. Unfortunately it was late. Rebecca then left by taking a taxi. Right inside her house, Rebecca was really frightened by the various apparitions that appeared in front of her. Although not very often, it was enough to scare him to death. Rebecca's life filled with fear makes slowly become a closed person and even often in the crowd but never feel at peace. In his heart there is still a great fear and it made him like this.
This time Daniel who was at his house then left his bedroom and headed to the kitchen to get water. After that he returned to his room and started doing his work again. At the same time, he began to feel uneasy and his head almost burst. All that work made him suffer a lot and then he took a painkiller sick head to try to sleep well. Towards the next day, Daniel then got out of bed and went to get ready to start the morning. That's when he had to go to his tutoring place . Because it happened to be a Sunday so he felt free to do whatever he wanted. Daniel who tutors at the academy music who is not far from his house he slowly enters the place it and then start To do his activities a few hours later, he left from there and wanted to meet someone. Daniel, who feels that his life is full of regrets, makes him not enjoy life. This time he went to the house of a friend he had not seen in a long time. Arriving at a place at the foot of the mountain, he then met him who was there.
"Oh, you're Daniel," said his friend and then came over to him.
"How are you?" ask Daniel
"I'm fine. Even very good. then you? Aren't you all right?"
"Ah, it seems obvious."
“Right, you look like you're frustrated. What happened?"
"I'm just in a pathetic phase. Just that."
"Then just enjoy it."
"You are crazy!"
"That means you need to deal with it. There's no need to look pathetic like this. Oh yeah, would you like some green tea?”
"Yes. Just bring it."
"Here," said his friend Daniel who brought a glass of green tea in front of him
"Thank you."
"You'll never change huh. It's still the same as before."
"What do you expect from me? So silly."
"Not. More correctly."
"You are this. Oh yeah, don't you intend to go downtown? You know this place is far from civilization.”
"No problem. I prefer it here.”
"Yes. I'm not stressed here."
"Up to you."
"You came here alone?"
"Yes. Who else are you with?"
“I thought you were going to invite someone. But I think it's impossible," said his friend in a mocking tone.
“Just annoying.”
The two of them continued to talk until they didn't realize it was already evening. The beautiful scenery here is clearly visible. Where the sky changes to an orange color giving an amazing feel. Daniel decided to stay at his friend's house. There, they do BBQ at night with their families. The stressed Daniel then felt much better and is currently in front of the grill grilling meat. In a different place to be exact at Rebecca's residence. There he tried to stay calm even though it was actually scary. Rebecca's younger brother Raimond then came to his room and knocked on the door.
"Sis, come down quickly. Dinner is ready," said his sister
Rebecca quickly left her room and headed to the dining room. There, the food was ready and the four of them had dinner together. Rebecca's mother noticed Rebecca's strange movements and it bothered her. Likewise with his sister who felt strange about her sister's behavior. different from his father who only looks calm.
"Did something happen?" ask her mother
"You look weird. Did something happen?”
"Oh nothing."
"Of course. What is going on?"
"You've been looking weird lately. If there's something just say it. You shouldn't keep it to yourself."
"Right. Brother looks strange, just like seeing a ghost," said Raimond.
Rebecca who heard Raimond's words, at that moment apparently choked and then drank water. Seeing his reaction like that, they then just let it be. After dinner ended, Rebecca then went to her room. In her room she hid herself under the covers hoping not to see her. The night was getting late but he still couldn't sleep even though he had closed his eyes several times. Rebecca then saw a forum on the internet and it was written about exorcism. Rebecca then entered the forum. He who had been keeping something made him feel depressed about it. On that day, when Rebecca was little. A middle-aged woman gave him something when moment he and his family went on vacation to the mountains. There, a middle-aged woman came up to the young Rebecca. They slowly approached him and they chatted for quite a long time. Rebecca then received a gift from him. The memory keeps popping up when it starts asleep. Not long after, the sound of the alarm woke him up and it was already early in the morning. He quickly got out of bed and went to take a shower .
"Are you awake?" ask her mother
"Hurry up and take a shower. Before Raimond."
Rebecca then went to take a shower. After everything is finished, then rushed to leave. On the way, it turns out that he met a little girl who had just been silent while staring at the road. Rebecca then approached him and tried to talk to the girl.
"What are you doing here? Go, you can block those who pass by," Rebecca said to the girl.
"Don't want to."
"Why? Are you waiting for someone?”
The girl then nodded. On the street to be exact in front of a toy shop. The girl was seen standing there alone. Her face looked pale but the girl continued to smile kindly at Rebecca and they continued talking. Several people who passed the road were surprised by Rebecca who had only been talking to herself. They kept whispering. Rebecca who then had to rush away then said goodbye to the girl and waved. Finally Rebecca arrived at the bus stop and then boarded the bus. Just as Rebecca got on the bus, apparently everyone filled her and apparently had to stand. A few minutes later, Rebecca got off the bus and then she went somewhere.
In a place on a mountain. Daniel is currently enjoying the scenery while going up the mountain with his friends. They both went there and apparently a lot of people also came. The beautiful scenery made him excited and they finally reached the top. From up there is a beautiful view and then feel at peace. Daniel tried to meditate with some of the other people there.
"It's amazing," said Daniel
"I don't think you coming here on vacation is a curse."
"Indeed I came here just to refresh my mind."
"That's not a bad idea."
"What's with them? why are they there?” said Daniel while looking at several people who were seen gathering there and doing something.
"Oh, they are the guardians of this mountain."
"They usually always perform ceremonies like that out of respect for nature."
"Very weird."
"Of course. It's only natural since it's your first time seeing it."

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    Aminidham Zainuddin

    i like story


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    nice story


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