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4 Opportunity

I looked away when he stood up. I’m about to sit down from my sit but he hold my wrist that made gasped. Why am I always shock when he’s near me? I glanced back at him but his eyes were at his parents. He was serious that I thought he has mood swings.
“We’ll leave first… with my ‘future wife’.” He glanced at everyone before he pulled me away from the dining table.
I didn’t know how we immediately got to our garden. It was at the back of our two-storey house. My face blushed with the sudden realization. Wait… He’s holding me. Our skin touched.
The light from the house inside made him dominant in front of me. We stood by each other and it’s clear that he’s towering me. My cheeks reddened even more with the sight of him being serious.
His brows were furrowed as he looked down at me. With the help of the light, his jaws were slightly clenched as his tongue clicked. He pursed his lips while staring down into my system.
“D-denver…” I almost closed my eyes when I stutter.
“Why did you agree?”
My brows furrowed, didn’t quite got what he said. I pursed my lips but he hold my chin to make me look up to him.
I pursed my lips again when our eyes met again. His touch send shivers down my spine. I don’t know why I feel so nervous in front of him. His gray eyes tells the opposite. He was quite confused at my sudden shift of expression.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about, Denver.”
He moved away as he removed hand on my chin loosened. He look at me with disbelief on his face.
“I thought you don’t want this kind of thing… I was wrong, huh?”
I was just looking at him as he tells that to himself. As if he’s talking without me in front of him. I got the chance to stare at his facial features. How his brows were creased. And wondering how his lips were so pinkish as he keeps biting it.
Wow. I’m amazed at how his hair complement him. It defines his jaws perfectly.
I heard a fake cough that it got my attention. My cheeks blush as I stared back at him. Calm down yourself, Sharmienne. He’s just a man. A handsome man, in front of you.
“W-what?” I uttered, almost a whisper.
“I’m asking you why you agreed?”
“Why? I t-thought you agreed too” I bit my inside cheeks as I asked him that.
“But it was because I thought you won’t. Tsk.”
So it wasn’t really his plan? I thought he wanted this? As I saw his reaction earlier, he looks amused over something. Or even confident about what happened.
And what? He was just playing? Am I a toy to play with?
“So… you don’t want this marriage too?” I asked hesitantly.
He gave a side way glanced at me before he shook his head. That faded the feeling I felt earlier. It was changed into disappointment.
“But it was already planned by your parents.”
“I know,” he answered. “Listen, Sharmienne.” He hold my shoulder and leaned forward that it almost got me off guard. Still he didn’t move back and was still staring down my soul.
“I don’t want to be tied up with anyone,” he said that with finality.
“I… I understand.” I stammered. “Can you please tell you parents… about it? M-maybe they’ll understand.” I suggest.
I wasn’t sure if I needed to say that. But I know my sister and our company are at stake here. I don’t know what to do anymore. I’m also confused.
This is the only way to help my family. And for my mother to totally accept me as her own. Maybe. Just maybe.
I needed to convince Denver to agree to this marriage or else our opportunity will lose in an instant. But if he’s like this, who doesn’t want to be entangled to this arrangement, I’m not sure if I can do that anymore.
I don’t have any confidence to do that. Not with this guy in front of me.
“They won’t.”
I furrowed, not completely understand what he said. But I still need to try my luck.
“O-or we can try to work this out?”
His eyes diverted to me in an instant. With the way he looked at me, I already know he’s pissed now. He scratched his eyebrows as he lost his patience.
“What did you say, young lady?” His voice was hoarse, enough for me to almost lost my balance. Why does he has this effect on me?
“You want this marriage?” He sounds like he’s mocking me.
I pursed my lips. I don’t want to tell him what’s my real intention in agreeing into this. I know… I’m in trouble. But we needed this. My family need this.
“I thought you are different from the others, but you’re just the same as them.” He shook his head. “Desperate.”
“That’s Mr. Velasquez, for you. I don’t want to hear my name from that mouth of yours,” he uttered with seriousness on his voice.
“Mr. Velasquez, I am s—”
“For what, Sharmienne?” He raised a brow while looking down at me. “To tell you honestly, I was just playing earlier, but you took it seriously. Now you’re in danger zone.”
“You put your life in line—willing to be the bait of this dangerous game I’ve made.” His lips smirked as he moves closer. “I’m curious, what’s the reason why you agreed?”
“I-I don’t know what you’re—”
“Don’t worry, I will find it out.” He showed me his avaricious smirk before he give me a peck on my right cheek.
With the help of the light, I suddenly saw my sister on the door while looking at our direction. She saw me—us. She must’ve followed us here and now she even saw how Denver was too closed to me.
“Mr. Velasquez.”
Her lips were quivering as she took a step. I hear Denver’s soft chuckles on my ear before he faced my sister. As he stood on his place, he was waiting for my sister to approach him. And when Carmienne did, she slapped him so hard that Denver’s face moved sideways, but still he has that smirk on his lips.
“Don’t you dare threaten my sister, again. You manipulative j*rk!” She pushed him away from me before she grabbed my hand and cover me from Denver.
“She took the bait, Carmienne Golieza. It’s not my fault that she’s already within my touch.” Denver’s menacing eyes lingered on me. “Right, my future wife?”
“Why can’t you stop this, instead” Carmienne was fuming mad as she hissed at the guy. But Denver just show her a smirk. He patted my head before he stood straight in front of us.
“I started it, but she will be the one to end it.”

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  • avatar
    Jean Reyes Silva

    nice story


  • avatar
    Jelyn Sombilon

    It was very nice. I just finished reading the whole chapter rn and I found it very amazing along the way. Thanks for writing this one.


  • avatar

    very veryy good


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