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The Reclusive Wife

The Reclusive Wife


1 The Celebrant

“Bye Dad! Bye Sharmienne!”
I waved my hand to my older sister, Carmienne, before I went inside the passenger seat of my Dad's car. Today, he asked me to join him attend a party of one of his colleagues in the business world. I don't know why I need to go with him, but since he doesn't take a 'No', I didn't have the choice to disagree.
My father and I will attend the birthday celebration of Velasquez's firstborn son. I am not a fan of celebration, but my father dragged me with him. Aside from the fact that he's not that young and he needs assistance, he also told me that I need to interact with people. I always look stiff and aloof. Only some knows me too well.
“Talk to them, Sharmienne. You need to socialize too. You're young to always lock yourself inside your room.” My dad said as we're in the middle of the road. I just nodded as I focused my eyes on the buildings we're passing by. It's already late afternoon and the sun is already up. Its rays are touching my skin which is very unusual to me.
I always wanted to stay at home. I want to read book and not socialize with people. I seldomly talk to them, even with my family. It just... I am not comfortable being surrounded by people. I am afraid that they're only staying with me because they need me. They will just use me for their own gain.
That's why, growing up, I become more aloof. I become distant to people, especially my age. It will always take minutes for me to practice my social skills before I talk to them. Even a simple greeting makes me weak.
I am trying my best, but it felt like I got worse than before. I am already 18 years old yet I am still acting like this. Only people who are close to me knows that I am like this. But they still accept me being who I am. And I am grateful of them.
We stopped in front of a modern bluish-painted three storey house. The gates opened and our car went in. The lights from the house are blinding my eyes. There's a double door as soon as we enter. It opened as the servers are waiting for us.
This celebration is grand. There were young men and women on their casual attires as we get inside. There's also a chandelier on the center of the ceiling. A long staircase joins the first and second floor. Tables were arranged parallel to each other and besides the grand staircase is a mini stage wherein there's an MC in front.
“I'll talk to my colleagues, Sharmienne,” my dad said as soon as I found a table.
A waiter abruptly served my food and a wine. I looked at my father first before I nodded eventhough I'm hesitant. I'll be left alone here, but maybe it will be fine.
“Okay dad,” I muttered softly. He kiss my forehead before he got lost out of my sight.
I looked down to my food. I started to eat as I enjoyed myself watching the MC talking in front. He's hilarious. I keep on roaming my eyes to look for the celebrant when my eyes diverted to the man my father is talking with right now.
He has those gray eyes which captivated my sight. He's talking with my father as if they are close friends. The way he carries himself is so professional. He looks like he's still on his early 20's based on physique.
He has an Italian blood, based on his facial features. He has long eyebrows, pointed nose tips, protuded hawk eyes, his thin lips were shaped like a heart, his square-angled jaws, and his crew cut hairstyle fits him the most. He's indeed a demigod. He's almost perfect.
And his smile... It was jaw-dropping. The way he smirks to others shows how dominating he is. He has that avaricious smirk that makes my knees crumble upon seeing it.
I sighed as I saw him talk to women his age. Looks like a playboy. He keeps his smile while talking to them. I was just staring at him from where I am right now.
I sipped on the wine I have right now when I saw him walks towards my direction. He looks calm but with a stoic face while his eyes are focused on my direction. Our eyes met. My heart started to beat faster and avoided his gaze.
He's not looking at me... He's not looking at me. I keep my head low until I felt him walk behind my seat.
I drank the wine fully. I wished it calms my heart but it didn't. It just worsen my heartbeats. I put the glass on the table and asked a waiter to refill my wine glass.
“Thank you,” I mumbled at the waiter.
He just smiled and left my table to served the others. I roamed my eyes around and I didn't see the Velasquez's firstborn son. He just passed by my table. I smiled sadly as I expected him to talk to me.
I was left alone here in my table while my father is talking to his colleagues. There were few visitors who are the same age as mine but I'm not familiar with them. I drunk the wine until it finished.
“Hija.” I looked at my back when I heard my father's voice.
He's wearing a gray two-piece suit right now which he seldomly uses it. This celebration might be really important for him to give this a special treatment. The last time I saw him wear this kind of clothes was when he lost the ownership of our company two years ago.
“Dad.” I moved aside to give him space. He sat beside me and caressed my middle-length hair. “Are you done?” It already took him half an hour to talk to his colleagues but here I am being impatient.
“Why?” he asked, brows furrowed. “You want to go home already?”
I bit my lips as my eyes diverted in front of me. I saw the Velasquez's son again who's on the mini stage and now making a speech for everyone who attended. “Yes, dad.”
“Okay, let's go.” He stood up and I followed. I clinged on to his arm which made him chuckle. “You're still a baby, Sharmienne. You're already 18.”
“Dad...” He lowly chuckled and we both walked to the Velasquez.
“We'll talk to the Velasquez first, then we'll go home. Your mother is really in beast mode right now.” We chuckled at his statement. We just stopped when we saw the celebrant's parents on the door frame of their house.
“Mr. Golieza!”
The man on his late fifties called my father. I removed my arm on him and they both shared a man-to-man hug. I then smiled at the woman, she must be Mrs. Velasquez.
“You're Sharmienne, right?” she smiled. I nodded as my eyes widened a bit. She looks alike with the celebrant. She looks sophisticated on her beige dress yet her face looks nice. She's like on her early fifties. “Did you enjoy the party?”
“Y-yes ma'am.” I timidly smile at her. She nodded before her eyes focused on my back. She was looking at someone.
“Denver,” she called.
I stilled on my place when I felt someone else is at my back. I looked at Mrs. Velasquez who's now smiling at me. I timidly smile at her before I looked behind, and I almost stumbled upon seeing him this close.
It was the celebrant. He was too close to me that I almost fall. He already caught me. His hand was on my waist already as he stared at me. The way he hold me close to him make me gasped. His gray orbs roamed around my face as if he's reading what I am thinking right now. I was holding his shoulders for support as I stared back at him.
He smiled. That smile was different from the one he showed everyone. It was only me who saw that before he leaned forward. He fixed my hair even with our awkward position.
I just heard someone fake a cough which made me pushed him away. I stood up straight and looked down as I felt everyone's eyes on us, especially my father. I can hear Mrs. Velasquez chuckling beside me.
“You look good together.” I heard Mrs. Velasquez commented.
“Mom, I didn't celebrate my birthday just to be tied up with someone I barely know.”
My cheeks heated up as I heard his baritone voice. His words are true. He's so manly as he said that. Still, it felt that his voice is what I always wanted to hear.
I looked up to Denver only to see him looking back at me. His gray eyes has that glints as I stared closer on them. They're so beautiful and captivating. My cheeks blushed when he smiled at me. The usual smile he gave everyone.
“Happy birthday,” I mumbled.
“Thanks,” he simply uttered. He stared at me as I step back away from him. I looked at my father and he nodded at me means that we need to leave.
“We'll go now, Mr. and Mrs. Velasquez. And to you, young man,” Dad said. I look at the family Velasquez and they smiled at me. When my eyes diverted to the celebrant, he was still staring at me.
I forced a smile. But then he walked towards me and leaned forward to give me a kiss on both cheeks.
He whispered something that made my knees wabble. “See you, young lady.”

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  • avatar
    Jean Reyes Silva

    nice story


  • avatar
    Jelyn Sombilon

    It was very nice. I just finished reading the whole chapter rn and I found it very amazing along the way. Thanks for writing this one.


  • avatar

    very veryy good


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