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Chapter 3 ( The recrown)

The next day the council at the pack called for a meeting to crown their new Alpha , they knew they had to keep their pack strong and unbeatable and in other to maintain the respect they had always had the throne wasn't meant to be vacant.
Everyone gathered together to know who was going to rule. Most of them were aware that the Beta was to take over the leadership ,so it wasn't going to be a surprise if that happened. Ohio has woken up that morning very happy and feeling excited, he knew that the council would hand over the leadership of the pack to him and he was going to finally have the greatest and biggest dream of his life finally. He had joined them at the meeting Court, where all the people of the pack had come to finalize who should be their leader. The meeting Court was an ancient building built by Malvin's forefathers , it had lasted for more than a hundred years and most decisions were quite made there.
That morning Maria had gone in search of a doctor in order to complain about the health situation she faced last night. She told him about how she was so restless and the constant throwing up she had all through the night. She had only managed to keep her eyes closed ,before she felt the need to sleep, the night had been so long and she only prayed it could end soon.
The doctor then tells her that she might be with a child because of the symptoms which she had stated, which seemed like the one a pregnant woman faces. Maria disagrees with the doctor and tells him that she thinks the reason for her health issue which she had faced the previous night was as a result of the death of her mate, the Alpha.
She said that his death was unexpected and very shocking to her and this had changed her entire system and made her feel sick. The doctor decides to run certain tests on her in order to find out and ascertain what exactly was wrong with Maria.
Maria has gone to see the doctor with her favourite maid Luciana who she so much believed in and looked up to in keeping her secrets in a coded way. The doctor tells Luciana to look after Maria and not to allow her to do any tedious jobs as it was very possible that she was with a child.
Luciana agrees to do as the doctor had told her and beckons on Maria for them to go home back to the pack, before their presence is felt back their. Maria follows her back as the doctor had told her he will run some tests from the blood samples which he had taken from her. Getting back to the pack they met the meeting which had been called on by the council, all the people were already gathered at the meeting point.
Maria came in and she was offered a seat to sit down as the late alphas mate. she sits and listens to the discussion which was ongoing between the council members and the people. Votes were suggested to be casted between the people to ascertain their new leader.
Ohio immediately interrupts them, asking why there should be voting when he was the second in command and it's believed that he should be the next leader of the pack. Everyone becomes quiet and no one trys arguing with him.
The council then decides that he will be made the leader of the pack since he is the second-in-command and no other person objects to his being their ruler. Ohio gets up and is very happy he appreciates the council for handing over the power of authority to him and he tells them that he would ensure that the pack meets up with the standards of the past leaders.
He tells them that he would lay down certain rules which would help the pack in becoming stronger and well-known among all other packs surrounding them. Ohio also askes that Maria becomes his mates right before everyone, he claimed that he really cared about her and that was the only way he could actually help his best friends mate.
The council also agreed to his idea of making Maria his mate because he had no mate at that time and since Maria was already the luna of the past Alpha it was only right that she would also continue her duties as the mate of the new Alpha. Maria doesn't say a word about the turnout of events.
She had never felt anything for him at all but at the same time she wasn't sure of what her future holds and she didn't want to move back to being little or any random woman in the pack. She enjoyed commanding power and respect alot. she appreciated the position of being their Luna and wanted to continue her duties as such.
The council then turns over to her and ask her what she thinks about the proposal made by the new Alpha.
Maria then speaks up and says that she has nothing against continuing her duties as his mate she tells them that she accepts the proposal with the whole of our hearts and would continue her duties as their Luna. The meeting ends with the council members agreeing on him being their Alpha and Maria being his mate.
Not everybody is pleased with the turnout of events and situations which has just taken place. most people expected Maria to reject the offer because they felt she loved Malvin ,who was the late alpha and wouldn't have descended so low to accepting another person's proposal so early. She returns back to her Court with her personal maid Luciana.
Right there in her court Luciana talks to her about the decision which she had just made. Luciana tells her that she says her decision has been rash and fast. She tells Luciana that she doesn't want to settle for less and she doesn't want to lose her position as the Luna of the pack.
She tells her that she is ready to mate with whosoever becomes the new Alpha not minding if she had feelings for him or if they do not bond perfectly.
Luciana still advises her on rejecting the proposal as she knew that the new alpha wasn't up to any good and it might be possible that the Beta knew what actually happened to Malvin. She tells her that she knows how the new alpha was known to be very arrogant and lacks care for others.
She tells her that she knows that the past alpha tried in managing his situation with the new Alpha and she thinks that the new alpha is responsible for the death of her mate.
Maria does not agree with Luciana and tells her to stop talking nonsense she finalize her speech by saying that she wants to remain the Luna and would end up with whosoever becomes the alpha of the pack.
Luciana then reminds her that she might be with a child for her late mate and if Ohio really is responsible for the death of Malvin ,just so he takes over the leadership of the pack, then her life might equally be in danger as Ohio might not want any successor of Malvin to live .
Maria thinks about what Luciana had just said but decided to keep her fingers crossed. if she had to be with a child, then she was going to protect it with her life. That was going to be the only connection between her and Malvin and no one was going to stop that in any way.

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