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Bridget P.O.V continues
 I woke up slowly and was surprised to see alpha William’sfingers on my face. He was standing right in front of me when I opened my eyes. I looked into his gorgeous eyes. “Darling, we have gotten there.” He whispered. I nod and sat up. I quickly collected my bags as we walked out.
 The outer view of the jet is very spacious and a white Lamborghini was already waiting for us. The beta held the door open for me to enter the car and I thanked him.
 “Take us to the pack house,” Alpha William told the driver as he entered the car and sat next to me.
 We then began to move through a very occupied town. I’ve never seen so many fields and farms before. I heard the sound of a chuckle beside me that draws my attention.
 “It’s a lot, is not it?" Alpha William said to me with a grin. I shook my head and turned around to peep out through the window. We pulled up in front of a very magnificent mansion with sliding doors and a green doormat.
 A guy came to open my car door. He showed me the way. The whole vicinity was filled with lovely maidens whom I assumed to be maids.
 I had to work to live and satisfy everyone in my father’s house. There’s a spacious resting area around a furnace where human beings are sitting. Some are speaking while others are on their phones.
 The Alpha crossed over and talks to the lady who looked at me before giving him a white envelope. I heard some phrases that draw my attention.
 Then I saw someone dashing towards me with a happy smile on her face. She is wearing a darkish grey skirt, navy blue satin top and a thin white belt She draws me close for a hug and almost knocked the breath out of me.
 “Holy shit!!” She said with anxiousness. She dragged me backwards and put her arms around my neck
 “Oh hun, I’m sorry. I’m just so excited to finally meet you,” she said. I returned my gaze returned to the ground.
 “Please pardon my mate. She has been waiting for William to find his mate for a very long time,” The Beta said, resting a hand on his mate’s which is around my neck.
 “Yes Beta, no problem,” I nod. “Where are my manners? I haven’t introduced myself. I'm Liam Winters and this is my glamorous mate Daniella,”  He said. “It is nice to meet you both,”  I laughed.
 “I see you have met Daniella,” Alpha William said as he makes his way to us. “Daniella, can you show Bridget to her room Liam has prepared for her. I have to head to the office to finalize the plans,” He hands over the white envelope to her.
 “So the meeting went well then. I completely forgot to ask,” Daniella says.
 “It went well and we decided on a plan too," Beta Liam says as he kissed her forehead.
 “We may come back a little too late,” Alpha said as they walked to the door.
 Daniella turned to me, “Advice number one, when they say that, it's the opposite. They work hard for the pack.” She placed her arm around my shoulders and led me to a hallway. We walked to an elevator and walk-in. She pressed the buttons for the top floor. “So dear, tell me about yourself,” she said as she leans against the wall of the elevator.
 “I'm Bridget Smith. I am thirty years old and I am the daughter of Alpha Johnson Smith,” I replied, looking at her before facing the floor again. Her smile disappeared. “ Oh, hun . . .,” she trailed off. Oh no, did I say something wrong? Did I get her aggravated?
 “A Gamma from your pack came to our pack about 12 months back, Gamma Lucas. He advised us about a few things that went on in the Alpha's pack,” I interrupted,” Ma’am, you should not talk about it.” I felt so scared about interrupting her but I didn’t discuss matters concerning it.
 Gamma Lucas used to be the nicest person to me in the pack. When my dad threw him and his entire family out of the pack, it was the first time I felt alone.
  On some occasions, he had stopped my dad and brother from taking advantage of me and also stopped the beatings. But after he walked out and there was no one, the situation became worse.
 The door to the stairs opened and pulled me out of my thoughts. Only then, did I notice Beta Daniella staring at me?
 “I’m sorry Beta Daniella. I did not mean to shun you. I would simply not speak about what happened at the Alpha's pack,” I said shyly.
 She just laughed warmly. “Please, my name is Daniella. Can we be friends? Secondly, you are right. I shouldn’t pry. If you ever want to talk, I’m here, okay?” She said as we make our way out of the elevator and head down the hallway.
 We stop in front of the last door marked A. She hands me the envelope.
 “Inside this envelope is the key to this floor."
 “Floor?!,” I asked in surprise. She giggled then opened the envelope and pulled out a plastic card before swiping it over the keypad. The keypad beeps and turns green.
 We go into the room and it is like nothing I have ever seen. The walls are painted in a deep shade of green. The floor has large white tiles. The room has high ceilings and even beautiful chandeliers. She walked to the kitchen which is on the right side of the room.
 I strived to keep up with her fast pace and not get distracted. She makes her way to two doorways in the back. We walked into one of the doorways and straight into a beautiful room with a darkish wooden ottoman and tv. She stops at the door on the left and enters. The room is a little bit bare but nevertheless, it is also beautiful. It has a king-size bed, a dresser, a tv and two extra doors.
 “So the restroom is behind that door while the closet is just here,” Daniella points at the doors.
 “Where will I be sleeping Bet... Daniella?,” I  asked shyly.
 “Here. This will be your room for now. The Alpha's room is opposite yours,” she explained.
  “Where are your clothes dear?” She looks around for bags.
 “I don’t have any,” I say in a whisper.
 “Hmm. Well then, we will just have to go shopping tomorrow,” She says with a huge grin on her face.
  “How about this? We are going to order some food and I will show you around the floor? Sounds good? What do you want to eat? We can get anything you want,” she looked at me eagerly.
 “Oh! I don’t want to be troublesome. I don’t consume much,” I replied nervously.
  She walked over and placed her hands on my shoulders. “Bridget, please. You’ve had a long day and I know you haven’t had something to eat. Please, let’s get you some food. “
 “I bet I should devour a steak. “ I almost whisper in reply. A beautiful smile spreads throughout her face. “A girl after my very own heart. Let’s get some steaks. You like potatoes, and salad too?” she asked as she pulled out her phone. I nod excitedly. I haven’t had steak in years.
 “Hey, Dan! I want to place an order for the Alpha room. Yeah, I need two steaks with those potatoes I like and two plates of salad. That's all. Thanks, Dan you are the best.” She hangs up the phone.
 “Ok, so it will be here in a bit. Let’s show you around.”
 She grabbed my hand and leads me out of the room and into the hallway.
 We head down the hallway again to the elevator. “This here is the gym," She says as she swipes the lock with the key card. It opens and revealed a giant room with extra exercise types of equipment than our pack education facility has.
  There are TVs on the walls in front of the treadmills and weight machines. Some of the machines I do not even know what they do.
  “You can use this any time you like. This ground is only for the Alpha, however Liam and I occasionally come up here to use it. No one else,”  She explained. We walked out into the corridor and moved to the other rooms.
 “This is one of my favourites,” she said, stopping in the front of a door as she opens it.
  “This is the cinema. We try a get-together during weekends and watch a movie. The guys need leisure time or they’d work themselves to death,” She says with a chuckle. The room has three rows of four seats each facing a huge white screen.
 The walls are all draped with darkish fabric making the enormous room dark. We head out again to the hallway.
 We walked past a few doors and she tells me they aren’t used for anything yet. Then we stopped in front of a room.
 “This is what we’ve referred to as the library," She opened the door of the room and I looked at the bookshelf which is filled with books.
 Everything in the room is made out of woods. The bookshelves are darkish wood, the ground is timber with a thick woodland rug. There’s a large wooden table and chairs on one side. There's a small bar on the other side. In the middle are two neat brown leather-based armchairs.
 “The boys come here after a long day for a drink. But typically it’s empty,” She explained.
 “Oh, the food has just been delivered! Let’s go!” She excitedly grabbed my hand and led me back to the condominium.
 When we got there, the food smelt so great that my belly began to growl. Daniella giggled and we take a seat to eat. Everything tastes so good that I’m a bit sad when it is over.
  Daniella also had them bring up some wine. I have never tasted the wine but I sipped it tentatively. I know without a doubt that I don't like this very much but Daniella seems to enjoy it.
 “You’ll get to love it,” She says to me noticing my distaste for it.
“So Bridget, can I call you Smith?” She asked.
 “I’d prefer Sandra.”
  She laughed. “Okay, Sandra, tell me what you like to do? Any hobby?” she asked as she stacked our empty plates on top of one another. “Well, I like to paint and draw,” I say shyly.
 “That’s lovely. How often do you paint?” She asked.
 “Not often. Father wouldn’t let me paint unless he wanted some money. He’d make me paint and sell them as quickly as I was done. I cooked and cleaned back at home. Don’t get me wrong, I love baking too. I’ll cook and clean here too. I’ll do whatever you want. I shouldn’t have said those things about my father. Please don’t tell him,” I start ranting nervously almost panicking.
 “Shhh hun, it’s ok,” she says reaching out for my hand.
 “You won’t need to do any of that here. And we won’t be telling your father anything. Why don’t we go and watch a movie? Have you ever been to a cinema?” she asked. I shook my head. She just laughed and pours herself another glass of wine before standing up. We head to the cinema.
 She asked what I want to watch but I don’t know what to say. So she chose a movie called 'When Harry Met Sally. I loved every bit of it. I could tell Daniella was a bit distracted but the movie really had my attention. I was over happy when she decided to watch one more movie.
 She chose another movie called “The Notebook” which I also loved. I must have dozed off though because the next thing I remember is being carried into my room and tucked into bed.
 Alpha Jackson’s face is next to mine.
 “I will make you scream in pain if it’s the last thing, you and your purple eyes do. “
 He hissed in my ear and plunged the blade into my body literally trailing it down. The pain is radiating through my body but I can't make a sound.
  Tears are streaming down my face. I started to breathe faintly. “Why won’t you scream!?,” He spat out in anger. He took the blade and runs it across my stomach.
 It hurts and it’s pure silver. I screamed and took in a deep breath. He drives the knife in, pain rips through my whole body. But I will not scream... I won’t scream.

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    TenorioVictor Hugo



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    nice to ready this 😊😊😊


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    D Ell Ell

    beautiful story


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