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Pete greg

chpt 1.

Voices comes from a tall building, inside that building, some men and women sat down on a chair and were murmuring about something.
" What " one of them said and Susan went on saying.
" shut up " and everyone kept shut.
" why was I not informed that Saris was on his way to our village" she said angrily.
And no one from the conference could alter a word.
" it is now, if he comes here decline his offer" she walks out of the scene.
At the market Nasak was about purchasing an item where he saw some group of boys surrounding a young boy, he slowly walks towards their direction, not aware of his coming.
Boy 1;
" we told you not to ever alter that trash to us " he punches him on the face " awww did it hurt, huh Pete" .
" Am not scared of you, you're just a big loser, who has nothing to do than to bully others" in a high tone.
This words angered him.
Boy 1;
He smiles dramatically and said.
" boys, have fun with this piece of trash" .
The other boys clenched their fist and went onward towards him, when suddenly, a heavy breeze blew them off their feet.
Boy 1;
" Who the hell are you ".
In their middle was Nasak standing at the front of the boy.
" stand back" he said to Pete looking sideways.
Boy 1;
he said to himself " if it isn't the healer's son " and he said to Nasak.
" hey, you piece of trash, what's your business, huh".
the words went straight into his ear and he rose his head up and said to Pete.
" how long as this been going on "
" after my parents died "
Was shocked by fear.
" your parents are dead ".
Tears drops from his eyes slowly, he could only nod his head.
" hey, you bastard I want you to come at me with everything you got "
And the boy leap up towards his direction and Nasak smiled mischievously.
Boy 1;
" What the hell ".
Nasak stood behind him and said
" You're finished ".
he held a yellow beam on his right hand and slowly placed it on the back of the boy.
A loud explosion send him flying out of the scene.
" Are you ok "
Pete looks up to him and said to him.
" yeah "
As Nasak slowly walks out of the scene, Pete said to him.
" Nasak, thanks ".
And Nasak stopped and said to him.
" what did you say your name was again ".
" Pete ".
" nice meeting you Pete "
it was evening and a tall dark figure approaches a building in the village, it knocks on the door and suddenly a young man opens it, he was shocked by fear as he alter his name, you could tell through the expression on his face.
" Saris " with an expression of fear on his face.
Sitting on a wooden chair was Saris, slowly drinking a glass of green tea.
"so what brought you here ".
" the child, that's what brought me here".
" which child " looking optimistic.
" Salik son ".
Erik with a surprised look on his face.
" Nasak " in a dramatic tone.
Susan thought to herself" this child can't know the secret, because it will kill him to know where his from and his past ".
Suddenly Nasak walks into the scene and said to her.
" Mother, am back ".
In fear she rose up immediately and cleaned her tears.
" nothing my son ".
Nasak ran up to her and hugged her, then he said to her.
" why is this world so cruel ".
And she said.
" that's the only way balance can be made out of Chaos"
Suddenly group of men came into the seen, armed with blades.
In fear, Nasak said to Susan.
" what's going on ".
"nothing my son, just run ".
" get behind Nasak "
And slowly Nasak moved behind her.
This men were wearing dark long cloak and had a mischievous smile on their faces.
And one of them said to Susan.
" We're here for him not you, you've done your part of the deal now excuse us " they walked into the apartment.
" run Nasak, run".
And immediately he ran out of the scene with tears dropping from his eyes.
Nasak kept running and never stopped till he got to an unknown destination and he said to himself "why now, I can't let anything happen to Susan I have to go back, as he was about to go back a man appear at his front.
Nasak eyes were up with fear written all over his expression.
" Where is Susan Nasak ".
" Who are you to know "
Saris smiled and said to him.
" Wish we meant earlier Nasak ".
" You all should run or I will kill you ".
And they smirked at her and went onward towards her.
" Summoning fox spirit ".
Suddenly a Fox appeared but in spirit form.
" Let's dance ".
One of them said " fire barrier ".
This move redirected her attacks back to her, she couldn't stop them but she had cards under her sleeves.
" Wind sword style " in a high tone.
A wind sword was attached to her hand, she leap up, accompanied with the fox spirit and slash the fire barrier, suddenly the barrier divided into two and the fox spirit went onward and attacked them.Susan;
" I warned you ".
Not aware of their plan, she turns her back and *swish*, they threw a small dagger towards her , in slow motion she turns her back just to see Saris taking the hit to his left palm, as blood gushed out the people where planning to escape when suddenly he said.
" Mind style, illusions of death ".
Suddenly they all fell down, and Susan was shocked with fear.
" What did you do to them ".
Saris removed the dagger from his left palm.
" A mind style, like a nightmare, an one more thing Susan why were you hiding Nasak from me”.
She was shocked with fear.
Nasak laid down and look up to the skies, and point his hands to the moving clouds, he compares it with his figures, untill something caught his attention, it was a deer, he saw it eating and it was so peaceful until from no where a wild wolf attacked the deer and tore it apart limp by limp.
He was scared, his fear was sensed by the wolf, the wild dog came after him, leaping into the air, he saw his life flashing before his eyes when suddenly.
*Swish* the wolf was grabbed by the neck by Saris, Nasak was practically paralyzed by fear.
As he got up he saw Susan, she ran towards him and help him up.
The wild dog was also frightened by the look on Nasak eyes, it was as deadly as a snake bite.
Saris aggressive threw the wolf down, and immediately the wolf ran off groaing in pain.
" Nasak are you ok ", in a worried tone.
But he was not paying attention to a word she said, but instead he went onward towards Saris.
" Who the hell are you ", in a aggressive tone.
" Calm down Nasak ".
He slowly turns his side towards her and said to her.
" Stay out of this "
Saris smirked at Susan.
" I saw fear in the wolf eyes, I also saw that same fear in your eyes when we met earlier, Soo..he his the almighty warrior that will save us all from the calamities befalling us " in a low tone, accompanied with an angry look on his face.
" I could kill you with just one attack ", looking at Susan, " stand back and don't intervene in our conflict ".
" Susan, I think you should listen to him, cause I think you boy have grown some balls to face me ".
“ brace yourself ”.
" Come at me kid ".
Everywhere became quiet for a while, as they repositioned and then looked at each other, suddenly *BOOM*.
Nasak tried punching Saris but he teleported away before he even tried to move.
Nasak said to herself " he didn't even have to see me coming before he vanished, what kinda move is that ".
Nasak stood for a while and looked around, looking for Saris when suddenly behind him was Saris, Nasak suddenly felt fear, he didn't even have to look back to see it was Saris as he surged a yellow beam blast on his hand, he tries distracting him to strike but to his surprise he wasn't there, he absolved the blast and yelled out.
" Saris, where the hell are you ".
Suddenly Saris appear and he charged up towards him, he surged the yellow beam blast on the both of his hands and went on a onslaught towards him, suddenly they collided and a loud explosion occured, the explosion was yellow.
" I told you I will get you " .
While at the back of him was Saris.
" How sure are you boy ".
In fear he shoved back and lost balance and landed on his butt.
" Where did you come from ".
" Let's move, they're coming with reinforcement "
He tries helping Nasak up but he refused.
Saris took Nasak and Susan to Erik's place, and as Nasak slept off, Saris and Susan were outside discussing about Nasak.
" His grown, you've tried this pass few years protecting your nephew ".
And suddenly her mind sparked.
" He never saw me as his aunt but as a mother, I fed him, cloth him, I even thought him about life, and I trained him also, but when he ask about his father I just change the topic "
" What you did wasn't the right thing to do, but that's what i would have done to protect who I loved, but what angered me is not about you hiding him, but try to kill me ".
" What, I would never do that, why would i wanna kill you, ok I admit it I hate you but I can't kill you ".
And Saris said to himself " then who tried to kill me, I do have alot of enemy though but I don't know who, mmh "
" Am taking him with me to train him ".
As Saris walks out of the scene slowly Susan said to him.
" The dragon summoning, can he do it ".
He stopped and turned his side towards her.
" Not if he can do it, if he have perfected it or if the chaotic power is till inside of him ".
Saris opened the door and entered the apartment, while Susan was still outside, not knowing they were been watched by a figure from the darkness on top of a tree.
A man sat on a wooden chair moving back and front slowly.
When suddenly a man on black ninja suit with two swords on his back appeared.
" Kill them including Saris but bring Susan to me, if she's gone he will come for me.
" Ok master, just to be sure i will bring the head of Saris to you".
" So be it, leave at once ".
String bows and suddenly vanished.
" I will kill you Saris ".
Nasak got up early and entered the toilet, later he came out and took a stroll around the environment, as he was enjoying his view he saw Saris mediating while hovering on the air with his eyes closed.
Nasak walks close to him and mistakenly made a flinch, and this drew his attention.
Suddenly he vanished from the spot he was and appeared behind Nasak, placing a knife on his neck.
In fear, Nasak exhaled heavily, with each breathe his eyes are widely opened.
" What do you think you're doing sneaking on me like that ".
" I knew you were a madman but not this mad to kill me, what's wrong with you, huh ".
" Huh, I felt another weird energy here, it was intense that I decided to go wild to catch it, but it seems it was you ".
While from the shadows, string watches them like a predator from the woods.
Erik walks up to Susan on the balcony, she was admiring the view.
" Such a beautiful place you have here, it have been long since I've, I mean we've lived together ".
Erik held her hand, and she felt a strong sensation and decided to let go.
" Why are you angry with me, what do you think you're doing ".
" Protecting you, protecting us, I see you as a brother, I can't hurt you but I love you more than you know, just don't mention it again "
And then Erik was about working out on her before he asked her a question.
" We all have past, you think your's worst but that's where you're mistaken, you have this village Fox spirit inside of you and you think all secrets are dead forever, no but they keep coming back, i have lost alot already and am planning to move on, so if you think am foolish to ever forget my sacrifice for our team, am sorry you're mistaken me for another , if you don't feel so for our team tell me to do face, that all our past were just illusions, say it".
And Susan was lost in thoughts and Erik walked out of the scene, and Susan cries dramatically as he works out of the scene.
Susan said to herself, "wish you know how I love and cherish you "
Saris and Nasak were lost for a second but Nasak said to Saris.
" What do you think it was ".
" I don't know, but I wish I did know "
Everywhere became calm for a while and then a cold breeze blew into the surrounding and instantly, knives were coming towards Saris direction, and Saris sensed it and held Nasak and they both teleported away from the scene, the surrounding became calm again but unknown to string, Saris and Nasak were still around, he came out from his hiding place and unsheathe his sword checking around the place when suddenly Saris appeared before him and said to him.
" String, nice meeting you " in a deep tone.
And string sniffed.
" Am gonna be happy killing you Saris "
" Am wishing you happy killing " repositioned himself for string.
But string said to Saris.
" Don't try using your mind control style on me, cause it won't work like last time, you almost kill me that time but now am psychic armed with my own made techniques".
Saris turned his side at Nasak.
" Nasak, run away and inform the others, if i don't make it, run to the iron village and my contact will find you, promise me you won't stand back and fight ".
Nasak nod his head and ran off.
String tried attacking him but Saris deflected his attacks.
" Let's get back to business ".
String and Saris faced off each other, as suddenly string jumped up and drop kick on Saris, Saris use his hands to shield himself from String drop kick attack, as String was about landing on his feet, Saris held his right leg and smash him on the ground, immediately he was about colliding he vanished, and appeared behind Saris and stabbed him with his sword, but Saris turned to sand and his particles were carried by the wind.
At this point String became angry.
" What type of trick is that, the earth elemental power don't work like that, stop your trick let's face off one on one, me and you ".
Saris appeared behind him.
" Who told you I was playing tricks on you ".
His hand was surging with a blue beam blast, he point his left hand on String abdomen, *BOOM* the blast went through him, string opens his month and saliva gushed out, in slow motion he tried moving his hands but Saris held his hands and threw him down, there was no sign of String moving so Saris went to check on him, when suddenly a beam surrounded him and a figure was slowly appearing.
It was a snake.
String groan in pain.
" This is my summoning snake style, how do you like it ".
Nasak ran and informed the others.
" His under attack ".
" By who ".
" His called string ".
Erik was shocked with fear.
" Let's save him".
" He said we should run to the iron village ".

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    Ericson Indico



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    Norayah D. Hadji Abdulhalim



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    ChavezClaire Ann

    very good


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