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Chapter 4

"I'm sorry Amelia" she said. I kept mute and waited till she calmed down. She sat on the chair in my room and I sat on my bed.
"What happened Daisy, why the tears?". She sniffed and I passed her some wipes which she blew her nose with.
"I know who the rapists are" she said peering into my emotionless face. "I overheard Adam and his friends discussing at the library and couldn't help eavesdropping, they were saying something about the probability of you being pregnant because one of them didn't go in with protection" she sniffed again.
I sat motionless on my bed, listening to her. "I knew it would end this way, that is why I warned you earlier but you were too adamant about it. I'm not trying to bring up the past but I think it is necessary to tell you my past" she closed her eyes "this is my secret Mel"
"I was also a victim of rape. I was in grade 9, timid, naive and had a crush on Fred, one of Adam's friends and just like you, I was asked out by him. He invited me to a party at his house which I honored. I remember dressing up and looking my best, just to impress him" she smiled sadly and shook her head. "He raped me right in front of his friends. He took away my pride like it was nothing and his friends stood there watching and laughing at me. For days, I was depressed. The shame was too much that I thought of switching schools. I finally overcame the taunts, but the scar remained fresh. I didn't want you to end up like me that is why I was against your date".
"Why Daisy? Why didn't you tell me on time? Why did it take you long to disclose this to me? Now look where it got me. You know what Daisy, leave my room. You wanted me to experience this that is why you didn't tell me. Leave this instant!!".
Daisy's POV
I wiped my teary eyes and headed for the door, I closed it behind me and leaned on it. I could hear her cries as I shut my eyes in pain. Yes, I'm to be blamed because if I had told her on time, she wouldn't have fallen prey to those monsters. Put the blame on me, I deserve it. I hid my face in between my legs and cried silently. I don't know how long I stayed sitting on the floor as the sound of Amelia's door woke me from sleep. She looked shocked to see me.
"You are still here?, You never left even after I told you to go?" She said quietly as I watched her calmly. Emotions ran through her eyes and she immediately pulled me into a hug which I reluctantly reciprocated.
"Daisy, I'm sorry for chasing you out, please forgive me" she pleaded in tears. "It's okay Mel"I smiled at her, "it's my fault for not telling you on time, I apologise equally".
"No it's my fault, for being lightheaded and naive, and stubborn and for not trying to know why you were against the stupid date. It's my fault for being too easy to fool. I'm an idiot, that I admit" she said and I let out a soft chuckle.
"You are strong Daisy" she said, "why did u say that?" I asked. "Your secret is safe with me, for you to be able to overcome the stigma alone is enough to prove to me how strong you are" she said with a smile. A smile she has not displayed for the past two weeks. "Oh please don't flatter me" I said trying to lighten the mood, "you wish" she smirked and we began to laugh.
"I've missed you best" I said, "same here, come on let's go in" she said dragging me up the floor.
*The next morning*
I packed the last of my books in my bag and went downstairs for breakfast. I will be going back to school until the baby bump becomes visible. Daisy was already sitting on the dinning table when I entered.
"Good morning everyone" I greeted with a smile as I took a seat beside Daisy, mom served my breakfast and I ate feeling happy. Daisy had told me that our classmates had asked after me, since they noticed my absence this past week, just the knowledge of it makes me feel very happy and loved.
We finished breakfast and left the house together for school. When we got to school, I noticed the strange eyes the students were giving me. "Daisy, what's going on?" I asked feeling scared of the looks I was getting. "I don't know" she replied confused too. We stepped into the locker room and Alexis dragged Daisy away. "I will meet you in class" Daisy shouted behind.
Okay, something is definitely not right. I shrugged and headed straight to my locker not minding the whispering and side talks of the students. I unlocked my locker and opened it, pieces of paper fell out of it and I bent to pick it. I couldn't believe what I saw as I dumped it inside my locker and ran all the way to class.
"Speak of the devil" Mira said walking up to me with a scornful look. Remember the girls on the car bonnet on my first day in school?, Mira happens to be my classmate. "You are such a disgusting nerd, look at you throwing your legs around for guys to enter, aishhh, I knew you were bad news, I never liked you from the start" just at the end of the class, Adam sat with a wicked glint in his eyes. He had a piece of paper in his hands, I ignored them and began making my way to my seat when I stumbled and fell as a result of Bosco's leg. I whimpered in pain and stared at my bruised elbow.
I heard a recording of I and Adam on the day of our date play in the speaker. I scrunched at how desperate I sounded. Funny thing was that it was just me talking, it seemed his own part of the conversation disappeared into thin air. Just then Daisy entered.

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    nice 👍


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    NajihahNurul syifa

    bestt 🌷🌷🌷


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    Chlo Lim



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