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Authoress Gifted

Chapter 1

Amelia's POV
"Amelia!, Amelia" I heard my mom call from the kitchen. I yawned stretching myself as I stood up from bed. I took my eye glasses from the bed stand and putting it on, I walked into the bathroom ignoring her calls. I came out minutes later with wet hair and towel tied round my body. My door yanked open and my mom walked in with a spatula in hand.
"Good morning Mom" I greeted. "Good morning baby, breakfast is served, be quick and come down before it gets cold" with that, she left the room closing the room door behind her.
My name is Amelia Whites, the only child of my parents. I'm seventeen and in my final years in highschool. I'm of average height, fair and has pointed nose. I have hazel eyes with long black lashes. My skin is clear and smooth probably because I cover it most of the time.
I stared at my reflection on the mirror and sighed sadly, "I'm going to new school today, I wonder how the students would be" I thought to myself. This the fourth school I will be attending and I hope it will be the last. The reason I change schools is because of bullying by my classmates. I was nicknamed "Nerdy Apelia blind bat" and I had no friend at all but deep down I believed things will turn out for good.
In ten minutes, I was done dressing up. I grabbed my bag and wore my round glasses before going down for breakfast. My sight is so poor that I can't see a thing without my glasses.Mom took me to school and after kissing me goodbye, she whispered "be good" to me.
With a deep sigh, I walked into the school compound, many students could be seen walking up and down the school. My eyes caught a bunch of girls taking selfies on the car bonnet, they were pretty, suddenly they looked at me and burst into laughter. I bowed my head in shame. Well apart from being a nerd, I'm also battling with self esteem. I bumped into someone, lost my balance and fell down. My books scattered around,
"I'm sorry" I apologized adjusting my glasses. "No problem, new right?" I heard the person ask, "yes" I replied timidly. "I'm Daisy" she said stretching out her hands.
I looked at her closely, she had black curly hair and wore red lip gloss, she smiled at me widely.
"A... A.. Amelia" I stuttered nervously returning the handshake. She smirked and pulled me up, packed my books and gave them to me.
"Nice to meet you A... A.. Amelia" she teased. "It's Amelia" I corrected smiling. "Wow you can talk without stammering huh?" she asked teasingly, "I don't stammer" I replied back, she smiled "okay I believe you. Come on, I will show you the principal's office" she offered, "for real?" I asked shocked. "Yes, why not?" She shrugged.
This is actually the first time I've talked with someone apart from my mom for long and she even offered to take me to the principal's office, normally I would search for the office without any help, but today is different, a good sign right?. We left for the principal's office together and she waited till I came out, I couldn't be more grateful. We entered the class together and walked straight to her seat. I smiled sitting close to Daisy as the teacher entered the class.
We had maths after my introduction, though I couldn't help stammering and rubbing my palms together nervously. I went back to the seat I was sharing with Daisy and she gave me some wipes for my sweaty palms before we began to write.
School continued and as days went by, I and Daisy became very close or do I say inseparable. She was my only friend although she had other friends, we did almost everything together and gradually, I began socializing though I was still battling with low self-esteem. I and Daisy were invited to a birthday party, the celebrant was Alexis, one of Daisy's friend.
It was during Alexis's party that I met Adam my neighbor and childhood friend, his family relocated when we were in fifth grade. I was so happy to see him and I leapt into his arms for a hug. I broke the hug smiling at him. He had grown more handsome and matured but his face looked the same.
"Hey buddy" he greeted with a smile and did I forget to mention that his voice is deep and nice. "Hi Adam" I responded, "how have you been Melly?, seriously I missed you" he said holding my hands and I stood still staring at him wide eyed and he grinned widely.
Daisy cleared her throat behind and I turned to her, "this is Daisy, my friend. Daisy, Adam my..." "I know him" she cut me off staring at him disgustedly. "He's a bad guy" she whispered to me and went away.
I ignored her as I and Adam chatted away. I noticed a group of boys staring at us, Adam waved at them and they winked at me, I felt flushed and shy.
"Let's go on a date Mel, you live in the same street as before right?" He said leaving me speechless again.
Is this for real? I'm being asked out for the first time by a guy and not just a guy, but Adam, my one time crush.
"Melly, Amelia" that was Adam calling, my cheeks turned red as I looked at him, "s... sure, why not?, We... We have a lot of catching up to do" I stuttered rubbing my palms nervously. "That's right, so see you tomorrow by 6?" He asked expectantly, "sure 6 is fine" "see you then" he smiled, patted my back and walked back to his friends.
I was sure my face had become tomato red as I looked around for Daisy. I sighted her walking into the restroom and I ran straight to her feeling excited,
"Daisy, he asked me out!" I squealed, "who?" She asked, "Adam" I replied and her countenance changed. "What is it Daisy? You are not happy for me?" She sighed, "I'm happy trust me, but I don't think you should open up your heart to someone like Adam, considering it's your first time and.." I cut her off getting angry.
"What do you mean by someone like Adam?, Listen I've known this dude since we were kids, he's a good guy" I said. "It's not like you shouldn't follow your heart or whatever, but Adam is not whoever you think he is. He's a player Mel, did you see those guys he waved at? They are all the same, Heartbreakers, and I don't want you to experience what I did, you won't be able to take it. Those boys are dangerous, especially Adam, he's like their leader or something. Don't fall for him Mel, don't fall into their trap" she finished tears falling from her eyes.
"I don't believe you Daisy, you just don't want me to go out with him but I promise I won't get hurt, Adam is my friend, he wouldn't want to hurt me" I reasoned, she scoffed "your friend?, He won't hurt you?, For crying out loud Amelia, don't be so daft. You are not the only person they have asked out on a friendly date. It always ends up shitty. Please Mel, decline the offer, don't go out with him, I'm scared of loosing you".
"I told you I will be fine, you.." she cut me off "you don't just understand, you are so naive and and, you know what? Suit yourself" with that, she left the restroom and the party leaving me behind.
Adam was nice enough to take me home, my mom was happy about our date and promised to help me out in preparation. I laid on my bed and recalled what transpired between I and Daisy. Why is she trying to stop me from going out with Adam? What was the so called experience she encountered and how does it affect our date? I couldn't fathom any reason for her behavior and so I drifted off to sleep.

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    nice 👍


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    NajihahNurul syifa

    bestt 🌷🌷🌷


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    Chlo Lim



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