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บทที่ 7 sent from Hell

~ Donald ~
"That's your lunch" she nodded to the pack sitting at the edge of the table.
" Hope you aren't forgetting water or whatever this time"
"No Mister"
"Phew!" I breathed out and opened the front door after taking the pack.
"Wait Mister, I need to see you"
This is it, she's finally going. My mind made a joyful leap.
"Yes,What's it?" I tried asking as nonchalantly as possible.
"I need a phone" she grinned lopsidedly.
"Wait what?"
"Yes, a phone"
"What about the one with you?" I asked
"Oh this?" She waved the phone, it for personal use, not official use.
"Is there a difference?"
"Sadly, yes. A very big difference or do you want me to pull off the stunt I did yesterday to give you water and apple juice?"
"Fine, I'll get you one"I conceded
"And while you are at it, it's only a day to weekend, I'll need to go to the grocery store" she said.
"Okay, I'll drop one of credit cards tomorrow for you"
"Cool and I need a car too"
"For what?" I asked in annoyance, I was getting late.
"To go to the store or did you expect me to work"
"It's five minutes walk from here, young lady"
"I know sire but I can't walk around under the sun."
"Then take a car yourself, you should know where the car keys are."
"I don't know how to drive" she said plainly.
"Who did you say you are again?" I asked in frustration.
"Your maid"
"I think you meant to say someone sent hell to infuriate me!" I stomped out.

I grumbled as made my way to my car. Personal and official phone. Hmph.
I parked in the reserved place meant for me and entered the building. It's funny how I achieved things quickly after my ex left. "My office" I said to Flynn who was chatting away with the receptionist.
The smile on his froze and he trailed slowly behind me. I opened my office and dropped the lunch bag on my table and loosened my tie a little.
"Didn't I ask you not to eat the food yesterday?" I glowered at him.
"I-I thought you wouldn't eat it and I don't want the food to waste" he looked at anywhere but me.
I slumped down on my chair, swiveling it around as I pondered on if I should give in to her demands or not. Well I don't have a choice, do I?
"I need phone" I said to Flynn
"Don't you have one?"
"Well did I say it's for me?"
"You have a girlfriend?" His face brightened.
"No, it's for CounterKnee"
"Ohhh..." He looked at me, waiting for me to explain further.
"Yeah and employ a driver for her too. Apparently she needs a driver to go to the grocery store"
"I love her guts" Flynn said in admiration.
"I hate her guts. She's like a pest I can't get rid off as much as I want to, she's always blackmailing me! I don't even know the adjective to qualify her?"
"She's strict?" Flynn suggested.
"No no, that's not it"
"No, she's not harsh. She just....."
"Do you mean bossy?" He wriggled his eyebrows.
"Yeah" I snapped my fingers "perfect. She's a bossy maid"
"I like the sound of that. Can I eat your lunch?" Flynn asked
"No" I snapped at him and you had better get to ordering the phone and getting a driver if you don't want her here"
~ Courtney ~
I heard a knock on the door and went towards it with a frown. Did Donald forget something??
I opened the door and found a delivery man standing at the entrance.

"Are you Bossy maid?" He asked.
"Bossy maid? I questioned to be sure I heard the right thing.
"Yeah that's what's written here"
"Oh okay, I guess"
"This is for you" he gave me a package and made me sign before he left.
I shifted the large box of pizza sitting on the table and unwrapped the package.
It was a phone with girly designs. I switched on the phone and a message popped on the screen.
I clicked on it with a smile " Hi Bossy maid. Here's the phone you ordered and your food is really delicious. I'm always at your service. Flynn."
I shook my head and immediately did away with my old phone after transferring all the useful files to the new one and continued chewing on my pizza.
He bought the phone. Another message popped in " Your driver will be with you tomorrow after Donald leaves for work and please package a food for two tomorrow, Donald wouldn't share with me -Flynn
He got me a driver too.
My old phone beeped, alerting me of a new message. I skimmed through the contents and switched the phone off.

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  • avatar
    Lyka Cleto

    that's what I was thinking too much about it and I will be there in about it and I will be there in about it and I will be there in about it and I will be there in about it and I will be there in about it and I will be there in about it but it's a little bit of an object to another place that you can do it and then it and then it was a little late but I love you so so so I have no idea what was the Greatest you want it to be a good person to be a little late but it's


  • avatar
    Esdras Lima

    muito bom essa istoria


  • avatar

    mas ou melhor que a outra parte da vida e que eu pos o meu amor e a crescer e o de hoje eu vou ter de ver a vida e ver se é possível ir na sexta ou no domingo a tarde bem cedo ou domingo à tarde bem mais tarde bem cedo ou cedo e a crescer mais rápido do sul e a partir do ano de um amor de criança em um dos dias mais importantes da história da humanidade é o que vc o coração do homem e o de todos nós sentida o nosso Deus que nos ama vc e nos faz feliz por nós mesmos que a vida nos faz bem.


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