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Chapter 06_ Uncontrollable feelings

Episode 06
Alyssa got home and roughly threw her handbag on the bed. Though it had landed on the bed but bounce back to the ground.she signed deeply and dragged her feet towards the bathroom to have to quick shower.
Wasn't he the first man to reject her, Alyssa had always been the one rejecting every man that ever crossed her way, every man that tried to make advances towards her, every suitors that proposed love and marriage but today she had seen and experience something different. She was rejected no matter how hard she tried and it got her thinking about him the more.
She traced her hands towards the shower and turned it off for a little moment, th warm water wasn't helping matters at all so Alyssa decided to make it cold instead. This was gonna hurt a lot as one this she hated and as never used to was getting touched by just a little quantity of cold water. Sh hated it so much that it made her skin react badly but only her parents knew about this.
Once Alyssa turned on the shower again, freaking cold water splashed on her body making her shiver. She had done this trying to forget about him but it seems like the cold water only made it worst for her.
She recalled how she had watched her father suffers day and night after the death of her mother, watching him lose himself and his mind got her so mad every day and she had really thought her father never loved her but only her mom alone . For God sake she was the last person her mom had left for him to take care of but instead,he had chosen to join her in death.
She remembered the first day he had pushed her away simply because she was really hungry and had come to ask for food, he had scolded her and her nanny and held her ears saying he wasn't a cook and she should let him be alone. Alyssa wanted to hate her mom too for all these, for stealing her father completely from her,but she couldn't. She just couldn't hate her dearest late mom since her she meant Everything to her.
Alyssa rushed out of the bathroom immediately she heard the loud ringtone of her phone, she had thought he could have been the one calling her,but immediately she saw the ID, she recalled they had never exchanged numbers.
Was she really asking for too much? All she wanted was to love someone at least before she dies.
The desire that she had been suppressing all this time were getting out if control, she had been dreaming of wanting to experience how it would feel like to love someone, she wanted to know how it would feel like to love someone romantically, to kiss and embrace that person you loved with all your heart romantically. She had read many novels about true love and this was her only wish _. To have someone she would fall in love with and embrace.
She had also read many stories on one sided love and though she came to know that it hurts like hell but her situation right now calls for it, a one sided love was exactly what she needs. Alyssa didn't even mind the thoughts that she would be the only one to bear the pain alone because that was what she wanted, she wasn't ready to leave a man in the same state her mother left her dad, it would be totally cruel when she knows she would die soon. Though she knew that her mother never found out about her illness untill after they had fallen deeply in love with each other and had given birth to her, and she knew it was never her mother's intention to leave her father that way because she could recall hearing her parent arguing over that fact that her mom wanted to go live somewhere else so that she and her father would feel less pain during her death and her mom wouldn't be a burden to them when she dies.
She could recall her mother telling her father to forget all about her and focus on their child, to live and take care of their little angel but her dad had assured her mom he wasn't going to let her die so easily.
She picked up the call and held the phone close to her ear." What is it?" Alyssa's voice sounded cold as she wasn't in any mood to talk to her P.A at the moment. The young lady with a tiny voice stammered a bit saying absolute gibberish.
" Can't you speak properly?"Alyssa's voice thundered back as she couldn't stop her mind from being colluded with the thoughts of him." Your aunt and niece are here, demanding to see some of the board members" This time around the P.A's voice sounded really calm and straight forward.
Alyssa scoffed and laughed out loud for about a minute, she wasn't even suprised they were going to that extent. But when suprised her was the fact that they were unimaginably blinded by her wealth and success.
Alyssa had all these, she had tasted wealth all her life,but to her it wasn't something to be so obsessed with, it wasn't something she would go to the extent of doing unimaginable things for.
" Let them do whatever they want, and do exactly what they order you to. Infact make them feel comfortable like they own it okay?"Alyssa's said and didn't even wait to listen to the shocked voice of her P.A before she ended the call making her mind wander to him again.
" I want him to be my boyfriend, so dangerous and dark but yet calms my heart"Alyssa whispered to herself and cuddle her pillow so tight while her cheeks burned tomato red.
She would have chosen an innocent man just like herself to love, she was super wealthy,so buying one for herself wouldn't be a problem. But she had no idea why she wanted someone like him, someone so dangerous and dark like him. Alyssa had always wanted to remain innocent,but after finding out about her sickness, her desire to do so faded away.
She grabbed the business card which he had given her from her handbag and dialled the number written on it... And when he picked up the call, hearing his voice only made her heart beat increase more. What the hell was the dangerous man doing to her? Could it be that she also desires to be like him instead?
" M.. Mr Alex?" Alyssa's called, her voice sounding really soft and very low.

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