


I excitedly picked up my cellphone on the bed and immediately opened the messages of Keziah and Reign. I was so nervous yesterday, it took me until night to float because of the excitement that Caleb gave after he got on board pretending to be my boyfriend just to escape the person I was hosting. That's why I couldn't talk to my two friends.
I immediately opened the group chat of the three of us. They had messages last night and I didn't hesitate to backread. Aside from the fact that I'm lazy, I know that the two of them are talking about their crushes again.
I don't know what's up to them. Out of the many listed on their crush list, none of them has passed on their standards to become their boyfriend. I'm planning to do a seminar for the two of them. Maybe it might help. You know, I wanted them to enter into a relationship so that they will stop teasing me with other boys.
I started a new topic.
Brittany Sarmiento:
"Omg! Guess what?"
I saw Keziah immediately typing it well right away.
Keziah Gonzales:
"Let me guess. Are you with Caleb now?"
I smiled like an idiot.
Brittany Sarmiento:
"What a sweetness in the eyes while reading it, but no, Caleb already went home. But did you know that he pretended to be my boyfriend yesterday just so I could avoid my ghosted victim, a Nursing student."
I still can't get over it!
He even called me baby yesterday to prove that we are really dating!
Reign Ashley Delos Reyes:
"Okay, fine. You are already blessed with your crush!"
"How about us?"
Keziah Gonzales:
"Lord, I am also your child! Having favoritism is so depressing!"
I just seenzoned them and didn't reply. I just hovered over the people who messaged me and after that, I switched to the other social media app.
It's Saturday and I don't have a class. So, I decided to just hang out in the bedroom all day and sleep. We don't have school activities so it's time to rest. Tomorrow, I will be an exemplary student.
I just scrolled through my newsfeed and when I got tired, I thought I’d just stalk Caleb.
"What's his name?" I asked myself.
I remember the day Dad introduced him to me. He mentioned his name, but because I was shocked that time, his name didn’t sink in to me.
Only 'Caleb' stuck in my mind.
Twenty minutes had passed and still, I can't remember his full name.
How do I stalk him now? I need to do some research about him.
I'm still curious if he already has a girlfriend.
I'm bored, yes, but I know my limits.
I know where to put my flirting attitude.
If he is already committed to someone, I will stop chasing him. No matter how much I like him, I won't do any stupid things that can ruin their relationship. I am also a woman and I know how my fellow women can feel.
I won't hurt other girls for the sake of my own happiness.
I want a relationship that I got in a clean way. Not from stealing, forcing and destroying others just to get the man I want.
I'm too expensive at doing those cheap things.
I decided to just go down and ask Aunt Elisha if she knew. I can't go straight to Dad because maybe whatever he thinks, I'll be upset.
I no longer cared about my plain pink pajamas and white spaghetti sleeveless top. I also don't care about my messy hair because I haven't had a bath yet. It's only ten in the morning and later I plan to take a bath because I'm still lazy.
I didn't reach anyone when I went down to the living room.
Aunt Elisha is probably in the kitchen and currently preparing lunch.
"Aunt Elisha?" I opened the kitchen door.
I wasn't wrong! Aunt was in front of the electric range and was busy cooking.
"Aunt!" I joyfully uttered her name.
I walked closer to her.
She turned me on. "Oh, Bri? Are you hungry, sweety?" She was wearing the sky blue apron with a daisy flower design that I gave on her 59th birthday. I smiled because this is her favorite apron she wears every time she cooks.
"Not yet, Aunt. I just wanted to ask you something."
Aunt Elisha gave me a startled reaction. "What's that?"
Before asking my purpose, I sat down at the counter-height dining table next to the glass window. View from here is our vast garden. I took a slice of toasted bread that was in front of me. Only two slices were placed on the plate and I was surprised because there was still a glass of milk next to it. Is it for Aunt Elisha? Hasn’t she had breakfast yet?
"Bri! That food is not yours," Aunt said after eating the bread.
I scolded her. "Why didn't you disobey me every time I tasted your food, Aunt."
"Gosh! I'm going to disobey you now because that food in front of you is not mine. Who told you that food is for me?"
I frowned.
If not for her, then to whom?
At the same time, Aunt Elisha turned to the man who had just entered the kitchen. I could not continue to eat the bread because my eyes widened when I recognized who had just arrived.
He was wearing faded blue denim pants and a plain black shirt. His messy hairstyle made my jaw drop. He's so hot, I swear!
"Bri, close your mouth. You're so obvious, my gosh!" Aunt whispered.
I went back to trance.
What is he doing here? There's no class so there's no reason to come here and send me to our University.
Caleb walked in my direction. He stopped next to me and sat in another vacant seat.
I continued to eat the bread I was holding. I pretended that I was not affected by his presence even in my heart, I wanted to run and hide in my room because of my ugly appearance.
What the! What am I going to do?
I have my crush in front of me and I haven’t had a bath yet. I want to teleport because of embarrassment.
"There's Caleb. He's the owner of the food in front of you, Bri," said Aunt Elisha.
I looked at the plate where I took what I was eating and then looked at Caleb. He looked at me correctly but his face still had no reaction.
I signed peace. "I'm sorry. I thought it was for Aunt Elisha, so I got some toasted bread. But don't worry, I'll just make you a new one to replace what I took."
I should have stood up when he spoke. "No, it's fine. One slice of toasted bread is enough for me."
"Are you sure?" I asked.
Instead of answering me, he silently took the bread in front of him and began to eat.
What did I do? Is this his biggest turn off to me because I take other people's food?
Probably what he would think that way. It hurts to be mistaken for starving.
"By the way, what are you going to ask me, Bri?" Aunt's awakening to my attention.
Ah, right! I forgot what I should have asked him earlier.
"Ah, yes! There's something I wanted to ask, right? W-What, I'll just ask what dish we'll have later?" I slipped.
That's just an excuse. I can't tell her the true question that I wanted to ask from her.
Should I ask Caleb's full name right in front of him? What will I say? That I want to know his full name just to stalk his social media accounts?
I heard Aunt's weak laugh. "I thought it was a serious question. I'm cooking marinated chicken and stewed mongoose. Why? Do you want to request something to eat?"
I smiled at the nonsense I thought. "Yes, Aunt!" I answer immediately. The silly smile still lingered on my lips.
"Huh? Do you want something to eat?"
I nodded. "That would have been by my side now." I bit my lower lip as he glanced at me. "Rawr!" I added.
I noticed he was suddenly shocked.
Omg you, Caleb!
Was he affected?
Aunt Elisha quickly came to my side and gently pinched my side. "What a silly girl! You're so naughty. Can't you feel any shyness towards Caleb?"
I laughed. "Hey! I was kidding."
Aunt Elisha is back to cooking. Caleb didn't look at me either. He just continued to eat.
I sat down at the table and stared at the handsome man next to me. "Caleb, what's your full name?"
"Why?" He asked coldly.
I shrugged then, I smiled. "I just want to know if your surname will fit into my name."
He just looked at me quickly and didn't say anything again.
"You're such a snob," I whispered to him. "Just asking."
"Vergara," he uttered. "Johann Caleb Vergara."
His eyes were just focused on his food now so he couldn't see my wide smile.
I got it!
"Maria-Brittany-Sarmiento-Vergara." I even positioned my hand in the air with each pronunciation of my name. "See? Your last name perfectly fits my name!"
He still ignored me but I didn’t care. I was still grinning next to him until I remembered what I should do after I found out his full name.
Yeah, right!
I will stalk him now.
I picked up my cell phone lying on the table. I opened one of the social media app and immediately typed his full name in the search bar.
Johann Caleb Vergara
Only one account appeared. What a uniqueness of his name!
I immediately opened his profile and I was disappointed because it is a private account.
I scrolled through his timeline. There are only three display pictures and one cover photo. Nothing else to see. Probably the post, shared post and other uploaded photos of him are just friends.
I looked at his details. I immediately searched for his status and I was even more annoyed not to see anything posted there.
This is terrible! How do I know now if he has a girlfriend or none?
I just went back to his timeline. I stared at his profile picture in 2014. I smiled because I saw the young version of Caleb. He was smiling while holding the certificate. Maybe he won the quiz bee, I guess? This is what the young geniuses who win the quiz bee contest that the school participates in look like.
He's been smart since grade school. There is no doubt why Engineering is his course now.
His second profile picture was in 2018. They graduated from Senior High School because he was wearing a royal blue gown in that picture.
He's so cute, even though there's no smile plastered on his lips.
His recent profile picture was only last month. He was wearing a black suit and he looked very formal. Looks like he attended a party here. He looks so hot in that candid shot of him.
It's too bad to change the display picture. It takes 3 more years before he changes. As for me, it's hard for me to stop myself from changing after only 3-5 days.
Her cover photo is their family picture.
You are obviously family oriented. I want to marry him and be part of his family!
"Are you done stalking me?"
H-Huh? How did he know?
I turned to the one next to me. He finished eating and is now holding his cellphone.
"Are you talking to me?" I looked at Aunt Elisha, she was still busy cooking.
"Isn't it obvious?"
My gosh! How did he know I was stalking him?
He showed me his cellphone. Her Facebook notification was open and I read what was written there.
Maria Brittany Sarmiento liked your photo.
What a stupid move, Bri!
I accidentally liked her profile picture in 2014!
I don't know where I'm going to get the excuse. I just want to leave the earth now.
"Hey! Don't feel bad or don't make it a big deal. I just want you to be my FB friend. I just hovered over your timeline for a while and I accidentally clicked on your display picture in 2014. That's it!"
"Tsk!" He smirked.
I went back to my cell phone. I acted not guilty of my excuse even deep inside, I really wanted to cover my face because of the stupid thing I did.
I’m dropping myself!
I sent him a friend request for him to believe.
"Oh, there. Accept me into your life."
He never looked at me again. I just saw a notification popping up on my cell phone screen.
Johann Caleb Vergara accepted your friend request.

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    Capiz Nezel

    I like this story very much


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