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Two days later, I was summoned early in the morning by my Dad to the family living room.
After getting dressed in a simple Lemon Knee-length gown I went out of my room and headed to the family parlor.
' Why am I summoned so early in the morning? , What do they want to talk to me about?, Or do they want to talk about my marriage? , I hope it hasn't been brought up. ' With all these different thoughts going to my mind I reached The family parlor in no time.
It was a Mini large room with Five Single Brown Sofas which were as old as me or even older, it also has one large Study table and an old portrait of my Dad while he was younger, I guess, The room was painted Dull Yellow, though the colors were already fading.
The room happened to be the largest in our Five bedroom home which was single-handedly built by my Father and his Workers.
Well, my Dad isn't as poor as you guys think he is as he owned About two hectares of land where he cultivates Common Food crops like Rice, maize, yam, and so on.
As it was still early morning, my Two younger siblings who Happened to be twins, my mom, and my Dad were Seated on the sofas in the living room.
Well, have I ever said that I have two sisters? , I guess no but I do have two sisters, one is my Elder sister, Davi, the firstborn of my family and the other is Little Oprah who happened to be the last born of my family.
My Elder Sister, Davi got married Three years ago to Sir Thomas a Hunter who had Three wives, well she is a little lucky as she only has three women before her, she'll be the fourth Wife and might be able to blend in soon enough unlike me who is to get married to a 50-year-old man with Five wife and Twenty Children.
I am pretty sure that I won't survive a week no matter how Strong I claim to be as those five wives are vicious, The was once a rumor that claimed that the five wives all belonged to the same Secret Club so they were friends with one another so they don't want another woman to come into their midst and that other woman who had tried to lose their lives in the process.
' How would I survive in a place like that? But as always no one cares about my well-being as all my parents care about is the dowry they'll get from the groom's family after marrying me off. '
Back to the present.
Though it's a usual thing for my Dad and Brothers to be in the living room early in the morning my mom isn't always with them but today she is which means that we are going to be discussing a serious issue.
I noticed that my little sister isn't in the room, perhaps she's still asleep, I can't blame her though as it's still very early in the morning for a Five years old girl like her to be awake.
As usual, my Dad was Drinking Palm wine I wonder why he often drinks it in the morning before dinner, won't it upset his stomach? , I often wondered but I never got the courage to ask him.
My two brothers, Cyril and James were playing the card game as they always do.
All they do all day is play but that's probably going to End soon as my Dad had already planned that he'll give them a plot of land each once they turn fifteen So they can start cultivating on it.
He wanted them to become Independent early in life as he always claims that a man shouldn't be lazy and must be hard working as he's going to be the head of his family.
Well, I agree with him on this though.
Am not being partial as even the Bible says that the man is the head of the household.
As soon as I walked in all eyes fell on me and I felt very uncomfortable, though we are family and have been living together for years I can't help but still feel uncomfortable with their gazes.
I immediately went on my Knees When I noticed that they were already aware of my presence.
" Good morning, Dad. Good morning, Mom. " I greeted while on my knees.
Well, it's part of our tradition and culture that when greeting, the female child must be on her two knees as a sign of respect to her elders.

" Can't you greet your siblings too or do you want to pretend to not notice them in the room? How disrespectful! " My dad Scolded, He was displeased by my behavior.
I sighed deeply hearing this, I should know better, I was about to speak up but was interrupted by my younger brother, Cyril.
" We can't blame her Dad, Her upcoming marriage is what's boosting her ego, she believes that she's getting married soon so she doesn't need to respect us. " He said.
" Really? "
" Yes, Dad. "
" Oh, do you think your husband will be happy with this disrespectful Character of yours? , I guess you don't know him too well because if you do then you won't be like this. "
' He's not my husband! We aren't even married yet! So don't call him my husband! Husband? As if I am even going to get married to him. ' I ranted inwardly, I didn't dare refute my Dad's words when it's not like I am seeking for Beating, though I don't think he'll lay a finger on me as I am of much use to him now.
It hurts me to realize that my parents only see me as a tool for money-making but what can I do apart from being hurt? , Nothing I guess, I just have to bear with it, for now.
" I pity her, Dad. " James sullen voice Interrupted my thoughts.
' Pity? , Do I need that? , Of course not. '
" Am very Sorry, Dad, I was wrong, Please forgive me, Dad. " I said and Earning no reply, I turned to face my two siblings who sat down on the Sofa like Two Royal Highness.
Even the king of our village isn't as arrogant as them, it's not like they have money or anything but just because they look Very Handsome, they got their genes from Mom who could be tagged as a Disney Princess.
Too bad she didn't get to marry her Prince Charming.
Though not all Disney Princess got married to their Prince Charming as Ariel the mermaid died for her prince instead.
Well, I am not bad either but I won't rate myself, I don't want to be tagged as being proud so I'll leave that for my Prince Charming to say.
That's If I'll ever get a Prince charming, I hope my life doesn't become like Mom's, that would be brutal.
" Good morning, Bro Cyril, Good Morning Bro James. " I greeted them still on my knees though they weren't my elder, they are my younger Brothers for pits same but yet I have to greet them like my elder! and I could see the Smirk on My brother Cyril's face, James on the other wore a blank Expression, They both didn't nod in acknowledgment but that's not any of my business, the fact that I have greeted them remains the same.
" I guess you aren't that dumb after all, well I can't blame you, I'll only blame your mother who didn't train you well, I just hope that you don't bring shame and disgrace to our family. " My Dad replied
" I hope so too Dad, I don't know how I'll be able to show my face to my friends if she does. " Cyril said.
" Same here's "
I just Kneeled silently listening to them, I badly wanted to refute but I don't dare to, I don't have a voice, I am nothing but a female child with no voice.
I looked towards my Mom's direction and then I realized that she was also listening Attentively to them though she had a bored expression on her face, she wasn't looking in my direction but my Dad's.
She didn't look displeased at all it felt like she was Enjoying it.
' Is this Woman my Mother? ' I asked myself for the umpteenth time that day.

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  • avatar
    Milva Limbaga

    The story is nice


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    Gilvana Vieira Sousa

    😍y Love you


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    Ni Co Le

    cool tho


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