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บทที่ 4 Quirkiness

The two are sitting in the spot where they first met. Azaiah is chewing the piece of straw in her drink while mumbling something.
“What are you saying?” Galen looked completely baffled because of the mumbling that came from Azaiah's mouth.
Azaiah instantly stopped herself from biting the straw and earnestly try to looked serious while looking at Galen.
“I remember that you hated the color “red”. I was wondering what could be your reason for hating that color. How could someone hated that color, Galen? The color that is in the end of the spectrum, it's one of the most powerful color to ever exist in the color wheel, Ajax. Fire and rubies are red. Our blood that circulates in our arteries and veins is being identified as a red liquid. I love that color so much. Whenever I see that color, it somehow awakens a part of myself that's been wanting to come out but is wanting to be unknown for a while.”
Ajax suppressed himself from giving his reply to Azaiah. He wants to disclose the information about how he'd come to a point where he hated that color. A memory that suddenly occurs in his mind made him uncontrollably shake slightly as a result of a fear that is been haunting him for a while now. He doesn't want to bother Azaiah with his own problems. It's not that he doesn't find her trustable. In fact, there is something within her that made him feel safe and secure. That he doesn't need to worry about Azaiah doing something bad towards him.
“Ajax, you're spacing out again. Are you sure you are really okay?” Azaiah interrupted him from the expanse of his internal thoughts.
“I'm fine, Azaiah. Don't worry.” He assures her by saying those words.
“You're pretending, Ajax. Stop saying that you are fine even though you're not.”
“What makes you think that I'm not fine?”
“I can feel it, Galen.”
“Sorry, I was not told earlier that you are an empath.” Galen joked to lighten up the mood within the atmosphere.
“Uh huh, not so funny.” Azaiah rolled her eyes and looked irritated. She's not someone who likes to do an eye roll but she's been doing it frequently whenever she's with Galen. Eye roll is a gesture that is of little importance. That's what her mom said. Because she's always putting emphasis of having to make her eyes extraordinary large every single time because it adds up to her subtle delicate eyes. There's a lot of things her mom wants her to do, even though she's still young. Her mother's established attitude always instills a sense of substance to her juvenile nature.
“And now you're the one who is lost in her own thoughts.” She heard Galen sneered after saying it.
“Adults are consist of many interconnecting parts in them which makes them difficult to understand. Am I right, Galen?”
“They are indeed intricate, Azaiah. But what makes you add this topic to our conversation? It's extrinsic since we're talking about you being an empath.” Galen changed his instinctive expression into a lively one. He was proud because he is able to make a source of derision to his words. He intentionally did that as he feels their conversation is getting serious.
After hearing Galen, Azaiah gave a loud, silly laugh. Which made Galen burst into laughter, too.
“Let's play game.” Azaiah started.
“What is it?”
“Each of us will be asking each other 10 questions about what we would like to know within each aspects of ourselves.”
“I'm good with that. Ask me now. Because ladies will always be put up first in every situation before a gentleman like me.”
Azaiah giggled to Galen's declaration.
“Okay this is will be my first question. What do you consider the most ultimate food, Ajax?”
“Anything that comes from fast-food restaurants. Preferably pepperoni pizzas Okay, my turn. What do you think you'll be like in old age?”
“Really, Ajax? We're still young to think about what's gonna happen in our adulthood.”
“That's a simple question that requires an immediate response, Azaiah. No pressure.”
“Well, I think I will be more like a free-spirited type of person. Someone who's free to do whatever she wants to do with her life without anyone trying to hold her back. An individual who'll fly and sing freely like a canary. I always wanted to be like that bird.”
“You could've answered it more simple, Azaiah. You could've directly tell me that you want to be a bird when you grow up.”
“Shut up, silly.”
“Your answer must've come from something.”
“You're right with that. Don't tell me, you're an empath too?”
“Oh c'cmon.”
“And now you're speechless.”
The moment their eyes meet they know between themselves that this is a partnership that is based on mutual respect and understanding that will go on for years as long as they will stay committed on keeping their nexus with reciprocity. They are still young human beings that are bound to experience different collections of circumstances but for children these young life wasn't kind to willfully not cause pain and suffering in their early lives. The universe could've give them a sense of happy satisfaction to enjoy as an individual human that experience a continual change in their existence but to a higher degree that is possible they have to grow in an unpleasantly rough way of their early childhood. One that deeply scarred them and will continue to haunt them until they reach the state of their maturity...

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