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Chapter 4

“Ev, check this out, it’s an actual statue of Apollo!” Clara called to Evander.
Since they arrived , Evander seemed to space out more often. Something was bothering him, she only wished he would talk to her, confide in her. He has not but she was going to be patient. He would tell her everything when he wanted to. For now, she settled for taking his mind off whatever it was that was disturbing his mind.
“Don’t you think it’s weird that in both the Roman and Greek mythology, his name was not changed?” She looked up to him, his hand a glove over hers.
Evander stared at the statue that piqued her interest, a vacant look in his eyes. How was he supposed to locate the person he had been told to contact on getting Thomas’s message?
“I’ve always felt like the Greeks had a better representation of the gods than the Romans did,” She rambled on.
His mind was on everything else and he could care less about a history lesson at the moment but he tried to be as with enthusiastic as his wandering thoughts would allow.
“Yeah, I’m sure they do.” He tried for his best voice but failed woefully and decided he would just engage her so she doesn’t feel like he did not want her around because in all honesty, a part of him did. He could not place a finger as to why that was. “I heard he was the god of music and everything art,” he added weakly.
“Yeah, from what I’ve read he is the most handsome of the gods, only rivaled by Ares, the god of war.”
Evander couldn’t stop the snort he let out just as she made that statement. “I’m sure he is,” he affirmed, his words dripping with sarcasm but Clara missed it and thought he was agreeing with what she had said. “Can we check out the dorms now? You still have to get the receipt for your acceptance fee before we go to see Thomas.”
“Oh, sure,” she agreed not quite ready to leave the school’s museum filled with pieces that were like striking gold in archaeology as well as histological pieces here and there.
Hand in hand, they strolled down the long hallway that stretched for miles. The walls of the school so far had a common color; beige with a dash of brown, black and maroon. It was like the painter had initially intended to go for simple but had a strike of inspiration mid-painting and played with the brush to create small splashes of the those three colors. Light bulbs caged in fancy light bulb holders illuminated the narrow hallway. School was not in session yet so the halls were almost vacant with the exception of a few persons, probably with the same purpose as herself. After taking a couple of turns, they arrived at the building reserved for the dormitories.
The building stood tall before them, appeared taller than the other surrounding buildings. It had the same color theme as the hallway and the three floors below.
She could sense the disquietude oozing off of Evander at that moment judging by the continuous quiet tapping of his foot.
“Let’s head to the bursary. I can always check the dorms after we see Thomas,” Clara suggested hoping that would help him relax a little.
Unknown to her, that had done the exact opposite, taking his mind back to what happened the last time he was late to unveil one of Thomas’s encrypted messages. It was not like he wasn't the brightest bulb in the box, Thomas was just talented like that. He had a clue pointing to where he would meet the first shifter but it was just too easy to be correct.
Worth a shot, he thought.
“Sure,” he smiled for the first time since they stepped foot in Denmark, instantly lifting the weight off Clara’s shoulders. “You didn’t forget anything, yeah?” he queried watching as she let go of his hand, checked her brown strapped bag, muttering to herself as she went through the contents. He couldn't help the little smile that broke out. She really was something, stunning even, wearing baggy jeans and a plain white top.
“Got everything,” she confirmed, inserting her small hand in his big smooth hand.
He brought her face closer to his with his right hand, placed a kiss on her forehead, confusing her even more. She had thought he was in a bad mood but maybe she had been wrong.
“Alright, let's go.”
They walked the small distance form the dormitories to the bursary office.
“Good afternoon, I was told to bring my receipt of payment for the acceptance fee here?” she spoke to the lady behind the glass that separated the waiting area of the bursary office from the actual office.
The lady smiled at Clara and had an even bigger smile for Evander. “Name please,” she questioned already typing something on the computer seated on the table.
Meanwhile, Evander took seat on one of the chairs that decorated the spacious room.
“Clara, ma’am. Clara Thorpe,” she replied.
“Sir, the documents would be ready first thing in the morning. I thought you had it, it was a miscommunication on my part,” rushed a voice right outside the waiting room.
“Next time you choose to misinterpret properly explained words, it wouldn't be under my employment. Clear out your office before I get back the meeting with the vice chancellor Mr Felix,” clipped an ashy voice sounding even closer.
It was not a conversation that would pick the interest of anyone but Evander. He knew that voice. It was familiar, too familiar. And then, it dawned on him. Checking to make sure Clara was still preoccupied, he took a few quick steps till he was in the hallway and caught sight of an unhappy older man walking away and a younger man regarding Evander with a frown. The first shifter. He could not believe it! That blasted Thomas sure knew how to mess with him. He made this stupidly easy that Evander starts to doubt himself.
The voice had come from a man wearing a properly pressed grey suit with a black tie but what caught his interest was the tag on his left breast.
Dean of student affairs, it read.
The man must have run out of patience because he snarled and turned to leave. That woke Evander up.
“I was the one you spoke to on the phone,” he rushed and the man halted.
“I thought as much but it seemed like you enjoyed the company of my eyes better than what you came here to discuss.”
“No I was… You already know what you’re to do?” He asked shocked because the letter had made it seem like he could call to tell him to start making preparation but he, Evander, would have to explain the details to him in person.
“Of course I do, Thomas already told me everything. What do you think I meant by I would tell you when it’s done? I’m starting to think you’re not as smart as he made you seem.” He narrowed his eyes at him in suspicion.
“No.” Thomas must have left out that part deliberately. Why? To make him come here? What was he supposed to see here? “Never mind then, I'd be on my way.” The man which according to the name tag was Lucas Thorne.
Lucas gave a nod and left but not before darting a cryptic look his way.
Back at the bursary waiting room, the lady confirmed Clara’s acceptance and fee payment. Once Clara handed her the copy of her receipt, she said, “thank you.”
Clara marveled at how quick everything got processed and turned to meet up with Evander so they could return back to their hotel room. She grew surprised to see an empty seat where she had thought Evander once sat. She looked around the waiting room, checking all the faces that sat and those speaking people n behind the glass.
She stepped out of the waiting room to check the double doors that led to the admissions office wondering if he decided to wait for her there instead. She had only take two steps out of the room when she sighted Evander talking to a slender man that had hair as white as snow.
Brows raised, she wondered who he might be since she did not know Evander knew anyone here except for Thomas. Maybe that’s Thomas. She couldn’t believe she was finally going to meet a part of Evander’s family.
She ambled to where Evander stood but before she could take the final steps, the man was already walking the other direction. Well she knew one thing about Thomas now, he was rude. Evander must have sensed her presence because he looked in her direction then and had this look of incredulity like he did not expect her there and quickly covered it up with a smile.
”Were you able to sort everything out?” he questioned like she did not just see him talking a man who was definitely too young to be a member of the admissions body.
“Yes. Who was that?” she asked, looking him dead in the eye. “Was that Thomas?”
“No. That was just a friend of his. He's not here, yet. Still has some things to sort it at home before he moves here,” Evander explained, laying little white lies here and there.
“Oh,” Clara said, disappointed.
This was the final confirmation. Evander did not want her to meet his family. They had been together and she hasn't seen any member of his family, not even one! He does not even speak of them, almost like they don't exist to him.
“But I thought you called to confirm before we left,” she queried, remembering he had made a call to his brother just that morning.
“Yes, I did. He said he wasn't sure but he would try his best to make it. I guess he just didn't finish up whatever it was on time,” he said seeing the way she looked at him like she thought, no, knew he was lying.
Clara decided not to push it and let the matter die. “So we’re going back home now?” She asked hoping he would say no.
“No, we can stay at the hotel for a bit and head out tomorrow or next. It would be like a little vacation.” He smiled at her, enveloping her hand with his and leading her to the double doors that led outside, the same direction Lucas had taken.
Out in the parking lot, they could see the entire school better and Clara saw a restaurant in the distance. “Let’s go there. I did not get the chance this morning.”
Not in the mood to socialize, he suggested, “why don't you go ahead? I’d just wait at the hotel.”
“Sure, go rest up. I can handle a little breakfast run by myself.” Clara tried for a smile but it came out forced.
“Thanks, babe. Get whatever you're getting yourself for me too,” he added, placing a kiss on her cheek.
Already exhausted for what was to come, he just wanted to lock himself up somewhere, away from everybody.
She watched the back of his black shirt and how his sexy backside looked in those sea blue skinny jeans and wondered what it was that made him so tired at nine in the morning. Refusing to dwell on it and create questions she might not want the answers to, she sauntered to the restaurant and chuckled at the sign, an E looking like it was holding on to the last thread for it's like.
Beatrice’s restaurant, it read.

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