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You don’t know the plans I have for you …
You’re worthless
Yes that’s what you are
And you think you can be a supermodel ? No you cannot Laura
You know the reason I broke up with you ?
You haven’t woken up from your dream , you haven’t faced reality …
You’re useless Laura
You’re –
“ Laura “ I heard a voice call from behind me
I looked back and saw Zoey
“ You poor thing “ she said taking her seat beside me breathing heavily , she probably ran here too
I hid my face between my palms to hide my tears from her
“ Laura , really ? Your legs are fast , how did you get here in thirty minutes ?” she asked steading her breath
I ran to a place only Zoey could find me , we discovered this river late last year and ever since then we come here sometimes to cuss out our bosses .
I took off my heels and dipped my feet in the cold water , she looked at me for a few minutes before copying the same action .
“ How did you know ?” I asked
“ I saw Brian’s IG post about the new director , I was so shocked when I found I saw that it was that bastard , God I’m so angry right now “ she said and we both felt silent for what seemed like forever
“ Zoey I feel like a fool , why did I have to cry in front of him ?”
“ Dammit you cried ?”
“ Hard , I cried like child “ I said resting my head on her shoulder
“ Laura do you still like him ?” she asked
“ Babe you know me better than that”
“ So what happened ?” she asked
“ I don’t know Zo , I guess my emotions got the best of me “
“ I thought you were over him “
“ I thought I was , apparently I’m still hurt , I still feel the pain , those harsh words that tore into my skin like a blade “ I said
“ Dammit ! You were doing just fine without him , why did he have to show his ugly face and ruin it ?” Zoey asked
“ I don’t know why it’s so hard to get over one man , I mean he’s not even that good looking , he’s a jerk” I said
“ Yes that’s the spirit Girl , it’s his loss for leaving this load of hotness” Zoey said which made me smile
“ I can’t believe I loved him that much Zoey , I loved him with everything I had , I saw a future with him “ I said
“ I know , it’s not your fault for loving him and prioritizing him , it’s his fault for being a jerk “
“ I’m never gonna love again “ I said hitting the water with my leg fiercely
“ No no no , Laura Paley you’re going to love again , I’m setting your ass on a blind date tomorrow , you have to get up and show him that you’re better off without him”
“ It’s hard Zoey “
“ No it’s not , you’ll fix your makeup now , you’ll go back to that office and act like you don’t give two shits about him ok?”
“ But I don’t have my makeup” I said
“ I got you covered “ she said bringing out her makeup bag
Arrgh ! Zoey , how is she so perfect?
“ what will I do without you ?” I asked
“ Let’s never find out “
I put on my big boy pants as I made my way into the office , my heart was beating wildly as I got closer , I was sensing a panic attack coming but I held it in … I held it all in .
My legs felt wobbly as I got closer to the familiar white building .
Ok Laura you got this
Three –
The door was suddenly flung open
“ oh Laura why did you run out the other time ?” Brian asked
“ Ummm it was nothing “
“ Are you sure you’re ok ?” he asked
“ Yes Brian , I’m good “
“ Ok then , the director wants to see you “
Holy flying pigs
“ ok thanks “ I said walking slowly to the directors table
He was arranging the books on his locker
“ Hi “ I said calling his attention , he looked up at me and smiled
“oh you’re here “
“ Yes I am “ I replied
“ Why did you run out crying the other time ?” he asked smirking
This bitch …
“ I had an emergency to attend to , sorry for leaving without permission “
“ an emergency indeed “
Ok now I want to murder this boy
“ Nice to meet you Mr Sommers , I’m miss Paley , I hope we get along well “ I said grabbing his hand roughly for a shake .
I watched as he stared in awe then he quickly changed his demeanor
“ I hope we get along “ he replied
“ ok then “ I said walking to my seat , purposely swinging my hips seductively in my dress .
Mr Sommers you don’t know the plans I have for you …
You don’t …

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    Everlyn Tinamisan Campit



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