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Rewriting Us

Rewriting Us


บทที่ 1 ALICE

The streets of New york was more alive than usual. It was a Monday morning, and everybody was rushing to go to work, horns were blaring, and curses were spat out simulatanously, the bus stop was crowded with all sort of people. Alice sat comfortably on the chair, perks of coming early.
While everybody seemed impatient, their necks craning, hoping to catch a glimpse of the bus, she just quietly scrolled through the chapter of the book she was reading on her phone. She had always been a book worm but this time, it was more aggressive.
The book " falling in love with you" has almost become a part of her life, she could virtually feel what the characters felt, the wrong decisions would infuriate her and their right decisions is an undisputed source of joy. Maybe because the book had a character with her exact names and though it wasn't something she liked to admit, the character was very much like her. She was meek, submissive, self - suppressed and has low self esteem, she could barely speak without stuttering. It was like she was re-living in the book and she just can't stand watching herself go down the same path again. A path that made her accessible to bullies of all kinds, the path that made her a supporting character, just an accessory to the main character.
The bus arrived and people began to rush in, this was one of the moments Alice hated most. The struggle to get on the bus not only pulled her from the world of her book but also saw her being tossed around by people, she couldn't yell at the man who stepped on her right now, nor could she tell off the fool groping her behind, she just held it all in until she was finally inside the bus, turning around, she caught a smirk on the pervert's face and she wished she wasn't who she was, she wished she could slap that smirk off and yell at him till her throat got sore, but she couldn't, so she just turned around, her shoulders slumped as always, found a seat at the back and sat down, dread sipping into her as she realized it was another day at work.
Glam is one of the most prominent clothing companies in the United states, the founder, Antonio Fernandez now late, had started way back in the 70's, the company had clinched the spotlight when they had gotten an opportunity to dress the very famous Lillian Grant for the Met Gala, since then, celebrities began to opt for their designs and quite rapidly, the company grew into a Top-notch designing house only accessible to the rich and
A-list members of the society.
They had atleast 200 workers in the main branch where Alice worked, About one-third of them being designers.They recruit only 4 designers a year out of the thousands that apply, they always managed to fish out the extraordinary four they wanted, Alice had passed through such vigorous screening till she emerged victorious as she got hired as an assistant designer to her current boss, Henry Niles.
Alice walked into the office as slow as she could, she wanted to grab every moment of peace she could get before she had to face Henry, she was almost sure he wasn't in yet since she was a bit too early, but the presence of his chair, his ever lingering scent always haunted her, the man was intimidating without trying and to add the cherry on the cake, his words held no mercy, she had never heard him say something kind, it always ranged from sarcasm, mockery or blatant insults, nothing ever pleased him, at least nothing she ever did.
"Good morning." She greeted as she walked past, a shy smile on her face. She walked into the elevator and pressed her floor number, 10. As the elevator went higher, she felt lighter, the serene silence always comforted her, another reason why she liked being an early bird was to embrace the silence as she got to ride the elevator alone.
5 minutes later and she was in front of their office, she pushed the door, willing herself for another day with her nemesis.
"Alice, did you help with the finishing touches?" James asked from his cabin, his head peeking in Alice's direction
"Oh yes, I'm done, I added a bit to the design, don't know if you will like it?"Alice replied walking over to him, her hands clutching the folder tightly. James looked up at her, nodded then collected the folder, he opened it and quietly examined the design on the paper,, he took his time, turning the pages and even holding it against the light, he examined the fabric to be used, comparing the color shades then finally looked at an almost trembling Alice.
"It's perfect, I am sure there would be no complaints whatsoever . Thank you for your time dear. I can always rely on you." He said smiling widely.
James was the only person that ever complimented her, though he did it because she slaved away for him, it still managed to please her, having somebody recognize her work and even compliment her for it. So, though knowing in this transaction she is the loser, she couldn't help but return his smile with a wider one.
The day ran smoothly until she had to go submit her project to her Boss.
Saying all the prayers she could while spewing some curses at the end, she braced herself for his ever-present insults.
"Sir, the project" she said as she handed him the papers in her hands.
Without looking at her, he collected the papers and droppethemit on his table.
"Get me a coffee and an extra-large sandwich, then on your way get the fabric and accessories for the fitting of mannequin 42, call Lillian to assist me." He Spewed his orders without stammering even once, it's like he had been practicing them for a while.
Alice turned to go when she suddenly turned back.
"Sir, Lillian didn't come in today, so, I was, I was" she stammered.
"You were what?" He asked impatiently.
"I was thinking, I could assist with the fitting?" she finally completed her sentence, every fiber of her body on alert.
" It's too important of a job to assign to a side-kick, call James instead" And just like that, with one sentence, he had ruined her day again and more than her day, he made her feel smaller than she felt yesterday, now she worth less than the floor mat she was stepping on.

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  • avatar
    zafran norazizam

    nice book


  • avatar
    Janelle Silo

    very beautiful in a story


  • avatar
    Khian Opulencia



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