


The club's pools were open all summer and the club did not shut down in winter. Before Gisa put the pool in Dreamworld we used to spend Sundays there. But I didn't miss the club. We enjoyed our weekends in our private little world.
- I miss it here. - Jonathan said going directly to the bar.
- Me too. I lied so I wouldn't have to explain why I didn't miss you.
- But I really like Dreamworld too. I feel more comfortable there.
- Yea. - I confirmed.
- Our Sunday lunches together is the best part of the week. When we don't do that, it feels like there's no Sunday. - he said.
- I think the same thing.
- Hmm , we have some thoughts in common. - he said laughing ironically.
- I think it's just a coincidence. - I noticed more than quickly.
- Could be... Who knows? - he said.
I didn't try to understand what he meant. On the contrary, I just wanted him to grab those beers and get us out of there as quickly as possible. His presence gave me strange sensations and this was the first time we'd been alone in a year and I didn't want that to happen again. Not that I didn't like him... On the contrary, I didn't want to like him any more than I should have. Neither admire him, nor know him better. So the only thing to do was get away from that man, my neighbor, beautiful and perfect and... My best friend's love.
While he was paying I watched the crowd enjoying the pool on that hot day. It looked like Therry to me in one of the pools, accompanied by a woman. I put my sunglasses on my head and looked again. It was him, I had no doubt. The woman next to him gave him a kiss… on the mouth. I stood there, looking, incredulous, furious and wanting to go there and tell him some good truths. However, I took a deep breath and was about to leave when Jonathan took me by the arm and pulled me to a corner near the bar:
- Calm down, Ariane. - he said.
- I'm calm. - lied.
- He doesn't deserve you.
- I'm not mad at him for being with another woman... But for the lie. – I confessed even though I knew he wouldn't understand me. After all, he had done that to my friend too.
- Therry couldn't have done that.
- He really doesn't deserve me. - I said. – But let's go.
- Like this? he asked. – Are you going to leave it at that?
- What do you want me to do? Let him go there and make a fuss. I don't even like him to do that. - I confessed.
- Why don't you pay in the same currency?
- Like this? I asked.
- Revenge.
- What?
- I have an idea.
- Which would be?
- Nothing shakes a man more than betrayal. Seeing his girlfriend with someone else is the worst thing that can happen to him.
- I do not understand.
- Be jealous and you will be revenged.
- You... Have you ever seen your girlfriend in someone else's arms? I asked suddenly.
- My girlfriend doesn't... But I've seen the woman I like with someone else. - he said sounding sincere.
I laughed:
- Do you like a woman then?
- Well... I really like it. – he confessed.
- This is almost... unbelievable. - I said. - That's why you don't want anything to do with Samantha.
- Why do you find it unbelievable? Can't a man like me fall in love?
- Well... I didn't mean it.
- Well, believe me... A man like me can like a woman much more than you can imagine. And even not being reciprocated.
Before I got any more stunned thinking about who was the lucky woman who held Jonathan's heart, I said:
- So what's your plan? Pretend we're both having an affair... Out of nowhere? I asked laughing. – He won't believe it.
- I think it will. - he said. “Let's pretend we're happy together and he'll feel terrible and betrayed. How are you feeling now.
I looked at him and said:
- I'm not feeling like this.
He dropped the beers on the table and took my hand. His hand was cold from the drink he was holding. We laced our fingers together and I let him lead me through the pool area. Of course we pretended we weren't looking at anyone but ourselves. He was trying to hold back his laughter as he talked about I don't know what because I couldn't think or hear anything but my heartbeat as I felt his hand next to mine.
- I feel like a 14 year old teenager. - I confessed shaking my head not knowing if I was acting correctly.
- Are you going to say it's not funny? - he said. – Fate playing a trick on us.
- You are crazy. It's childish. – I joked.
- He saw us. – he said as we stopped near the pool division screen. - Right now he must be thinking he's seeing things, hallucinating.
- And now? – she asked laughing at his attitude. I was having fun.
- Now let's make it look like everything is real.
- But I have no doubt that it is looking real. - I said without looking to the side where Therry was. I didn't want to look at his face seeing all that.
- No... It doesn't look real. One thing is missing.
- What? I asked.
He took my face in his hands and kissed me on the mouth. I was confused, but I responded ardently to his kiss. I couldn't believe I was doing this... And I couldn't let go. I wrapped my arms around his neck, feeling his body next to mine. I knew I couldn't do it, but my body wanted it badly and my heart felt like it was jumping out of my chest. I wanted to leave, but my mouth couldn't leave his. The image of Samantha came to my mind and I had the courage to take my hands off him and leave.
- Now he will believe. He said looking into my eyes.
I was completely stunned. I didn't know what to do or say. My body was shaky and limp. It felt like I was going to collapse at any moment.
"You couldn't have done that…" I ventured to say.
He smoothed my chin and said:
- I just took the opportunity.
- Jonathan, don't do that again. - I warned.
- Don't ask me for something I can't fulfill. He said looking into my eyes. Those green eyes confused me and I looked away from his.
- Samantha...
- Don't start with this story again, Ariane. Samantha is not here... And it was just a kiss. Relax.
I tried to stay calm and realized that Therry had left the girl in the pool and walked quickly to the other side.
- I think the plan worked. observed Jonathan.
- I hope so... Otherwise all this torture will have been in vain.
- Torture? It didn't look like you thought it was torture while you were kissing me back.
- I hated kissing you. - lied.
He kissed me again, this time hard, not as tenderly as the first time. I shouldn't, but I couldn't help but respond. The next thing I knew, I was hugging him again and kissing him like the world was going to end right there and there was just the two of us.
He released me, took my hand as if nothing had happened and said:
- We will.
- You... Shouldn't have done that again... I... I...
I didn't even know what I wanted to say to him. She was completely stunned.
- I think deep down you liked my kisses. – he said laughing.
- Therry wasn't even seeing us anymore… - I ran to catch up with him as he pulled me by the hand. "And you don't need to have kissed me again and—"
He stopped walking, looked at me and said:
- Ariane, if you don't stop talking now I'm going to kiss you again.
I wanted to go on and on, but I stopped immediately because I was pretty sure he wasn't bluffing. He grabbed the beers and we went back to the car. He started the game and I was silent. On the way, he asked:
- Did Therry believe we have an affair?
- What?
I didn't even know what he had said. I was completely disconcerted.
- About the jealousy we provoked in him...
- Ah... I think he believed it. But it was childish on our part. Not even in my teens did I do that.
- Do you like him very much?
I just laugh.
- Why did you laugh at my question?
- I'm laughing because I feel absolutely nothing for him. He didn't even need to make the jealousy scene or pay in kind.
- If you don't like him, why are you dating?
- Why did you date Samantha? I asked.
- All right, I'll give up talking to you.
He looked upset and I felt like an idiot. Enough talking about my friend. He wasn't a bad guy... He was handsome, smart and somehow trying to help me.
- Jonathan, I've been trying to end the relationship for a long time. But I thought Therry liked me so it was a little difficult because I didn't want to hurt him. Now everything is easier for me. Without guilt. - I said smiling friendly.
- And what are you going to say... That you're in love with me? he asked laughing.
- Of course not. I'll tell you the truth, I saw him with someone else.
- And he will argue that he also saw you with someone else. Then they will be in the same situation and you may not be able to finish.
- Maybe what we did didn't help at all then, did it? Guess I'll have to argue that I'm in love with you. – I said jokingly.
- I would be flattered.
- Wouldn't you mind if I told him that? I asked.
I tried to avoid looking at him, as I still felt his body pressed to mine and our mouths together.
- Of course I wouldn't mind. Nor would I be upset if you really fell in love with me.
I felt his eyes on me, but I didn't dare look at him.
- I would never fall in love with you, Jonathan. I said more to myself than to him.
- I'm not a man someone would fall in love with?
I could say that Samantha was in love with him, but it would get repetitive and it seemed to me that the subject there was much more about the two of us than about anyone else. I felt my heart speed up again and thought hard about the words:
- I didn't mean that... But in that case I wouldn't fall in love with you out of loyalty to my friend. - I confessed.
- That's complicated... But nobody can change the past, right? It would be nice if it were possible.
I kept silent. I'd rather not understand what he was trying to say, let alone ask questions.
- But it's not always possible to control feelings, you know? I myself never intended to like someone as I do now. But I couldn't help it.
- Looks like someone really stole your heart. - I heard myself saying and at the same time curious to know who was the woman who occupied that man's thoughts.
- Well then... I can't deny it.
- It must be nice to feel that...
- Have you never really liked someone, Ariane?
- Fortunately... Or unfortunately, no.
- Unfortunately only if you are not reciprocated.
- I have no hurry. I have time I think. - I said looking at nothing.
- You are amazing.
- Wouldn't the woman who occupies your heart be my friend? - I heard myself repeating the same thing, even without meaning to. It seems like she wanted him to say a thousand times that he didn't feel anything for her. I felt like an idiot. But he had already spoken, there was no going back.
- There is no possibility of being Samantha.
- I know? “I can't believe I was actually asking him that. What did I have to do with the woman he liked? And what's the reason for my curiosity?
"Maybe..." he said laughing out loud.
- Who is it? – I wanted to hide in a hole when I asked. I was not like that. Where was my discretion? What was that man doing to me?
- Do you really think I would hand over the gold that easily? – he asked looking at me again.
- I don't understand why so much mystery... And... I didn't even want to know. Sorry for the inconvenience.
- Well... It wasn't inconvenient. I'm not sure she feels the same way about me. I still have to win her heart I guess. – he said seriously.
- I think if she knows about your history with Samantha it will be a little more difficult.
- I think everyone knows my story with Samantha. She will have to get over it.
- I think if she really likes you, she'll get over it.
I tried to keep quiet and he also seems like he has nothing more to say. I stood there, looking at him from the corner, as he drove intently. I wanted to be the woman who made him fall in love for the first time. The one that occupied his mind and heart and that made him talk about her without shame or fear, such affection he felt. He's had so many women... I don't even know how many I've seen leaving his apartment in the morning, or attending our Sunday barbecue, or Saturday night parties. I saw him kissing so many, holding hands, hugging... But I never saw affection from him. It seemed to me that it was real now, that he really was in love. And I also realized how attentive I was to his life without realizing it.

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    Jenny Ramos Delacruz

    bjhcn💔by m y, st mi


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    Very nice


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