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In a room there is a middle-aged man who is seriously looking at the laptop in front of him.
Knock, knock, knock,
There was a knock on the door, indicating that there was a visitor.
"Enter," replied the middle-aged man.
"Sorry sir, there is Mr. Hendra with his assistant," said Doni, the assistant from Gunawan.
.Well, that middle-aged man, Mr. Gunawan, is the father of Langit Pramuja Gunawan.
"Please come in" said Mr. Gun
"Okay sir" replied Doni
After making small talk by discussing work, finally Mr. Hendra said his intention to come to the Gunawan group company.
."Well, Mr. Gun, what about our child's matchmaking. Dea said, Langit has a lover," said Mr. Hendra
"Of course we will still impress Mr. Hendra, that problem can be arranged" said Mr. Gun casually
"I don't want this matchmaking to be canceled, sir, just because Mr. Gun's son has a girlfriend..better Mr. Gun act faster. If not, I will withdraw my shares," threatened Mr. Hendra
"Don't worry, Mr. Hendra, I have prepared a way to separate them." said Mr. Gunawan.
"Good, then I'll say goodbye," said Mr. Hendra as he stretched out his hand
."Thank you sir" replied Mr. Gun.
Well, because of a big project that used to be a mess, and must be compensated . The Gunawan group company almost went bankrupt, then Mr. Hendra offered to help by investing shares in the Gunawan group on the condition that his son be matched.
.Actually Pak Gunawan also finds it hard to accept it, but what can you do for the sake of the continuity of the company.
Therefore, Mr. Gunawan asked Langit to study seriously so that later he could advance his company so that he would not depend on Hendra's company.
.For now, what Gunawan can do is follow Hendra's words, who must separate his son from his lover.
Knock, knock, knock,
There was a knock on the door of a simple house.
"Yeah, just a minute," answered a voice from inside the house.
Check, the door is open
."Yes, good evening, can I help you sir?" said Mrs. Ida, well, it was Mrs. Ida's simple house. Mother of Senja.
"Is this really the house of Mrs. Ida, the mother of Senja Aulia?" asked the person.
"Yes, sir, please come in, sir," answered Mrs. Ida in a friendly manner
"Thank you, can you call your daughter..I have an important matter that I will discuss with your daughter and also you" said Mr. Gunawan
Well, Mr. Gunawan came to Mrs. Ida's residence.
"Okay sir, please sit down," answered Mrs. Ida.
.Everyone was sitting quietly, there was Mr. Gunawan and Doni, his assistant, opposite Senja and Mrs. Ida in a minimalist living room.
"I don't want to make small talk anymore,,, Doni!" Mr. Gunawan said
Then Doni immediately opened the suitcase he had brought. It turned out that the suitcase contained money.
."Looks like that's enough for your tuition fees and what you two need to get out of here." said Mr. Gun.
"What do you mean sir?" asked Mrs. Ida confused
."Tell your daughter to break up with my son and leave with the money, because my son has been betrothed to a prominent family, unlike you guys. Said Mr. Gun
"Oh yes, use the money as well as possible," he continued.
.it's true that sis Langit has been matched, what should I do?.. If we are matched, we will definitely meet again..
Well maybe this is the way, I will use the money for my education so that I can be successful and make my mother proud.
After a moment of silence, Mrs. Ida opened her voice.
"I'm sorry my son dared to dare to love a crown prince like your son." Said Mrs. Ida by clenching her hands to hold back the shaking because Mr. Gunawan's words were so painful.
.Mrs. Ida should have warned Senja from the start, not to have anything to do with rich people. It was all her fault, so her family was humiliated, regretted Mrs. Ida
"It's good that you are self-aware," said Mr. Gunawan.
."Tomorrow Langit will return, you must already know the purpose of his return, right, so decide right away," continued Mr. Gunawan, who was addressed to Langit.
"Yes sir," said Senja weakly, holding back tears. .maybe Senja does love Langit, but if by loving Langit her mother's pride is trampled on, Senja will let her go.
"But sorry sir, we can't accept the money you gave..if you want my daughter to decide and go away from this place i will. "said Mrs. Ida
.."I don't accept rejection, just think of it as compensation. Then I'll excuse myself." said Mr. Gunawan as he stepped out of the house followed by his assistant without waiting for the host's answer.
It was a beautiful night, with the moon and stars shining in the sky. .coupled with the lighting at night makes the atmosphere so romantic.
In a park, a couple is seen sitting in silence.
Well that's Langit and Senja, after this afternoon the graduation announcement and Senja were declared graduated. That night they decided to meet.
."What's wrong, dear brother, why suddenly ask for a break up. Didn't you ask your brother to come home because you missed your brother," said Langit with reddened eyes after being silent for a while. It turned out that the Senja had decided the Langit.
.while Senja just looked down, not daring to look at her lover because she couldn't hold back tears.
"I'm sorry sis" was the only thing that came out of Senja's mouth.
"Tell me the reason dear, do you not love brother anymore?" say Langit
."Say if you don't love brother anymore, look into your eyes" he continued, shaking Senja's shoulder.
Senja bravely looked up at Langit.
"I don't love you anymore," said Senja.
After saying that Senja immediately left the Langit, which was still silent.

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  • avatar

    so beautiful 😍


  • avatar
    Rones Erich Dawn

    l love this story full of happiness ang full of love


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    April Jhoy Valdez



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