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3. Pov Senja

Senja Aulia, that's my name, I study at one of the public high schools which is arguably my favorite.
I feel lucky to be able to enter the school, because I am not smart or rich.
.I'm currently in eleventh grade, I only have a friend named Nur, he's chatty, he's also from a wealthy family, but he still wants to be friends with me.
Until one day I met a handsome young man who invited me to meet him. .You know what it's like, I'm embarrassed, nervous because it's the first time I've been invited to meet a man. .Even at school, no one asked to get acquainted from the start at this school, didn't even say hello, and he was the first man who wanted to greet me besides my father of course, and that was like a dream to me.
The following days he was always waiting at the bus stop where I waited for the shuttle.
.he always offered to go home together, but I always refused, because I was afraid he had a lover and his lover misunderstood. Even though he always said he didn't have a girlfriend.
After I noticed that he was a man who had a fight with his girlfriend. .and that makes me more uncomfortable if he approaches me and always waits for me to come home from school..
Day after day it changed until finally I wanted to be brought home by him, oh yes, because now Nur is picked up every time she comes home so I'm alone.
"Spel,, let's go home together?" take Langit to me
."Thank you, mr next time, I'll just go home alone." my answer
"Next time, Ja, when, exactly,?" said sis Langit who seems angry because I always answer next time
"But I'm afraid your girlfriend will be angry" I replied
"I don't have a girlfriend, Jaa," answered Langit again
."Come on, let's go up." sis Langit is forcing
Finally I want to go home with him,,
Don't ask me how I feel, nervous, awkward, I don't know how to describe it anymore, it's like riding a rollercoaster.
Since the time we went home together, my brother and I were getting closer and closer.
.he was so caring, and he also became my tutor, because I told him what I was.
And mr Langit always supports me.
Today Langit will take me for a walk, he said so that I don't get bored at home,
.so this sunday i'm not taking clean job call clean as usual.
"Where are you going Twilight," my mother asked me
"Want to go out with a friend, Mom, it's okay, Mom," I asked my mother
"Be careful, remember, take good care of yourself," said the mother
"Yes ma'am," I replied
.Langit took me to the beach,,
"Where are we going?" I asked when I got on the motorbike
"beach yaa,, look at you," replied Langit
"Huh," I'm confused
."Look at the sunset at dusk, it's the same as your name," said sis Langit with her charming smile, which made me seem hypnotized
"Oh, yes, sis" I said awkwardly.
After a few minutes we finally arrived at the beach. Apparently reme too, I looked around.
."Let's go over there." invite sis Langit while pointing to a bench under a coconut tree
I followed him, until unknowingly sis Langit held my hand, I felt awkward being held like this
"Why Spell, are you nervous?" asked Sky sis
"Uh, yes sis" I answered honestly
.we sat next to each other, sis Langit was still holding my hand, and that made me even more awkward.
"Senjaaa,," said sis Langit breaking the silence between us
"Yes sis," I replied, looking down
"Wait here, Spell, I want to talk to you." Sis Langit said seriously
.I finally got up the courage to see him and he smiled, a smile that always amazes me
Duh Senja,, realized he was a rich man, handsome, there must be many beautiful girls around him.
While I'm not beautiful, rich what else, my mind is self-conscious
.just being friends with him I've been very lucky plus he wants to be my impromptu tutor" Senja,, I like you, do you want to be my lover? Before, I've never felt like this, I'm also like you nervous, nervous when close to you but trying to act normal, I see you are different from other girls Spell... so witnessed by the sky showing the sunset in the.this afternoon I said if I like you, would you like Twilight,,,?"said sis Langit to express his feelings for me
Is it a dream,,,?
Am I like Cinderella,,,?
Ah.. I don't want to expect more,, I'm afraid this is just a pseudo-fantasy.
"But sis, I...
I haven't had time to continue my words, sis, Langit is right away.
."Senjaa, brother, I know what you are thinking, believe me, Senja brother will not betray you even though there are many women around you, you also accept you as you are, Senjaa, and whatever happens we will fight together.
.After a moment of silence with the narrative of sis Langit, I nodded my head that I accepted it.
There's nothing wrong with trying not to feel like you have a boyfriend, even though you risk breaking your heart if you break up. .but I want to feel like other friends when I overhear them talking to each other.
"So you accept me." Asked sis Langit to make sure.
"Yes sis, but won't I be ashamed to embarrass you later?" I said a little doubt
."Shame, how are you, Spell, I like you as you are, I hope you will remain part of Heaven forever." say sis Langit
"But, isn't it even though Senja is part of the sky but only for a moment, sis?" I asked
"Well, it's only for a moment, but isn't it always there," said sis Langit
."Hopefully so." I mumble
"Whatever happens, we will face it together, brother will not break up with you before you ask for it, because brother is serious with you, my spell." say sis Langit again
"Okay sis," I answered
.I hope it's a good start, because after all this is my first experience dating.

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  • avatar

    so beautiful 😍


  • avatar
    Rones Erich Dawn

    l love this story full of happiness ang full of love


  • avatar
    April Jhoy Valdez



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