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Unprecedented Lady

Unprecedented Lady

Beige Corp

บทที่ 1 The Preveu

"Who sabotage my plan?! Was it Persis? Was it the Princess?" he looked around intently, panicking and don't know what to do. His hands are shaking and even his veins will probably pop out if he keeps on gritting his teeth due to frustration.
He stared at the stage where the selected seven are standing. He's doubting everyone, except for that one person. His eyes widen when he realized that the panic he's been feeling right now isn't just the figment of his frustration, but rather, it is the aura surrounding that one person who he keep on ignoring ever since day one.
With a sudden movement of Ruenher, he locked eyes with an orb of eternal deep dark sea. Even though he couldn't see that person's expression, he's sure that he's been mocked, and insulted. And he's right, he can see how the edge of her lips raised a little bit to form an evil smirk.
That one person who's been behind his ruined plan all along is no other none, the one who owned the deep cerulean eye.
"COSSETE SYLDONIA!" His scream was supposed to be heard if only the conductor of The Selection haven't  announced that name too.
He saw her mouthed something that sends shiver down his spine. He stepped back before running to the gate of the area.
"How did she found out?" he mumbled and trying to comprehend how his planned was ruined, how did she found out the secrets his been keeping for a very long time.
"How did she found out what?" he frozed in his place when he heard a familiar voice. The voice that he wished to avoid ever since the start of The Selection, Persis. His hands are shaking in fear, his palms are sweating along with his face. He couldn't looked at that person.
"Francois Cervantes. Your name really suits the sound of a word called 'Servant' you're really a dog of Dauvisal."
This time, it's a different voice. It's from the person who he wishes not to see anymore. The one who ruined him and his plan. He turned his back to look the two person behind him only to be surprised by seven students, and the instructors of the Academy.
"You've really done your job. Well done, bon appetit." Cossete said before flashing a smile to him.
"How dare you accused someone from the Cervantes Family?! By doing so, you're also accusing the Royal Family of Stradour!" he said while trying to stand on his feet. He's shaking as if his veins are being plucked one by one.
He's trying to minimize the embarrassment while using his family name. After all, his family came from the bloodline of the Stradour's Queen. The one who he thought will aid him when he's in need. His confidence vanished when he heard murmur and chuckles from the people.
The snickers from the other students echoed through his ears. It's not just the seven selected students, but the whole audience of The Selection, staring at him with a mocking expression.
His head is messed up and he couldn't understand why even the people who doesn't even know his secrets started to look at him in disgust. Don't they fear the Queen of Stadour?! Don't they fear the Cervantes?!
His eyes landed on the floating screen on the stage to see a person, wearing a black tight suit and a face cover. It was the person who he gave the letter to deliver it to Dauvisal.
"How in the world is he on the screen?!" he mumbled while suppressing his fear and anger.
"Watch, yolu coward fiend." his eyes shifted from the screen to Arden. He's lost in thought.
Then again, his eyes drifted to the screen.
His eyes widen when that person raised his scrolls of letters that supposed to be deliver to Dauvisal's Lord. His throat started to dry when the person removed their cover to reveal their true identity.
It's one of the twin from Berkshire Family. Arthur Berkshire!
"Hey, hey! I wouldn't just stand their while you bully my twin, Francois. This letter right here..." Arthur opened the letter which made Francois anger that he wishes to shut his mouth by slashing his throat.
"You damn Berskshire!" his throat almost broke when he screamed only to be responded by a mocking look from Arden, Arthur and whole Berkshire.
"It cointains the ability of the five selected students—" Arthur paused for a while and later on, his laugh heard all over the area.
"You even included your ability, as if you will be selected?" Arthur hold his stomach to avoid laughing so loud as he can sense the dangerous look from his father.
"You even have their listed weakness and strenghts, that's a very good observation you have there. That's a compliment though." Arthur smiled and continue what he's doing.
Arthur keep on opening the letters and tosses the cover to the air.
"Too bad, you actually forgot the brain and ace behind your ruined plan." He saw how Arthur flashes a scornful look.
"You said you'll insult my sister in front of the people once the selection is done. Look how the tables turn. I'm not included on the selection, but I will never let you lay a hand on my sister and on my friends, not you, not the Dauvisal."
Even the other students started to shiver when they witnessed the fragments of Arthur's rage. Despite not being included in the selected seven, he's still included in Top Tens. The floating screen turned off and the focus shifted to Francois. Dumb of him not to run for his life or stab someone while the other people are busy watching Arthur blabber on the screen. Probably because he almost pissed his pants.
"You bitch!" he ran towards Cossete while carrying a short sword. Only to be stopped by six, seven, eight, nine, ten sword pointing towards his neck. His hands keep shaking as the sword he's holding fell into the ground.
His knee suddenly became soggy when he heard Ruenher's voice. It is the same authoritative voice   he doesn't want to hear. The voice that will make you kneel, kill, die without your own will.
His knees fell to the ground as the knights tie his hand with an abyss chain. The same chain that helds Cossete back before.

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