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Chapter 6 (The Interview)

Two day after
Wednesday 7:30
I woke up because I am going to the senator's son 's house today. Today is the day I am to register for the server job. Stripped of my shorts, wrapped my towel around my waist and walked into the bathroom. After taking my bath, I clad myself in a white shirt and blue jeans. I don't have many clothes but the fact is that I like white a lot. I walked out of my room, the hostel and school. Took a bus going to the senator's son 's house. I went into the house to see a few people one the line waiting for that one turn. while the lady interviewing them looked so strict. I can't get an interview by a mean lady. I have to make her laugh at least even if it costs the job not given to me. After waiting a couple of times, it was my one turn.
"Hey, what are you here for?" The lady said without laughing
"Am here to tell you that there is a viral disease going around that can only be contacted by anybody who doesn't laugh, and the worst part of it is that I just peed in my pants mere looking at your face. Your face looks so scary" I said with a scared look.
"You are so funny" she said laughing while I gave myself a tomb up for a job well done.
"So will you stop being afraid of me and tell me while you are here?" she said, still smiling. See this lady o, who told I am afraid of you
"I came to apply for the server job" I said, still giving her a look that I am scared.
"What's your name?" She asked
"Caleb Williams" I said still in the same expression.
"Ok Caleb you have been given the job, you will serve in the VIP section, that is also where the celebrant will be sitting, and you will also be helping the caterers in the kitchen" she said till smiling looking at my face because I was still showing the expression that I am still afraid of her.
"Ok, job noted" I said, still looking as if I was afraid of her.
"Are you still afraid of me?" She asked, handing me a tag and passing me a book on the table to write my name and phone number
"Hell yes, let me leave here before I faint" I said running out through the gate when I heard her burst out laughter, "you are funny" she said out loud for me to hear. That is a hell of an achievement for me making the mean looking lady laugh. I can't wait to see Crystal in the VIP section. What am I even thinking, I don't love her, she is a very mean and cold hearted lady. But I don't think I can deny the fact that I have feelings for Crystal. I entered the bus daydreaming about Crystal while some people were looking at me weirdly like what is making this one smile in this hardship, while I just overlooked them. I got to the school at 10 am on dot while the gateman let me in. I decided to hang around because we're having a lecture by 12 pm.
I walk to some group of people both boys and girls that are having a discussion.
"hi" I said but they snubbed without answering me, as I was about to walk away one of them called me back maybe to allow me Join them in their discussion but I was wrong.
"Hey, scholarship boy/fighter whatever they call you, don't poke your nose on what people are doing ok, learn to face your business low-life human being" a lady said getting me angry. I will teach this one a lesson. Maybe it is because I did not teach Crystal a lesson that is while she is not afraid of using hurtful words on me.
"Hey watch your tongue high life human, and the next time u pick at me or abuse, I will pluck your two eyes and feed it to the vulture, beat you to the extent that they will use wheel biro to wheel you to your hostel, stupid bloody crazy fool, I said angrily, While she looked me afraid.
"Hey are not a low li.." one of the guys there said but i didn't allow him to complete his words before I gave him a blow that made me stumble on the floor.
"Don't make unleashed my anger on you... you too I don't respect lady, that can't respect herself" I said but I was replied immediately
"But you respect Crystal that slap you, and you did not talk, you said sorry" another lady said,
"That's her, not any other lady" I said and walked out on them. I had gathered enough attention and I sighted Crystal calling a name from someone from the crowd that gathered.
I went to the school garden to look at it beauty.It has different flowers like roses and hibiscus. The garden looked beautiful with many beautiful flowers. I walked toward the hibiscus flower, plucked it and sniffed the saint. I also walked over and sat down on a bench made with brick. I closed my eyes as I felt the cool breeze on my skin.
"Hey, someone wants to sit down there." It sounded like a commanding tone. I opened my eyes to see Crystal, her friends and two of her bodyguards standing in front of me.
"You can sit down in any other long chair" I said politely still staring at Crystal
"O..." One of her friends was trying to say but was cut off by the arrogant bitch, wait did I just call her that, hell no she is not.
"Hey, we want to sit down there" she said again.
"Ok" I said, I don't want me or her to get involved in another fight, I stood up and went to sit down on the other bench. while her two friends kept staring at me amusingly maybe at the change of my behavior, because they were also there when I was talking back at that lady and laying a threat. I kept staring at them precisely Crystal and I don't know why I like this arrogant girl.
"Hi, what is your name?! one of her friend asked
"Caleb and you?" I said, starting to like conversation.
"I'm Juliet, this is Esther and Cry..." She said but what's cut off by Crystal who holds her mouth and sends her a deadly glare.
"Don't worry I already know her name" I said,
"Ok, but I am surprised about your behavior switch. you are angry with a lady just for abusing you. but she did worse than that to you but you are not close to being angry . What is the reason?" Juliet said,
"Yes..em...nothing" I shuttered
"What is wrong with your voice?" Juliet said.
"Nothing is wrong with my voice......I am having headache" I said as I stand up and started walking out of the garden
"Did you love her?" Juliet said for me to hear, I stopped walking immediately and stood on the same spot for five seconds before I walked out of the garden. I am very sure that Crystal and her friend will be fighting now because of what she just said.
After all our lectures, I was very hungry, so I walked out of the class heading home when I bumped into a lady holding books causing all her books to fall on the floor.
"I'm sorry" I said, bending down to pack her book. I gave the book I packed to her and was about walking out when she asked me "what's your name?",
"Caleb" I said sharply, "ok, I think I have seen your face in business admin. Are you in the business admin department?" She asked,
"Yes.. you are in what department?" I concurred and asked.
"Business admin" she replied sharply.
"What is your name?" I asked
"Bella and you" she answered and asked.
"Caleb" I replied.
"Ok" she said.
"Ok.. have a nice day and it is nice meeting you" I said shaking her hand,
"Did you care for a launch with me?" She asked.
"No don't worry" I replied
"I will pay the bill, don't worry" she replied.
"Don"t worry maybe, we will have lunch together next time" I said smiling.
"Ok....bye" she said
"Bye" I said and she left my sight,
I can't come and disgrace myself, I should have accepted the lunch in the first place, but after she said all bills on her, I can't say yes, after I had said no because of money, it does not make sense at all even though everybody knows me as a commoner. Ah my tummy is rumbling, I prayed John had prepared something before leaving home. I thought as I began my journey home.
I got home, took a short bath and headed to the kitchen. I checked inside the pot to see a well prepared fry and opened another to see a fried chicken. This makes my dried mouth get watery immediately, John has money o" I said in my thought.
I dished out the delicacy into a Stainless plate, carried it into the room, sat down and balanced myself on a plastic chair. And with immediate effect I devoured the mouth watering food.
Two days to go before Edward's birthday party and I hope things don't get ugly.

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  • avatar
    Dibah Atan

    this storyyy soo amazingggg , i love the endinggg and whole storyy its remind me how to be a cleverr girl not be a stupid girl , and women love womenn ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


  • avatar

    a very unique and lots of vocabulary to ponder ,exciting story❤


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    provoking novel that delves into the complexities of human emotions, particularly anger and resentment.It's a gripping read for anyone interested in psychological drama


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