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chapter 6

Beavis finally arrives at the school with Aliyah fully relaxed on his back. “You still haven't talked Aliyah, what is happening?”
The young girl ignored his concern, with her mind fully focused on the school as they walked into the school garden, then, into the hallway. “Common brother, faster,” she says, the foremost phrase, she had been mumbling since they left the hospital.
Beavis entered into the hall to see people all facing their backs at the entrance, with their attention fully at the Kids performing on the stage.
“Thank you, Thank you very much for such a brilliant performance” an average bald man appeared on the stage, dressed in a suit. “We've seen great performances today, and it's great…now, we have two kids who have a presentation—please welcome Aliyah and Jojo!!!”.
“Oh, that's me brother, drop me down,” Aliyah said cheerfully as she jumped down from Beavis back, running to the spotlight.
“I never knew, there's something special happening here. Besides how did she get the money?” Beavis pondered.
The entrance door opened, as Mrs Age, Lily, Jojo and Buggy entered. “Beavis!!!” Jojo embraced him with his small childish body.
“Buggy? Mom?”he then sighted Lily.
“You?” both Beavis and Lily chorused.
“Have you two met?” MRS Age asked, puzzled by their reaction.
“Yes…No” they both chorused again.
“What is Aliyah doing on the stage?” Buggy asked, scraping his skull.
“Mom, what is happening?” Beavis finally says with a troubled face.
The whole crowd all watched Aliyah, who stood before the Microphone speechless. She gazed at everyone who returned the gaze back at her. “Good day, ladies and gentlemen…my presentation is just a speech, dedicated to someone” she said, as she gripped the microphone rigid, to avoid being nervous.

“He cared for me
but showed nothing to the world?.
”He showed me to laugh when I cry
“He's always there when I need him the most?
”Having you shows God's perfection
“you are more precious to me than anything ever created
”Everyone got their daddy, mummy, phones, Power, and money, friends….but I only have something which made me triumph….which is, My brother”
Aliyah recited her speech, staring at the crowd who all were quiet. Immediately everyone stands to their feet with an applause which filled the hall.

Lily felt sentimental as she gazed at Aliyah, the little girl standing on the stage recalled her younger self. Beavis stood with dignity in his mind as he stared at Aliyah with a smile on his face.
“I need a hankie…it getting emotional here” Buggy mumbled, as he blows out his nose on an attire. Then he got suddenly smacked on the head by a lady, who throws her scarf at him. “Ouch!, sorry my mistake”.
“What a great speech delivered by this young lady here, she knows her brother's importance…great,” the bald man said.
Beavis sat up, then walks towards the stage, ascending to the stage towards Aliyah who watched him with her white sparkling teeth. “Thank you, Aliyah…”
Beavis embraced the little girl, when his eyes caught a glimpse of the cops standing at the entrance with their eyes fixed on him.
Lily's phone popped up tinkling, “Strange,” she said after looking at the caller ID, “Why is brother calling?”. She received the call as she walked out of the hall.
“I need to head somewhere, I'll be back…”Beavis whispered into Aliyah's ears. “Take care of Mom and Jojo before I return”.
“Brother, don't leave now” She insisted.
“Am not leaving, Buggy will stay with you guys…while I follow the cops to the station” Beavis replied, as he strutted up to his feet. “I got to go”
Beavis motioned directed at Buggy by nodding his head, then he surrendered slowly towards the cops with his hands at them. He was handcuffed by the cops as they seized him, Mrs. Age was speechless with her mind blank, bewildered by the incident.
“What did he do this time?” She asked Buggy who feigned not to heed her words. “Start speaking now”.
Buggy gulped down saliva strongly, He has known Mrs Age for a very long time, to be someone Mean when she swivels into a serious manner.
“Ok…Beavis and I—” he started his explanation to Mrs. Age who listened attentively.
The police station was replenished with officers and criminals. A Middle-aged male, entered into the building in a Yellow long sleeves shirt, with a black fabric trouser along with his shades kept beside his belt.
He made his way into the building with cops all saluting him. “Hey Alex, how's your day going?”.
“Great sir!!!, and how is yours?” the officer replied.
“Fantastic” he replied, snatching a sealed document on Walex's furniture.“So what are we dealing with here?”.
“We got two trials—”
“Jake Joseph and Beavis Age?” the man read out audibly from the sheet as he examines the details carefully. “Wait Alex, isn't that the Billionaire, the exact Jake Joseph?”.
“Yes sir”
“Hmmm…i need to speak to him now” he requested from Walex, who directed him towards a cell. They ended their movement before a cell, Jake sat on a wooden chair in the celll with an energetic emotion, “Hello Mr Jake…can I get your autograph?”.
“Am not supposed to be here” he hurried closer to the bar, “Why am I here?”.
“My bad, MR Jack, I instructed them not to let you go. You marketed drugs on your island, in short that's called drug trafficking. We did our investigations and found all activities traced to you” The man said with a smirk, before he resumed. “I really don't know why am not shocked Walex”.
“Who are you to put an allegation on me?” Jack questioned the stranger.
“Jimmy Alex” the stranger declared with retaliation in his tone. “I hope you remember that name,I promise, you are going to be here for a long time”.
“Hey!!!” Jake wailed, “I'll soon be out of here and remember when a dog enters into the lion's den it must come out wounded”.
Alex burst in an uncontrollable giggle, “Jake, I love to see you try…but before that I'll make your life a living hell”.

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    The only thing that could happen in the last


  • avatar
    Anthea Posadas

    It's intense. It got my interest. Everyone who loves suspense stories should read this.


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    I highly recommend this book! It's a great story. Keep it up Author! ❤️❤️❤️❤️


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