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บทที่ 5 FIVE

The day before, Gunther took his men to the Genovese building.
“Did you find her?” he asked his men with a face full of anger.
“I’m sorry sir. We cannot find her- “
He shot him, not letting him finish his words.
“Useless! Why are you still standing there?! Find her now! Or do you want to be like him? Find her! Don’t come back here if she’s not with you.”
He is fuming mad. Damn that man, because of HIM he lost that woman. If that man had not asked him to take part in that plan, he wouldn’t have lost her. Then one of his men approached him.
“Sir, we saw her in the footage from Amell’s mansion. She was taken by Alexander Genovese.”
Hearing that name is not good at all. Of all people, why him? It’s not that he's afraid of him. After all, he is still ranked second in the whole underground society. Alexander is a pain in the ass.
“Let me see the video.”
The man gave him a cellphone with a video of that night. It started when they got separated. She ran inside the maze and an assassin followed her. That assassin. It can’t be from him. He looked closely and figured out what was happening, but it was too dark and the inside of the garden maze was not in range of the cameras. Fifteen minutes later, Alexander and Harvin entered the maze. The maze looked like nothing was happening inside of it. Then half an hour passed, Harvin came out alone and ran in the direction of the parking area. He wondered what happened to Alexander but still, he continued to watch. He was positive that Kelly was alive since her heart was still beating. After ten minutes, there he is, coming out of the maze with her. Alexander and Kelly got out of the garden maze and were running in the opposite direction to where Harvin went. The other video was in the driveway. So that’s why they didn’t follow Gunther. They entered the car and drove away. His men pursued them but were killed and failed. His hands formed into fists and gritted his teeth, making his jawline look more defined. He is so angry that anytime he could smash one’s face.

Before going to the office, Alexander decided to visit Kendrick in the hospital. When they arrived, there were reporters and media outside the hospital and his men were not letting them in. Then one of the reporters saw him coming out of his car, and they were now crowding him. There were a series of questions asked but none of them were good enough to be answered. All he did was answer them with a no comment or just ignore them at all and walked inside the hospital building. Kendrick’s room is on the highest floor, considering he is a VIP. In the hallway, his men are lined up to guard his room. They were able to enter easily since they'd been acquainted with Kendrick before. Inside the room, there were two men and Kendrick was awake. He’s looking at the sky through the window. He approached him slowly.
“It’s nice to see you still breathing, Kendrick.”
“Alexander. Thank you for the visit.”
“I heard the news. I’m sorry.”
“Thank you. She was the only one I had and now she left me too. My daughter left me too. It’s because of me,” he said, ordering his men to leave them alone.
“You know, Alexander, don’t involve yourself with him. Learn from my mistakes. HE will do you no good. He is dangerous. You had better not involve yourself with him. Because if you do, you will only find out much later that he is already controlling you. Gunther already acquainted himself with HIM. I don’t know what their plans have been anymore since I left. What I know is that they are waiting for something? I don’t know what it is.”
“I won’t.”
“Can I ask you for a favor, Alexander?”
“What is it, Kendrick?”
Kendrick handed him a note and he placed it inside his coat.
“I trust you. Now let me have some time alone.”
“Okay. See you, Kendrick” he said, and opened the door.
“Goodbye Alexander. Harvin.”
Harvin just bowed and went out with Alexander. They were walking in the hallway towards the elevator when doctors and nurses came rushing to Kendrick’s room. Something must have happened. So, they went back and saw the room was a mess and the doctors were reviving him but he couldn’t make it. He was shot by a sniper. But before they left, the windows were covered by curtains. And now it’s open. He looked through the room and suddenly, he was attacked by Kendrick’s men. No. They are not his men. So, it was part of the plan all along. The men inside the building are assassins and those outside are his real men. Kendrick must have seen this coming. He knew he would die no matter what, so he asked him for a favor. What kind of favor? He still didn’t know, but he was sure that the man who sent these assassins was the same man that killed his parents ten years ago. Kendrick is his father’s friend, so he respected him. And he helped him when he was just starting. They were able to do business together, and he was saying that since Alexander was his friend’s son, he would treat him as one of his own.
Thirty assassins pretending to be Kendrick’s men are now attacking them. One of the assassins tried to stab him in the back but he detected it and twisted his arm and dropped the dagger. He was able to catch it fully, touched the ground, and stabbed him till he died. He then faced the other assassins and motioned them to go. He placed his gun back in his holster. He’s planning to use only the dagger as his weapon and later on he is already slashing them to his content. Harvin is on the other side of the room fighting. The fight lasted for ten minutes and they didn’t even break a sweat. They decided to head back to their quarters. Leaving the bodies for the authorities to clean the mess.
They arrived and saw the cars parked in front of the building with Gunther’s car in the middle. He didn’t expect him to be there at that time. He entered and went to his office. There he was, lying on the couch while playing with his gun.
“Did you have lunch, Gunther?” he said and walked to his table. Harvin then followed and stood by his side.
“No. I came here at the time I found out. Give her back Alex. She’s not yours. She belongs to me. I got her first!” he said and sat back straight.
“Hmm. Let me think. I don’t think I know what you are talking about. Should we eat first? I’m hungry from fighting all those assassins in the hospital. Then we could talk after.”
“I don’t care about those assassins. It’s not like they are my men. Just give her back! Alex!” he shouted. This time, he is already standing in front of the desk with his gun aimed at him. Harvin pulled his gun and pointed it at Gunther. Their men moved the same.
“I don’t think you have forgotten that you are in my territory. Gunther.”
“Drop your gun, Gunther,” Harvin said.
“I don’t think you understand either. Gunther. Have you seen her with me in the past few days? Of course not. I was just here doing my work and playing my part for the media. The only time I met her was that night. What would make you think that I would be interested in her? And it was already five days ago. If she’s that important to you, why did you lose her in the first place? Then it’s your fault for not giving your full attention to her.”
“F*ck you! Where did you take her? I know you are hiding her from me. I will find her and I will take her back.” After he said that, he walked to the door but Alexander spoke and he looked back.
“No Gunther. You can’t and you won’t be able to,” he said and shot him in the chest. Gunther dropped to the floor bleeding. His men were shot as well.
“You are in my territory, Gunther. It was your mistake to come here,” he said and ordered his men to dispose of Gunther’s body in the ocean.

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    Mary Joy P. Osorio

    good nice ☺️


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    Den Ver



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    lee lineleemytel



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