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บทที่ 3 THREE

The arena became so loud with people cheering on the benches. Alexander was already sweating from the heat of his suit, helmet, and the engine of his car. The arena looked brighter than usual. Maybe because he is there participating in the race. A drag race is held thrice a month and he will attend for once to give chances to the new challengers. He wanted to end it quickly. So, he stepped on the gas and accelerated. The car next to him is closer about two feet away. Most of his challengers before, their gap is too far. But this one is different. His good. He reached the line with a drift and finished the last lap.
“As expected from the king, he never stopped to amuse us. He wins again. The challengers seemed satisfied with the result. But everyone let me welcome you, Alexander Genovese,” said the announcer, and the cheering became louder than before.
He looked at the driver who got the second place and wanted to compliment his skills. As he got closer, the driver removed his helmet, revealing a familiar face.
“Hey Xander!” she said, and waved her hand higher. He smiled and pulled her in a hug.
“I thought you said you’ll never come back.”
“I missed you too cousin. But I have no choice. Something happened, long story. And there’s something I need to do here.”
“I see.”
“You don’t look happy to see me. Don’t tell me, you really don’t want me to be here.”
“It’s not like that. By the way, your driving skills improved. But not enough to beat me.”
“Yeah right. I will make sure to beat you next time. By the way, mom said- “
“Hanna? You’re here? I thought you said- “Harvin said while approaching.
“I know what I said. I have reasons, okay?”
“Oookay? No need to be mad. I was just surprised to see you here. You look great, by the way,” he said with a flirtatious smile and she just rolled her eyes at him.
“Hanna, let me take you home,” Alexander interrupted.
“No, thank you Xander. I brought my car with me and I still have a friend to meet.”
“Okay, be safe. And what did you say earlier? About your mom?”
“Nah! It’s nothing important. Don’t mind it.”
He nodded and started walking out of the arena to his car. Harvin bid her goodbye and followed Alexander. He was inside when Harvin handed him an envelope. The pictures of the woman he’s interested in. But most of the pictures are with Gunther. Whether they are in a car, mall, restaurant, or a club? The same club he went with Harvin a few weeks ago. So, it was really her. The corners of his mouth moved up. Then he found his favorite among all of the pictures. She is the only one in the picture. She’s standing in a balcony, staring at the sky and looking sorrowful. He felt painful looking at her. What is she thinking? Why does she look like that? Did Gunther do anything to her? He hated the thought of it.
“It’s been two weeks.”
“Well yeah. I didn’t expect it to be this hard. It’s almost as if her identity is made up. It looked like IT IS made up. All I know is that her name is Kelly. No surname, family background, or any background at all. I found out that she had worked with the Calypso family for a very long time. I asked if maybe someone might know about her but nothing except that she’s Gunther’s woman. That woman is very mysterious. But at least she looked like we’re the same age.”
“What else?”
“Uhm! Let me think. OH! She will be at the ball.”
“She. Will. Be. At. The. Ball. Tonight.”
“Harvin.” he paused and looked at him in the rearview mirror and said,
“I changed my mind.”
The smirk on his face then turned to a grin. Perfect. And now, he has a reason to attend the ball which he had no plan of attending, to begin with. Harvin nodded and changed their destination, going back to his house for preparations.

The host of the ball is the richest businessman in the world, Kendrick Amell, and it is held at his mansion. There are about thousands of guests consisting of businessmen, popular celebrities, ambassadors, politicians, and the mafias who were invited. Normal people may think that Kendrick is just a simple rich businessman. But no, he is also involved in mafia work.
Alexander and Harvin arrived at the place and looked around. They were having a meet and greet with the other guests. Everything you see in the ballroom is grand and very extra. The design and theme are very similar to a royal ball. There’s a little stage beside the end of the staircase where a band and the host are.
This ball is held for the celebration of Kendrick’s only daughter’s birthday debut with a formal theme. The media is also everywhere since most of the guests are known to the public.
Alexander was walking then talking to the other guests with a glass of red wine in his hand while Harvin was on the corner talking to a lady. He’s not just wandering aimlessly. He was looking for Gunther because he knew that she would be with him. Then he spotted them near the balcony talking to Kendrick. He waited for a little then started walking closer. Kendrick then noticed and called him.
“Good evening, Mr. Amell. It’s been a while since we had a business together. Thank you for inviting me here.”
“Good evening Mr. Genovese. Yes, it is quite a while now. Gunther here mentioned that you had a problem with your recent transactions. One of your cargo ships sank and inside that cargo is that especially important thing.”
“Yes, don’t worry about it. My men had already retrieved the item earlier. Why don’t you introduce me to your date, Gunther?”
“Hmm, of course! Alex, this is Kelly. Kelly, he’s Alexander Genovese. One of my acquaintances in the past. Say hello my love.”
“Hello, Mr. Genovese. Nice to meet you,” she said and extended her hand.
“Nice to meet you, Ms. Kelly. May I ask you for a dance? Will that be alright Gunther?” he took it and kissed the top of her hand. His baritone voice made it sound sexy and seductive, making her blush because of his action. Gunther held back at first and then nodded.
He smiled at Gunther and walked her to the center. He placed her hand on his shoulder while the other was holding his and pulled her closer. Their eyes are at each other the whole time they are dancing. The song stopped and he ended the dance with a twirl. He could feel her breath rising and falling. Their eyes did not leave each other’s gaze and somewhat a magnetic force pulled them closer together.
“Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome and thank you for coming to this event tonight…”
Both of them were startled and looked at the stage. Gunther then took her away from him.
“This night will be memorable because tonight is-.”
An explosion made the guests panic. He found Kelly dragged by Gunther away at a distance. Harvin appeared next to him and said,
“It started.”
He just nodded and ran towards the direction where Gunther went. This is why he didn’t want to attend in the first place. He knew something was going to happen and he didn’t want to be in the middle of chaos. This is not just a ball, transactions are happening behind it and this is just a diversion. But when he heard that Kelly would be there, an idea came into his mind. He wanted to take that opportunity to steal her from Gunther. Harvin had no choice but to agree because he knew that whatever Alexander wanted, he must have it no matter what.
They found themselves in the garden maze. He followed them there but now they had no idea which way to go. The maze is complicated and the walls made of grass are about four meters tall. They grabbed their guns and aimed in front.
‘This garden is a pain in the ass.’ he thought to himself. They heard rustling sounds, then a scream followed. It’s a woman’s voice. They looked at each other and nodded. Agreeing that they would go to where the voice was.
They found a maid stabbed in the chest and gasping for air. It is expected that there will be killings. From the corner of his eye, he saw a woman running and an assassin following her. The woman looked like Kelly, so he rushed his way to them. He ran straight, then turned left and pulled the trigger. The assassin is shot in the head and lands on the ground. He told Harvin to get the car and they were leaving this chaotic place. In truth, they knew how to get out of that maze and they were just stalling.
The woman was there with her back to the wall. It was a dead end and if he was a minute late, she'd probably be dead by now. She is there sitting on the ground and staring at him with a shocked face. He walked closer to her level and stared for a moment, then he reached her face gently. She looked away and he leaned in, bringing his lips closer to her ear, and whispered.
“I have finally found you.”

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    Mary Joy P. Osorio

    good nice ☺️


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    Den Ver



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