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Blinded Trustee

In the nurses' station, an area of a health care facility, where nurses and other healthcare staff work when not working directly with patients and where they can perform some of their duties. The station has a counter that can be approached by visitors and patients who wish to receive attention from nurses. There sat Paisley on a seat with her cell held in her hands, she looked baffled as she kept zooming in and out of the picture. “I'm not mistaken, this is Dr. Xavier” she muttered to herself, zooming her phone screen for the umpteenth time. “Why's Jasmine not seeing what I'm seeing?” she put her bottom lip inside her mouth before slumping her head over the seat.
Suddenly, a nurse, outfitted in the same uniform gown as Paisley barged in, “There is an emergency, Nurse Paisley” she notified, prompting Paisley to get on her feet immediately. Quickly, they both left the place for the change room and changed to their admitted scrubs. “Fill me in,” Paisley authorized as they both hastened their steps to the operating room. Seemingly, Paisley was superior to the other nurse, “Its difficult childbirth. The poor woman had been in the labor room for the past three days. So, the Cesarean section is the best solution” she finalized just as they arrived at the operating room. They both put on a pair of medical hand gloves and disposable surgical face masks and even surgical caps.
Walking forward to where the woman was lying on the surgery bed. She was already fast asleep with her big belly in the air. Paisley switched on the LED shadowless surgical operating, positioned the high-flow oxygen therapy over her nose, and asked impatiently, “Who's the Doctor in charge?” the other nurse answered immediately, “Dr. Xavier, I think” hearing his name, Paisley's stomach churned in distaste. The last person she wanted to see at that moment was Xavier. “Okay, guys. Let's get to work” Xavier said under his face mask, walking wholly into the operating room. He had already worn his hand gloves, “Sorry, I was a bit late” he apologized to the two nurses who were standing across from him. “It's okay, sir” the other nurse was the one who replied. Paisley could only shoot a murderous look at him.
Reviewing his broad forehead, tall nose, his prominent cheekbones, she wished she could stand beside him to have a proper scrutinization. “Why aren't you focusing, Nurse Paisley?” Xavier asked, without lifting his head to spare her a glance. Paisley clenched one of her hands into a fist, “I am focusing” she spelled out. Xavier gave a slight hum in response then spoke up again, “Lane tissue” Paisley grabbed it then stretched it out for him, “Saw tell” she gave it to him. This whole time, her cold gaze wasn't leaving Xavier's face. She wished she could open his mind and see what was in it, “Scissors” And that was how it continued for about two hours.
“Well done, Nurse Paisley,” the other nurse said with a smile on her face after they had dumped their gloves, masks, and caps in a recycle bin. “You too, Nurse Lilly,” Paisley reciprocated her smile as she straightened her neck and back. “It's a good thing there were no any damages and both mother and the child are doing great” Nurse Lilly continued as they both walked side by side in the hallway, heading to the change room. Paisley could only nod as she was too tired to let out a word, “I must commend Dr. Xavier was so impressive” Paisley twitched her mouth, 'Impressive indeed' she thought. “Nurse Paisley,” recognizing the voice, Paisley spun around to see Xavier standing a few meters away from them. “Speaking of the devil” she mumbled, a discontented expression showing on her face. “I want to see you in my office in five” Xavier ordered then turned around and walked off. “Alright, Nurse Paisley, We'll talk later” Nurse Lilly pronounced and also walked away.
Paisley was alone now in the quiet hallway. She stood rooted, glaring in the direction of Xavier. She couldn't place a finger on why Xavier was suddenly calling her. After releasing a disgusting sigh, she got on her heels and dragged herself to his office. Paisley knocked briefly on the door and bent the doorknob after she was asked to. Setting her foot into his office, she accidentally met his gaze, but quickly switched her gaze to the stethoscope on his desk. “Nurse Paisley” Xavier called out, the golden light of the sun steamed into the office highlighting every surface it rested on including his face. “Yes, Dr. Xavier,” Paisley answered, sounding blunt. Xavier heaved a little sigh then stood up from his swivel seat and walked out from behind his desk, he had put away his doctor coat, now left in his immaculate suit, “Is there anything you want to tell me?” he asked gently and cautiously.
As far he was concerned, he could tell effortlessly that something was wrong with Paisley. He could tell from her consecutive hard glare and sharp response back in the surgery room. Although, despite the fact that she was Jasmine's best friend, there was no friendship between them. It was just normal interaction between two workers. However, Xavier had grown fond of Paisley over the years. She's proficient at her job, just like her best friend too. Those are the two nurses Xavier always loved to have with him in the operating room. “Why did you keep looking at me like that in the operating room? Have I wronged you?” he asked calmly, sitting his ass on one of the visitor's seats? “Yes, Xavier. And believe me, I will never forgive you if you leave my friend shattered” she had lost her temper and exploded with rage. Xavier was taken aback by her sudden explosion.
He stared at her intently, as if he wanted to find out something from her. He chuckled softly while standing up again, “What do you mean, Paisley?” he asked, putting forward some pace. “Your secret is out, Xavier. Now I'm aware that you've been cheating on Jasmine” Paisley seethed, looking at him pointedly. And to her utmost surprise, a deep sneer appeared on Xavier's face while he put up his brows. “So what, Paisley? Do you want me to start begging you not to tell Jasmine?” he asked nonchalantly, surprising Paisley even more. “You bastard. I already told her, but she wouldn't believe it, and that only shows how much she trusts you” she cried out hysterically, a trace of disgust could be seen flitting behind her eyes. Xavier burst into a peal of contagious laughter, slumping on his previous seat. “That's my baby girl. I know she would never believe it, she loves me so much, don't you know?” there was no sense of shame on his face. He seemed not to care about how Paisley had managed to find out. “So Paisley, stay out of our business. Just because you are her best friend doesn't authorize you to poke a nose in her life, do you understand?” he said seriously, raising his chin defiantly. Paisley's hands began to tremble, and her eyes turned a bright shade of red.
She had become so enraged that the veins in her forehead became exposed. Hot tears pooled in her eyes, but she kept them from falling, her heart so much, it felt like someone was tearing it apart with a saw. She opened her mouth but failed to say a single word. It occurred to her that she might break apart any moment from now and not wanting that to happen in his presence, she spun around and dash for the door. Paisley returned to her seat, put her head on her desk, and began to weep uncontrollably. She couldn't help but put the blame upon herself. If she had not talked Jasmine into accepting Xavier's proposal, then something like this wouldn't have happened. However, it wasn't Paisley's fault. She was just concerned for her friend, who had never had a boyfriend before and wasn't ready to have one. In Jasmine's opinion, work comes first before any fun while Paisley would always contradict that by saying 'All work and no play makes Jasmine a dull girl' Even with how diligent Paisley was, she loves to have fun in her leisure time, unlike Jasmine. Jasmine had declined a lot of relationship proposals from men who were even more handsome than Xavier, but she couldn't understand why she decided to accept Xavier. Perhaps it was because they worked in the same place, or because of Paisley's constant nag.
All she knew was that she felt a spark toward Xavier since the day he had told her he would like her to become his girlfriend, but little did she know that Xavier only wanted to play with her feelings. He had his own girlfriend who he loves so much and there was no image of any other lady except his girlfriend.

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    MJKurt Dela Cruz

    very nice po..hope marami pang story i like it po


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    Anjila Castro

    Sana maka koha ako ng riward para maka to long ako sa family ko


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    very nice inspiring story


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