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chapter 6: one month later

The children are happy knowing their hope of meeting their dad seems possible now.
"Yes we have a greater chance to meet our father soon", Moody said.
"This must be fate", Brad replied smilling.
"I'm gonna hug our daddy soon", said Bambi. "So whats the plan", Paul asked.
"Wait guys I just read this news that the man we thought to be our father will soon held a party to choose a wife", Dara interrupted them.
"Will we let our daddy marry another woman?" Cody asked looking at his siblings with a serious gaze.
"Of course not", replied his siblings in unison.
"Great. Lets make a plan then", Cody told them.
That night they made a plan to meet their father soon.
One Month Later:
At the O'Hare International Airport, six pairs of phoenix eyes attracts all passengers. A middle aged woman exclaimed "What a wonderful creatures".
"Look at that boy when he smiles he got a dimple which gives him charm". It was Paul whom they are refeering to. He was wearing a gray shirt. "Look look at that boy with blonde hair". Their eyes starring on Moody's eyes because they have different color. They have a combination of three colors. Moody is wearing a white shirt with Picachu printed on it. On his feet are a pair of gray color Top Sider shoes. His hair combed upward resembling Son Goko's hair in the anime. His siblings always teases him about his hairdo but he told them it is like Kpop, its new sytle.
"Was that his natural eye color", the middle aged woman asked. "How do I know? We saw them just now", replied her companion, young lady. "How careless are the parents if they let him use contact lenses in such a young age", retorted by the middle old women.
Another child caught their attention. She has the same eye color with Moody. It was Dara. She's wearing a denim jeans, with red tube top shirt. The color of her shirt brightens up her skintone. Her waist-long black hair was braided. On her feet is a pair of white-pink colored sneakers. On her right hand is her holding her purple luggage and on her left hand hangs her denim jacket giving her a cool looks. "What a stunning beauty for a child? They look like twins having same eye color."
Next they saw a very adorable feature.
It was Bambi who walks like a model.
She was wearing a pink colorful backless top which has a thin rope tied up around her neck showing off her white baby skin matched with her red black miniskirt. A pair of two-inch high sandal clothed her feet. Her waist-long black hangs covering her backless clothe. Her bangs reaching her eyebrows.
The next sight is a fierce eyes. He is Brad. He wears a black polo shirt. He holds his black suit and laguage. Another sight is a cold gaze and a domineering stare that gives chill to anyone.He is wearing a checkered polo blouse. On his hands are his tablet and luggage.
"Are they triplets", an onlooker asked. "I think so but the one on pink seems like a female version of the three boys", another onlooker responded.
As the children walking by, "Where is mom", asked Paul.
"Oh no", Bambi uttered.
"Maybe she's coming", Dara answered.
"Or maybe she's still sitting inside the airplane, Moody replied.
"Impossible", replied Brad.
"Lets just wait for a moment", Cody told them.
" Those kids walks fast", Dawn mumbles to herself as she hirries to catch up with her kids. She saw them and waved. "Hey wait for me" she shouted at them. The kids nodded.
"Lets wait for the car here", Dawn told her children.
After ten minutes, a red Ferrari Purosangue stopped in front of them. "Wow", exclaimed the boys.
"The new edition of Ferrari car", Brad said. The car's window on the driver's side rolled down.
Inside is a man wearing a Chopard De Rigo Vision Sunglasses giving him a cool look.
He was Kenshin Smith, a Japanese-American super model.
"Boss", he said after he got out from the car.
He was surprised to see she has six little companions with luggages. "Idiot", he mumbled to himself.
He assumed only his boss would come whom he will fetch.
They get into Kenshin's car and Dawn told him to drove them to a certain address in Wood Dale, Illinois.
They enjoyed the view of a new sorroundings. It is already afternoon when the car stopped infront of a two storey house at the outskirt of the city and Kenshin parked the car beside a red Ford Mustang.
The house is a modern american-designed looking elegantly.
There's a front porch with potted flowers on the sides and a balcony over. Beatiful designs of shells hang above the door.
They came out from the car one by one.
They were pleased to see the house. "Mom is this our new house. Its beautiful", Bambi exclaimed while starring at the house.
The other eyes look at the house with excitement. "Yes kids this our house from now on", Dawn replied.
Dawn's friend Ella took a leave from King Kamehameha University, flew to United States and bought a house for Dawn. These is one of the things they talked about before while having a meal inside the restaurant. They also agreed that Ella would look after Dawn's children for atleast a month. What a friend and a godmother Ella is?
The door opened. "Aloha! Aloha auinala! Welcome to Wood Dale", greets Ella coming out from thw house. She embraced Dawn and the kids.
"Is the house beautiful", Ella asked looking at the kids.They looked at her and nodded.
"It looks good Aunty Ella", exclaimed Brad. Dawn keep silent. She cannot complain to Ella. If she does, they and Ella will have a lenghty debate about the new house.
At least she can see that her children are happy with it. After all she wanted a low key lifestyle as not to reveal her secret identity.
"E Komo Mai! Let go inside the house. I'll show you your rooms. Let Uncle Kenshin help us carry your things", Ella said.
The kids went inside exited to see their rooms.
"Your rooms has a signages above the door.
DB for Dara and Bambi in the middle of that two rooms there.
MC for Cody and Moody.
BP for Paul and Brad." Ella told them.
As the usual practice, girls share the same room.
Cody the serious and Moody the easy going in one room,
and Paul and Brad, the gentleman and the hot tempered in one room.
"Let's eat first. You must be hungry? We'll look around the house later", Ella said.
She was very caring godmother. "Thank you godmother", Bambi hugged and kissed her on the cheek.
"Thanks godmother", replied the other children.
Dawn got inside and as she watched the kids and Ella, she smiled. She after all entrusted her children to Ella. Its really good thing having a friend who is single.
After eating pork, beef, chicken, rice, lemonades and egg sandwiches prepared by thier godmother, Dawn and the children went to their rooms.
In Bambi and Dara's room, "Wow I like it. Its a princess room", Bambi said as she runs to the bed.
"It is so girlish", Dara complained. "But its okay than a plain room", Dara continued. Bambi started rolling on her bed.
" Hey big sister, can I have this lower bed and you take the bed on top? Bambi asked Dara.The bed is a double-deck style with a three staircase going on top. It was a wooden bed painted with pink color. The room has pink colored theme from the door, wall, wardrobe, beddings, and bathroom. "Sure little sis.", Dara replied.
Paul and Brad's room was painted in light blue color. "Nice enough", Paul said while his eyes roamed around the room. "I'll take the lower bed", Brad said as he walked to the lower deck of the bed and lied down and closed his eyes.Paul replied, "Okey. Your choice", and he climbed to his bed.
In cody and Moody's room, Moody went around around the room giggling. "Hey bro hows our room? Its awesome". Their room was painted in gray color. "Not bad", Cody replied.
"Where do you want to sleep, top or below",Moody asked.
"Wherever", Cody responded while he opened the wardrobe to put on his clothes.
Moody chosed the lower deck one. He lied down on prone and minutes later was asleep.Cody saw it. "What a sleepy eyes", he whispered.
After having a rest and unpacking their things, they roamed around the house and the backyard garden.Their is a room for all kinds of instruments Dara holds the violin, Moody and Bambi sat on the piano, Paul touched the bass guitar, Brad sits on the drum and cody holds the electric guitar.
Each trying testing how the instruments sounds.What an amazing band?

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    this is so elegant and then we have to get together soon period of time to get or something like that for a while now I have to get together with you 😜😜❤️❤️ you want to do you mean by jroa you po ba ba ba Yung Bleu de Chanel west mo na na song I send you the link when I get or experience and determination above all thank goodness it was a great day today love 😘💕 you po Ako ih so sikat I love you too baby do mo mAh Ang Dami mga teh sol text mo daw Yung gravy with chicken 🐔 I send you the ady


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    wow , im so like this novel , im so love , this good for our want to read this novel


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    500hhegkehejehejehehejwwgwkhwjwhesiiwheishswhwowuwiwheihdidjdidhddiuddiudjddidhs9hsushsishsduhseihddudhijeuehieyeuehdieeudjdiyd8dheieyeiww7wjisjsusjdisdueukyyfufufufyfystdyfyydtdtfyfugutyfyfugfygyfyfygug7fyffyff6r6rrr6r6r6tt7ttyfyffyfyfyufugguft7t7fyttyfyf6fyfyffuufft7t7ttrhrjewjhshsbshdhsdjdhhdjdjdhdjddjjdjdjdhndhdjdhsnshdjdjdbdjdbdjshdjdhdudhdhdjdjdudjddjdjdjjdhdkdhdudhudjdmdhddjdndjdjddbjdnjdndjdjdjdndjnxjdhwosbdienejjwjdjdjdjjnahsoebseiejoehdisnsisissjusnskwshidndshkshsh3 o que jdidjdjdjdji3


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