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chapter 4:Girls talk

It is a tranquil night. Dawn is sitting on a sofa with her phone at hand. She clicked the call button of her messenger app. She and her girl friends have a group chat and they usually make call or chat. Long ago, these ladies met each other on a syndicate' safehouse. When they we're fourteen, they were kidnapped by a notorius kidnap-for-ransom syndicate. They were rescued and since then, they became friends and stayed in touch with one another.
"Hi my dear ladies!" Lanie Taney, who lived in London, greeted. she is second fairy princess of Encantadia but her love to Ruiz makes her stay in london.
"Hallo! Guten Abend! How are we ladies" Ailen Hail, who lives in Germany, responded. The aplha Wolf princess of africa whom Jared ibanez the alpha of Germany mated sometimes i really wanna unfriend this coulple in facebook there so showy,
Dawn hum as she snorted Like Sana all.
Sana all means Hope everyOne have it.
"Meowwwww! Meowww!", blurted Nami Quiao sounding like a cat while she can be seen pating the head of her Egyptian Mau cat crouching on her lap. She's in China so as she's mate Myles stay with her, love binds together indeed.
"Konnichiwa!" Hanah Kaede from Japan greeted them.she is the princess loyalty of japan she was mated to Maco Susumo the emperor of japan.
"Hola senyoras! Como estamos esta noche?", greets Cassy in a thick Spanish accents. She lives in Spain,were she meet Hercules the most handsome male in Spain they were real macth with this mermaid princess cassy.
"Alooooha! Aloha ahiahi!" Elle vibrantly greeted them with a red Gumamela flower stuck on her left ear. She's exuberant. She goes on singing, "Pearly shell from the ocean, shining in the sun, hovering the shore, when I see them, my heart's filled with joy but I love, more than all a little pearly shell". She lives in Hawai enjoying the tropical island paradise.
The ladies exchanged greetings with other and a little catching up to each others life.
Dawn then told to them her current situation, about her parents and Victoria. The ladies agreed that Dawn should meet her father and teach victoria a lesson.
As ladies they have a lot to talk about. "Dawn you should seriously make a move to have a man". Ailen advised her. "Its nice having a mate. Someone you can hug and kiss, someone who can takes care, someone who proctects you and the kids." Lani said in affirmation
"Here we are again." Dawn sighed but in her mind, she thought maybe her friends are right. She's getting old. Maybe its time for her to give herself a chance to have a partner.
"Dont you like Bett Suvilan? He's kinda nice. He has a think lips but damn the bright smile he has. His lips almost reaching his ears that you can see a crescent moon carved on his face. Is she not your type?", Nami asked her teasingly. Bet is from the mountainous Cordillera Region in the Philippines. A descendant of the mountain gods. He has a typical Asian looks mixed with that of a Latino giving him a ruggedly good looking appearance.
"Why not Bhotski Hanz? He's pretty hot." Ailen suggested. Bhotski lives in Texas. Like his cowboy ancestors who roamed the Great Plains, he also is a cowboy.He owns a wide ranch where he raises cows, cattle and sheep. He is tall, lean, muscular and handsome.
"Azel is Good catch. He has cute dimples." Cassy said. Azel is a teacher. A son of a Russian mafia boss in America. Unlike his dad, he chosed to pursue a career and live a peaceful life.
"I think Brian will be the best choice for you. I am rooting for him", Elle replied. Brian is tall and lean. He has a Native American appearance; long hair, elongated narrow face, sharp nose and thick lips.
"How about Romeo so you'll be his Juliet?" Hanah blurted laughing. Romeo is a lawyer in England. A descendant of the infamous pirate Francis Drake who ruled the seas during his time. Romeo is tall, heavily bearded and charming.
"Enough ladies", says Dawn rolling her eyes disinterested. "I have a feeling that the guys you've mentioned are your crushes hahahaha, Dawn teased them ang laughed. The ladies strongly denied.
"Oh dear stop that please. Our partners might hear it", Ailen complained. "Yeah my husband might get jealous", Nami responded. Dawn and Elle burst into laughter." Stop those silly nominations ladies. I' happy with my brats", Dawn stated.
"Okay we understand. Maybe its not time yet? Soon everyone will have a partner whom the Moon Goddess has destined for us." Lani told them. The ladies all nod in unison. "Okay ladies thank you for your time and words. Let's call each other next time." The ladies then bade their good byes. " Good bye!" " Good night!" "Gute Nacht!" "Arigatou. Oyasumi nasai!" "Gracias por la llamada señoras." "Mahalo. Aloha ahiahi. Malama pono".
It is as if it was just yesterday when we were younger. They fight, climb mountains, they den climbed to the highest Mt. Everest, jogged together and more that friends does together. Now we have their lives.
Dawn got up from the sofa, went to peek at her children before going to sleep. She entered the room and saw Moody sleeping on the carpet with a pool of his saliva beside his half-opened mouth resting on the carpet. She carried him back to his bed. What a heavy piece of meat he is? She kissed each of her children before going to her room.
It is a daily routine that Dawn would helped his kids prepare for school and she would send them usually accompanied by their nanny. She prefers to live simply.
Most people assumed she's poor, a bumpkin girl, misstress and more but she just dont care.
Those are trivial matters to her. But if they mess up with her, she would makes those who messed up with her regret ever being born.
Dawn's residence is a two-story Italian designed house. It has four rooms upstairs and on the first story is a kitchen, living room, a guest room and one room for the nanny Maurice.
Maurice is a tall, petite and mild mannered young lady from the country side. She's been the kids' nanny since they were two-year olds. Now time is nearing where she must bid goodbye to Dawn and the kids. She is getting married. Dawn sometimes envy Maurice knowing she's about to get married while Dawn haven't found her mate. "Sana all," Dawn sighed.
As a gratitude for taking care of Dawn's kids' as if they were her own, Dawn gave Maurice unexpected gifts - a villa and a two million cash. Maurice was very happy. She couldn't ask for more.
The kids can now manage many things.
During Sundays which is Maurice's day off, the kids prepares their breakfast on their own. They are learning to be dependable on their own specially Cody, the eldest.
Sometimes he projects his domineering aura to his siblings. An authoritive figure comanding his siblings to behave.
Dawn made a decision to meet her father.
She called her children.
"Kid's common lets go for a shoopping today. We will also meet Aunty Ella from Hawaii." "Really Mom! Godmother will be there?" Bambi asked with enthusiasm."You're probably thinking again of food",
Moody answered Bambi.
Bambi turned to him and stuck out her tongue saying
"Anyway I am godmother's favorite. I won't let you have an ice. Hmmm!!!"
Moody all of a sudden stopped teasing her sister Bambi. The thought of eating an ice cream when they meet Aunty Elle motivates him to be nice to her sister.
"I'm just joking my dearest, most cute sister in the world. Common let's go my dearest princess sister." He says as he pats her sister's shoulder.The other siblings gave them no attention.
Such scenario isn't new to them. In every siblings, there is always that pair who always get in each other's nerve and in Dawn's children, it is Moody and Bambi.
Everywhere they go they attract people's attention. Onlookers can't be blamed. The kids are damn good looking.
As they entered the mall, they first went to the clothes shop to choose a proper attire for the incoming winter.The salelady looked at them as if doubting if they can pay.
Dawn showed her yellow card to the salelady's suprise. When the salelady swipped the yellow card she was stunned. Only ten people owns yellow card in the world. A yellow card contains three billion amounts and above which belongs to the ultra rich.
They picked some clothes they want and proceeded to the shoe shop. Moody asked for toys and Dara asked for teddy bears which Dawn couldn't refuse.
Dawn called Marcus, who came aboard a 2020 Super Grandia Backliner. Marcus helped them load stuffs they've bought in the car.
Dawn's phone suddenly rings. A call from Aunty Ella. "Hey where are you?", she asked.
"We're just done shooping. We'll meet you at the restaurant in a moment", Dawn replied.
"Okay I'll wait for you. I'll order some foods.
I can't wait to see the kiddos" Ella replied. "
I know.
Okey see you later", Dawn ended.

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    this is so elegant and then we have to get together soon period of time to get or something like that for a while now I have to get together with you 😜😜❤️❤️ you want to do you mean by jroa you po ba ba ba Yung Bleu de Chanel west mo na na song I send you the link when I get or experience and determination above all thank goodness it was a great day today love 😘💕 you po Ako ih so sikat I love you too baby do mo mAh Ang Dami mga teh sol text mo daw Yung gravy with chicken 🐔 I send you the ady


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    wow , im so like this novel , im so love , this good for our want to read this novel


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    500hhegkehejehejehehejwwgwkhwjwhesiiwheishswhwowuwiwheihdidjdidhddiuddiudjddidhs9hsushsishsduhseihddudhijeuehieyeuehdieeudjdiyd8dheieyeiww7wjisjsusjdisdueukyyfufufufyfystdyfyydtdtfyfugutyfyfugfygyfyfygug7fyffyff6r6rrr6r6r6tt7ttyfyffyfyfyufugguft7t7fyttyfyf6fyfyffuufft7t7ttrhrjewjhshsbshdhsdjdhhdjdjdhdjddjjdjdjdhndhdjdhsnshdjdjdbdjdbdjshdjdhdudhdhdjdjdudjddjdjdjjdhdkdhdudhudjdmdhddjdndjdjddbjdnjdndjdjdjdndjnxjdhwosbdienejjwjdjdjdjjnahsoebseiejoehdisnsisissjusnskwshidndshkshsh3 o que jdidjdjdjdji3


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