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chapter 3:power ability revealed

"Damn those idiot pack with alphas. They always  blame  the Rogues. This is not the first time." Rogue wolves has no pack. The just roam around with no place to stay.
They were rejected by their own packs,  mates, abondone by their parents and some were run away.There were many  Rogue troops around the world under my master's wing.
Now I am their boss. They are now under my mercy and protection.
Im thinking to retire but i can't specially the brats ability has come out maybe i needed some forces soon.
After lunch Paul and Moody confessed to me strange things they can do. "That abilities you have is not for playing. Keep it secret". I told them. "Okay Mom" uttered Paul.
Paul then closed his eyes the out of a sudden, he evaporated. Meanwhile Moody showed me his super speed ability. He can move faster than the flash of a lightning. I was astonished but at the same time happy that they have super powers to protect themselves. At the same time, I also can't help but worry for them.
I, as a mother is worried. Cody can move things true his mind. He has telekinetic ability. Brad has super strength. He can break ten stacked up wooden bricks at his young age of six.
Dara has the ability become invinsible. . Bambi has this bizarre and unusual ability to stop someone one time she accidentally apply to her brother Moody stops from chewing his food. They have the advantage of super senses.
I know they need to control thier awaken abilities. I need to guide them.
I'm not yet finish with my research. I went to the old house were we used to live with my master before he was gone. I looked at this familiar place, the grass were tall,tress were old and the house was shabby
I opened the small l rusty gate. It made a creeking sound. I to open the door. Unfortunately, I have forgotten the key but I remember, a duplicate key is always hidden under a pot beside the door. I lifted the pot and saw a rusted key. I openned the door. Its dark so I switched on the lights and my eyes wandered my around my old home. Sadness is in my eyes.
I went to my master's study room hoping to find something I need. Spiders wave are all around.I saw a painting of an eye on the wall. I went near it, touched the eye, pressed it and suddenly the painting broke into two. Its a safety box. I got a flashlight for lighting. Insdide the box were documents. I saw a small book, I presumed its a diary. On the first page it is written "My journey". Their is a sticky note with writting "Dawn this is your mother's diary." I was surprised.
I checked the other documents which contained some of master's land titles, bussiness ownership's which he all transferred the ownership to my name. I am now crazy rich. Thanks to my master.
I took the documents and other things and returned home.
While their mother is away, in a room, little fingers were pressing the keyboards of a laptop. It was the latest state of the art laptop in the world. There were only six of it kind puposely costumed- made only for the sexduplets. A luxury for the ultra rich. Wich such technology, it is easy to search and gather any information.
Two years ago they tried to search for thier father all over China. They were four years old that time. "I tried my best but no result", says Brad as he stopped typing and turned to his siblings. Cody told his siblings to search for information that might pertain to their dad's identity in specific country.
He got all the information to Aldrin, friend of their mother, and the top one hacker in country but not to mom. "Were identifying all the beta and alpha wolves but none of them looks like our father. Let's search for Lycans."
"What is a Lycan big brother?" Asked Bambi.
"Lycan is the powerful rank for werewolves." Cody assigned the areas to be check. Twenty minutes passed, they look at each other with disapointment.
Dara looking again at the screen exclaimed
"I found someone. His name is PauLo Hamilton." She stared at Cody then Brad then Paul. "You look like him Paul.' She stated. Her five siblings gathered to look at the photo carefully. "Could it be that he is our father?" Moody asked. "Maybe. Let's check information about him." "Yes we will soon have a daddy."
Exclaimed Bambi in excitement. Checking information about Paul Hamilton gave them disappointment.That man is already married and has a child. As they searched for Paul's relatives, they found four men who's face resembles them. As they searched further for more information, three of the men were married. The unmarried one caught their attention the most. They resemble him in looks. Fair skinned, oval faced, somewhat chinky eyes, thin lips, sharp nose and a protruding jaw covered with beard reaching to the hair on the ears.
"Daddy!" Hope, joy and exitement filled their eyes.
Trevor Halmiton
Meanwhile in the other part of the world, miles apart from this kids, he sneezed not once, not twice but six times. "What the fuck?" He uttered.
"Maybe six people are missing you like crazily."AlJur teased him laughing. He crampled the paper in front of his table and hit Aljur with it.
"Shut up!" He exclaimed at with a sharp gaze.
"Hey Alpha Trevor, you're getting yet you still haven't found your mate. The old alphas are teasing and nagging you to choose from those unmated women of all werewolves and high ranking families.
You have many to choose from, not unless you want to be a Baak." Says Gerald chuckling. Baaks is the term  for those who reached old age unmarried (from a native tribe language in the phillipines) he learn some words when Gerald visit the summer capital of that country.
The six  Lycans have a tight bonds with each other; Caden, James, Trevor's cousins Aljur, Paulo, Gerald,Drix and his beta Felix.They all of them found thier Luna, their mates.That's why they always teased Trevor.They even tried offering Trevor women from youngest, sexeist, most beautiful model, and many more.
They have no idea that their Luna's before, while unmarried haves crushes on Trevor. Every unmarried werewolves wishes and dreamt to be Trevor's mate. Many women, both  human and werewolves wanted to climb Trevor's bed but none succeeded.
It's been seven years already but Trevor couldn't find the girl at  that night. Everytime he thought of it makes  him crazy. He never had a women by his side. He doesn't want being touch by women.Though he tried, he got disgusted.
He doesn't mind having no Luna. At the  time of his appointment as leader of all Werewolves , everything it goes well despite him having no Luna. The elders all werewolves and other creatures believe that having a Luna or mate makes a alpha whole and and the pack more stonger in bond.
Two months from now the selection party will be held.
Dawn's PoV:
After reading my mothers diary,
I dont know what emotion would I feel.
Being denied by my father when I'm inside my mother's womb. Now I know my father's name and the things they've done to my mother.
My father believed that my mother was unfaithful to him because of cunning tricks. Someone set up and arranged an omega werewolf to pretend to be sleeping with my mother. As a result  they chased her away from the pack called Moon River Pack.
My mom's stained reputation became a disgrace to my father as an alpha. The worst part is that my father didn't listen to my mom's explanation. My Mom become a rogue until she meet my master who helped her got a new identity and left that place. She then gave birth to me. My mother never told my father that she's pregnant with me. It was supposed to be a surprised but that sad unfortunate event happened.
"I want your father to know the truth
that I didn't betrayed him. I loved him with all my heart and he's the only man in all my life".She named a person whom she suspected to have plotted agaisnt her. A plot that desyroyed her marriage and brought her misery. It was her mother's rival for her father's love. Her name is Victoria.
I am about to flip the next page but there is a code lock. It is a magical code lock that requires a quest to be done before the other page can be flipped. A quest was written, "If you want to know more about our origin and where I am now Dawn, to flipped the next page, meet your father ask when was the date we've meet.You are the fruit of our love with promises that has been broken. I love you my daugther."
"My gosh mom. You even wrote in your dairy how you still love my unbelieving father You even make things difficult am i really your daughter ." I sighed.
i dont have plan to meet my father at all but it seems Mom want's me to meet him.
I didnt intend to have a intimate relationship with any man except that one night.

Mom i really don't know the feeling of being love by a man or to love a man.
I only have my Brats and im happy with it she talk to her mom in mind.
What should i do?

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    this is so elegant and then we have to get together soon period of time to get or something like that for a while now I have to get together with you 😜😜❤️❤️ you want to do you mean by jroa you po ba ba ba Yung Bleu de Chanel west mo na na song I send you the link when I get or experience and determination above all thank goodness it was a great day today love 😘💕 you po Ako ih so sikat I love you too baby do mo mAh Ang Dami mga teh sol text mo daw Yung gravy with chicken 🐔 I send you the ady


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    wow , im so like this novel , im so love , this good for our want to read this novel


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    500hhegkehejehejehehejwwgwkhwjwhesiiwheishswhwowuwiwheihdidjdidhddiuddiudjddidhs9hsushsishsduhseihddudhijeuehieyeuehdieeudjdiyd8dheieyeiww7wjisjsusjdisdueukyyfufufufyfystdyfyydtdtfyfugutyfyfugfygyfyfygug7fyffyff6r6rrr6r6r6tt7ttyfyffyfyfyufugguft7t7fyttyfyf6fyfyffuufft7t7ttrhrjewjhshsbshdhsdjdhhdjdjdhdjddjjdjdjdhndhdjdhsnshdjdjdbdjdbdjshdjdhdudhdhdjdjdudjddjdjdjjdhdkdhdudhudjdmdhddjdndjdjddbjdnjdndjdjdjdndjnxjdhwosbdienejjwjdjdjdjjnahsoebseiejoehdisnsisissjusnskwshidndshkshsh3 o que jdidjdjdjdji3


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